Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Article Writing for Traffic Driving

Here again, everyone is talking about article writing, all newbies are told or have read at some point of time about this-write articles and publish them to article directories with free reprint rights. But does it does work really? Yes!

First off, you write an article related to a specific niche. For example, if you want to write on "EDC Gold compensation" write and submit this article to 10 article directories that already had a decent archive and good search engine rank. While submitting this article take appropriate care to select the right "keywords" which would trigger your article for greater readability.

So on the first level you get started getting visitors directly from article directories who can come through by clicking the link in the resource box. Here come the two most important things.
1) A good and catchy title to your article.
2) Selecting the appropriate keywords that would trigger your article.

After visitors at the article directories start finding your article, some of them might use it on their own website. This can in turn help their visitors. You can expect to get some traffic from these websites as well and most importantly an "inbound link" to your website.

Always prefer submitting your article to those directories that have a page rank of 3 or more. It should work wonders for you.

You slowly start getting traffic directly from search engine results. The strategy is also useful for affiliates too and you can write an article in such a way that the search engines will pick up the title and rank well at the results and send the traffic directly to the vendor's website through YOUR affiliate link.

There are some article directories that do not allow affiliate links in the resource box. You will have to go through the publishing editorial guidelines before submitting. However, there are 2 disadvantages here.

The article page cannot rank permanently at that number, because, an article directory is a dynamic platform and there will be many articles submitted every hour. If someone else's article has juicy keywords your articles loses its position on that particular search engine results, instantaneously.

Also you cannot guarantee that the article will always be picked up by search engine and be ranked in top 10. But there is a surefire way to write an article that will always rank well at the search engines.

Again as you write more articles, more webmasters around the world copy and paste them on their websites, and your website starts ranking well at the search engines because of massive amount of incoming links. Once this happens, you start getting an immediate flow of free-targeted traffic from search engines.

The best part about achieving traffic this way is that you don't have to pay a single dime. The key is to write for people as well as search engines. It's not at all difficult. Anyone who can write and read English can do this. Even if you have not written a single line before, you can go ahead very fine with writing articles for attracting website traffic in less than a month.

As a newbie into home-based business I learnt the art of article writing from Shay Patil, a EDC top earner and Internet marketing expert. You can ask him of other Internet Marketing Secrets and he is ready to tell you. Shay also offers mentoring to his members and offers valuable and workable strategies to generate web traffic as well as help them convert to sales. He did help me and can help you as well. If you want to know more about EDC program as a home-based opportunity and how the top earner works along with his members visit this EDCGold Marketing and Training Site.


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