Friday, May 16, 2008

Exchange Your Web Site Popularity

Link exchanging has become a legitimate and respected practice amid many webmasters in the online community. Once concerns over being confused with a "link farm," made many site owners hesitate, however the idea never failed to transcend such worries and has become a popular option for building traffic.

If link exchanging is performed in a professional and reasonable way, it can boost the results of your hard work. It an improve search engine rank, offer great link popularity, and ultimate, increase your worthwhile web traffic.

To maximize your benefit and improve your traffic, there are several factors you need to be aware of. Link exchanging only works when you know precisely what you want to say. You must both know your "niche," or area of specialty, you must have a fully finished web site. It isn't very interesting to consider a link exchange with a site that is, "under construction," and is most likely new. New web sites simply don't have the traffic of established sites and it often takes time before any such volume of traffic will regularly visit.

Once your site is complete and ready for traffic, you can start looking through the similar web sites out there. It's best to avoid seeing these sites as simple "competitors," if you want the system of link exchanging to work. These sites can bring you a great deal of traffic that is already interested in what your site offers.

When you are exchanging, do not behave in ways that will get on other webmaster's bad sides. Don't demand that they link with you or expect an immediate response to your offer. Webmasters are often hit with tens or hundreds of visitors requesting link exchanges. Watch your tone in your communications and appreciate the effort of all parties involved. Never set deadlines or try to pressure the other webmaster into linking with you. If they are interested they will respond.

Naturally, if you want to exchange, always get permission from the other party's web site beforehand. Do not expect someone to link with you just because you placed a link to them on your page. Another common behavior to avoid is the virtual, "bait-and-switch."

This is where you agree to a link exchange, wait until they have posted your link, and remove the return link to their site. This will often get your link permanently removed with no hope of future exchanges with that domain.

Also, actually visit the sites you want to exchange links with. Many webmasters are good at noting which offers are genuine and which are impersonal or automated.

Now that the basics of what you should not do are established, it's time to discuss how you can benefit and prosper from link exchanging.

For link exchanging, create at least one page that's specifically for your links. This should be visible on your home page. You may have as many pages as you like so long as you don't overdo your linking on each page. The limit for linking penalties in search engines is around twenty or twenty-five links per page. When you pass this amount, you run the risk that a search engine will mistake your page for a link farm.

For example, if you have a site devoted to electronics and exchange links with similar sites, you will showcase different areas for software, computer systems, and hardware on your partners' sites. This gives your visitor a greater knowledge of where the links point and what they can expect to find at the end of them.

It will also improve your visitor's experience if you organize the exterior links. Some webmasters leave a small notification to let visitors know clicking on the link will take them away from their site.

Your "guest links," will have a title and a brief description. Your titles should be in simple title format with no all capitals or "toggle" formatting. A good title length will be around twenty-five characters.

To optimize your link exchanging, keep your link descriptions brief, as well. Never use more than twenty words to describe where each link points to. Be concise, precise, and straightforward about your inner navigation and the navigation you have to sites outside.

Link exchanging can provide a beneficial tool for promotion and profiting from the internet. By adhering to a few simple rules, you can have all the traffic of exterior links without any search engine penalties for doing so.

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