Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Frustrated Marketer Tries To Grasp Search Engine Marketing Strategies

Who wants to be a statistic? Well frustrated marketers don't because that would put them in the percentage of Internet marketers that are not succeeding with their online home business, but give that frustrated marketer a search engine marketing strategies course they can understand and apply and see if they want to be a statistic then. That information could move them from 85% of failing marketers into the 15% that have learned to earn online.

Give the frustrated marketer the correct tools, which in this case is knowledge on search engine marketing along with some patient guidance and that frustrated marketer will become the fascinated marketer who can't believe it could be that easy to get listed in any search engine and to start a flow of never ending targeted traffic to their web site.

I was a frustrated marketer and so many of the people have met online were the same. The thing we had most in common, other than being a frustrated and somewhat desperate marketer, was the fact that we kept jumping from strategy to strategy without applying the right focus or giving the strategy the adequate time to succeed.

How many fish do you think you would catch if you put your line in the water long enough to get it wet and then yanked it back out again, moved to a new spot and started the process all over again. After a few fishing trips with no fish you would become frustrated too.

Marketing online is like fishing without keeping your line in the water, so your first lesson is to stay in the game until you have given adequate time to your strategy, whether you are fishing or marketing.

Another problem the frustrated marketer has to deal with is fishing with the wrong bait. All they catch are fish they need to through back because they are not the target species they are looking for. Your bait here, the keywords you use, need to attract the right fish. If you don't get it right you will be getting visitors, drawn by your bait, that just turn around and leave as soon as they arrive.

The next problem I picked up on was the fact that if you go fishing in your bath tub you will likely go hungry yet a lot of frustrated marketers are doing just that by not finding their right target group.

So like fishing if you don't do your research you will remain a frustrated fisher-person, or in this case, a frustrated marketer that scratches their head at the term, search engine marketing.

If this example of a frustrated marketer sounds a lot like you I am sorry to hear it, but there is a light at the end of tunnel, if you turn around and head in the right direction.

You have two roads you can take. The first can be expensive, but if you have been throwing your money away for quite a while it may be an option. That option would be to hire a search engine marketing specialist or expert. They can have you setup and receiving targeted traffic to your web pages in a very short time, but you do have to pay for that type of service. On the other hand...

You have a second road, which isn't paved and will take you quite a bit longer. That would be to learn search engine marketing for yourself. The downside to this method is the amount of time required. The upside is the fact that once you learn search engine marketing strategies that work you can apply them to any web page you want and it only costs you your time and not that hard earned cash.

I choose to take the second road and am no longer a frustrated marketer. I have also helped others learn simple search engine optimization strategies that helped to move them from the negative stats side to the positive side and they to are no longer a frustrated or desperate marketer.

James Mann has written a FREE 7 day search engine optimization ecourse that has help many Internet marketing newbies, including his friend Ned The Newbie, otherwise known as Gary.

Learn what SEO Elite can do for your business


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