Friday, May 16, 2008

Internet Marketing Insider Secret - Learn This Internet Marketing Insider Secret & You Will Succeed

I'm glad you're here. If you are, it's likely you're an internet marketer looking to increase your VALUE by learning how to effectively market online.

Good on you.

I'm going to share with you an internet marketing insider secret that will literally change the way you do business online...if you're not already using it :) It's a secret so few online entrepreneurs REALLY get...and I'm going to drive it home to you here so you never make the mistake so many struggling network marketers are making RIGHT NOW.

It's this simple: Generate an endless stream of FREE leads to YOU every day and your business will thrive. Whoa...before you click away in disgust at the simplicity of the secret, let's give it some attention and look at it critically.

First off, when I say FREE leads, I mean leads that do not cost you a dime to generate YOURSELF over and over and over again. So, this does not include PPC advertising, buying leads, throwing home parties, talking with friends and family, none of that. I mean honest-to-goodness FREE LEADS.

Second, I mention an ENDLESS STREAM...not here today, gone tomorrow. FREE LEADS that keep flowing into your marketing funnels EVERY DAY.

This is a internet marketing insider secret worth thinking long and hard about, friend. Because if you do not have free leads flowing into your funnels on a daily basis, then you are going to be pouring money into your business.

The final bit of information hidden in this internet marketing insider secret is the word "GENERATE". What I mean by that is that YOU are generating the leads yourself. This is so important because if you are generating the leads, you have total control over who you attract into your marketing funnels.

Target your marketing and you will generate the most highly targeted leads possible...which is vitally important in terms of the quality of your leads.

So, for instance if you are selling high buck vegetarian dog food, you want to target an audience that has extra cash to spend on their pup, people who are likely vegetarian themselves and care about animals. You do the research and determine your specific niche, the point it here that you want to be targeting a specific niche with each of your marketing campaigns.

Once you have your marketing campaigns in place and a target niche(s), it's time to get out on the internet and ADD VALUE, plastering your url all over the web - driving people back to your marketing funnel(s).

There are a ton of free ways to do that using WEB 2.0 social networking forums like youTube, MySpace, Blogging, Facebook, Squidoo, Article Marketing, etc... The key to using them effectively is to ADD VALUE - don't make the mistake of going out and spamming everyone with your offer.

If you provide valuable information for FREE everywhere you go, you will attract and ENDLESS stream of interested prospects to you EVERY SINGLE DAY! I wish you the very best of success :)

Jenn Lawlor is a online marketing coach. She shows network marketers how to grow successful businesses online using the latest in cutting edge technologies.

Find out more about Jenn's latest business or take a look at her training videos on youTube:


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