Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Creative Copywriting Maven Column - Article Marketing - An Open Letter To Every Business Owner

Dear Creative Copywriting Maven,

I'm confused. I own a business and have applied various marketing methods, both online and offline. Now I'm hearing buzz about article marketing. What is article marketing and why in the world should I care about marketing with articles?

Signed, A Confused Business Owner

Dear Confused,

Article marketing is simply the process of writing articles (or hiring a writer to compose them for you), adding a bio and link back to your website at the end of the articles, then submitting them to article directories online.

Submitting your articles to directories, like is an excellent (and easy!) way to build links back to your website. Plus you get targeted traffic because you're writing articles that will be read by your target market.

The only thing catch to this is that you have to make a committed effort to marketing like this for the long-term. You can't submit a handful of articles, then quit and expect to keep getting traffic. You need to create a plan for writing & submitting a specific number of articles every week. The more articles you add, the more traffic you'll see from them.

You can also give your articles away for free to be used in other newsletters, websites, etc, as long as your bio and website link stay in tact and clickable. Article marketing is an easy way to get free advertising that many people don't know about and don't make use of.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you need any more help. My rates and services are listed on my website.

Is your copy all pooped out? I can help revive and refresh old copy or write all new copy for your business. I specialize in creative copywriting articles, tips lists, columns, blogs, newsletters and more. For more information on my copywriting services, or to view my rates, visit Hope Writes online at


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