Thursday, May 22, 2008

Article Marketing Tips and Strategies

This is one strategy used by many marketers today. Whether you're a pro online or a beginner, there is one thing that is common between the two - And that is Traffic ! Having a good website is great. Having a good salesletter is great also. But if there's no traffic coming to your site then you need to find a way to get it there. The way that I have found to get that flow of traffic is through this particular form of marketing you are reading right now. And that is "Article Marketing."

The reason why so many people give up on writing is because they write two or three articles and sit back to wait for the flood of traffic to come and it never does. Because article marketing doesn't work that way. Consistency is the name of the game here! You will increase the traffic flow by writing more. Just spend a few minutes a day focusing on the subject at hand and you will be amazed. And if you don't have the time to complete an article a day, then shoot for every other day or once a week and then you will begin to notice a difference in the flow of traffic over the course of time.

Another reason why many people give up on writing articles is because they say that they run out of things to write about. And that there is a limit of things to talk about when there is just a few subjects at hand. Well that may be true, but when you begin to write you bring a uniqueness that nobody else has. When reading articles some people don't receive the same information that another person might receive from that same article. Because there are so many forms to writing. That is where you come in. Nobody has what you have. Just begin to talk. And as you talk, start writing. And before you know it ,you've written an article - congratulations!

Using article marketing to get traffic to your site, you also have to have good content. This is why I love using this method. To bring good content you need to know a little bit of what you are talking about. So that sort of force you to go out and learn something new that you probably didn't know before. Which means that you are growing. And the more that you grow - The more you know - and The more you know -The more you talk - and as you talk remember - start writing - and Bingo! Another article.

After you've written your article, don't forget the resource box. That box is reserved for you to introduce yourself and a call to action. There you will have your chance to direct your reader to where you desire them to go. That is why it is important to have good content in your article. If you've capture the readers attention long enough to get to your resource box then consider that article a success. Everybody is not gonna be interested in what you have to offer, but that's ok. The main thing to concentrate on is to develop good content so we all can benefit from and we all can continue to grow and write articles.

For more information about writing articles and a FREE ecourse click on the URL below

Truby Johnson is an Internet Network Marketer who love to help others. I look for simple ways to market on the Internet. To learn more about my system just call me at (813) 210-7395

or you can just click on the link below. Have a Blessed day


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