Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Marketing - Idea Creation

What Do I Write About?

Writing articles is not as difficult as you think. Think what your customers need to know about your products and you should easily be able to come up with ten or even more ideas about the articles you can write about.

Here are a few tips you can apply when planning to write articles:

1.If you do not know where to start, then go to where the money is.

Research for niches that are highly marketable and be creative. For example, we all know that 'golf' is a very popular word online. Everybody who's everybody else has written about that niche. So be creative. Look for long-tail keywords pertaining to that niche. Long-tail keywords are keywords which are more than 2 or 3 words long. 'Golf training', for example is a long-tail keyword, so is 'golf balls and clubs'. Write anything which are golf-related, but golf itself. You can easily write 10 articles from that niche itself.

2.Go to forums in your niche.

Look closely at the questions being asked. Supply the answer. A glass of water to a thirsty crowd is very very valuable!

3.Go to the best article directories

Get some ideas for articles from articles that are already there. Do not copy, but get some ideas from articles that are already written and accepted by these article directories.

4.Go to your competitors' websites, or websites that provide complimentary products to yours.

Check the information there. If they have great content, re-write their content into articles in your very own words. Remember this is research.

5.Look for ideas in blogs pertaining to your niche.

Use your main keywords and the term 'blog'. Have a feel of what people are talking about in your niche. If they have questions, answer them. Simple as that.

When you have finished writing your articles, the next thing to do is to submit those articles to article directories for exposure and great links. Here are the top 4 article directories:





The above tips and tricks provide an amazing launchpad for you in your article-writing venture. Try them and see what works best for you.

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