Friday, May 23, 2008

For Affective Online Advertising Write An Affective Subject Line

Being the Associate Director for an online business that puts businesses' products and services in front of thousands of potential consumers on a daily basis, I am constantly getting emails from our customers, and those looking to become our customers, on how to write an affective Internet promotion on our web site.

More specifically, how to write an affective headline or subject line that will really draw in a customer to investigate what you have to offer. That is what I am going to focus on in this article segment, the `art` of writing and developing a quality online promotion or advertisement subject line.

At any given time, we have thousands of promotions placed in over 4 dozen categories, through out over 20,000 cities worldwide. I have had the privilege of seeing some really good promotions and some really bad ones. Here is what I noticed. Let me start with talking about the bad subject lines I have read.

One thing the bad promotions all have in common in regards to their subject line is unrealistic over hype. I can`t tell you how much head shaking I do when I see a customer place an promotion, without asking us for advice first, and then write a headline that is so incredibly bad. I have seen things such as "Make millions today!", and "Click here for the greatest product ever!". Those are some of the worse headlines you can write. They are over dramatic and anyone with a half a brain knows they are unrealistic and a waste of time to look at.

Your headline or subject line should read something more realistic, yet `hook` your potential customer in reading further into your advertisement. A good advertisement would be, "We are Looking for Partners in Business", or "Our New Product Makes Cooking Easier", or something along those lines. You will have to tailor your online subject for what it is that you are selling or providing.

Keep in mind you have one line, sometimes with only up to 50 characters to hook the reader. Don`t over hype what is in the rest of your promotion with a gaudy headline. Make it simple, yet will intrigue the potential customer. In turn it will trigger their inner feelings to want to know more about what is in the rest of the promotion.

For an affective online advertising campaign, there are three separate parts, the subject line, which we have already touched on, the subject matter and then finally the close. In our next article segment we are going to go in depth about writing an affective promotion in your subject matter. I can tell you from our own business that we offer robust web tools so you can really make your subject matter shine. However, beyond the bells and whistles, you still need to make the content of that ad, reader friendly. With good promotion content, the reader, your potential customer, will get excited about what it is your offering. One they are excited you need to pull them in with the close, which will be part three in our article segments, in place online promotions.

Now you can start with a better understanding of approaching an affective online promotion, knowing that you need a subject line that will hook, not over hype, the potential customer.

Bruce A. Tucker is the Associate Director of an online resource that allows businesses and individuals to post their products and services for sale in 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world.


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