Monday, May 19, 2008

Article Marketing - At Last A Free Step By Step How To Guide Part 13

In our last segment we explored the Authors Resource Box and how to turn it into a subscription generating machine. This time we will talk about credibility in Article Marketing.

When you begin your Article Marketing Career you will be unknown. The only way to bring your name out of obscurity is to write article after article after article. Believe me you will first hate writing them. Then after awhile you will learn to love it.

** Step 11 - Credibility in Article Marketing **

As the number of your article grow you will begin to see more and more traffic on your website. Why? The reason for this is simple actually. You have written enough articles that you name has become known and you are now recognized as an expert in your field. We call that credibility.

Credibility is the quality, capability, or power to elicit belief. A credible person is someone who is experienced, intelligent, skilled and qualified in their own niche. They are an expert who is also honest, fair, unselfish and caring.

When writing an article and there by building credibility with potential customers there are a few things that you should remember and put into practice.

1.) Always write articles that are high in quality, full of useful content, and educate your reader.

2.) Speak on a subject and give concise information, do not just toss a list of links out there and call it an article, hoping that readers they click the link in your resource box.

You will reap the rewards of giving your readers quality content. If you can leave a reader with the feeling that they learned something simply by reading an article that you have written they will be much more inclined to click through to your website and join your list.

3.) Us a conversational style when writing your articles. Your readers will be much more appreciative of an article that talks to them instead of at them. If you write your articles with all the pizzazz of a service manual for a 1999 Toyota they will be flat and leave your readers wondering what they just read.

Bored readers will simply find something else to read.

4.) Never mislead your readers with your headline. If your headline implies that you are talking about the problem of illegal drugs then do not use it for an article that is really about where to buy wholesale prescriptions.

Dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong with writing a powerful, attention demanding headline, but be honest. Readers open your articles because your headline inspired them to. Do not ruin your credibility with dishonesty.

Credibility takes time to build and care to maintain, but can be lost very easily.

This mini-course will be continued in Part 14.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. To get Lee's brand new product A Complete Internet Business in an Easy Open Can! please visit


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