Friday, May 2, 2008

Article Marketing to Drive Highly Qualified Traffic to Your Web Site or Blog

Article marketing is a great way to drive highly qualified traffic and visitors to your website. Most people don't use it though, and those that do use it don't use it to anywhere near it's full potential.

Do you know the strategy that most people on the internet use to get visitors to their web site? It's called the "hope and pray that someone stumbles onto my web site" strategy.

Even though it fails miserably as a strategy, it's still a very popular strategy.

Some people use pay-per-click, some do list exchanges, some people even try to buy traffic to their sites.

The main strategy I use to bring visitors to my website(s) everyday is article marketing.

Here are the steps I use everyday.

1. Write lots of great quality articles - The higher your article volume the higher all your other numbers are going to be, and that includes visitors to your website.

2. Serve up your gem - A gem is a slice of your expertise that represents you well. Invite your reader back to your web site to an opt-in page where they exchange their email address for your gem.

3. Follow up with your new subscriber - Just like with anything else, your future and your fortune is in the follow up. Follow up with your new subscriber and invite them back to your website for more information. Your goal is to turn them into a regular member of your network and regular visitor to your website.

So are you going to use the "stumble upon my website approach" or the approach of article marketing?

If you are ready for the article marketing approach, then I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &


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