Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Internet Marketing Expert Matt Bacak's Easy 3 Step Action Plan for Internet Success

Internet Marketing Expert, Matt Bacak earned his first million online as an affiliate. In a recent interview with fellow Internet Marketing expert, Armand Morin, challenged Matt Bacak and asked him what he would do if lost everything and had to start all over again to make money online. So here's Matt Bacak's three step action plan for those starting an online business and selling a info-product with very little start-up cash.

Step 1: Set Up Your Website
Set up your web site with a compelling sales letter. If you hate copywriting then you can hire someone to write the sales copy for you from sites such as Elance, Rentacoder or Guru. Alternatively, there are some excellent sales letter software programs that you can choose from. In addition, you can also use these sites to find website builders as well.

Once you've written your sales letter you also should consider having an opt-in page so that you can start capturing the names of visitors to your website.

Step 2: Set Up Your Autoresponder Series
An autoresponder allows you to automate your communications with your customers and potential customers. You can re-purpose the copy for your sales letter by breaking it down into small components that focus on the benefits of your product.

Using this autoresponder series you can continue to promote your digital product to those who opt-in to your list but do not immediately purchase your product.

You can choose services such as Aweber or GetResponse to set up your autoresponders.

Step 3: Generate Traffic
Matt Bacak advises writing ten articles as quickly as you can and submitting them to key article directories. You can use your resource box to drive people back to your opt-in page.

Obviously, the more consistently you write the better your results from this traffic generation method. Here are three key advantages of using articles as a traffic generation strategy:

1. It's can be done for free unless you choose to use a ghost writer.
2. Even if you choose to use a ghost writer costs can be quite low.
3. Article writing can have immediate, short-term and long-term benefits as, once published your articles are permanently in cyberspace and their reach can be far and wide.

Initially, you may want to just start out by submitting articles to a few strategic sites but to achieve a wider distribution you can use an Article Submission service such as Article Marketer which offer a low-cost, yet efficient service to distribute your articles to thousands of sites. They even offer a free service to 29 sites.

In addition to the website already mentioned sources of ghost writers or freelance writers include iFreelance and GetAFreelancer.

If you want to write your own articles but hate writing try speaking your articles. Some individuals find it much easier to talk into a microphone and this can be a relatively quick way to create articles. You simply get your audio recording transcribed and after, hopefully, minor editing you have a written article.

An advantage of this method is that you have both written and oral content and using both on your website or blog will increase access to your material. Just as you may not like writing; some people don't like reading and prefer to use their hearing modality.

For more FREE expert advice on how to develop every key angle of your online business please visit Expert Internet Marketing Solutions. For a tried and tested system that you can use to sell services as well as info-products online please visit Proven Online Solutions. You'll be absolutely amazed!


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