Saturday, May 24, 2008

Internet Marketing - List Building and Affiliate Marketing Go Hand-in-Hand

When your Internet marketing game is selling affiliate products, you may think it's impossible for you to be list building at the same time. Untrue! You can use the product or program to be list building, just as if you had a product of your own.

You can use any means to sell products that isn't illegal or disallowed in your affiliate agreement. Most affiliate pages, emails, and such are just there so that affiliates who aren't so skilled in Internet marketing will have something to promote. You've heard the 80/20 rule? Only 20% of the people involved in an affiliate program of any kind will actively promote it in creative ways and make sales. Because they're more creative and active, they make more money and everyone is happy, so don't let being an affiliate for a program stop you from list building at the same time.

When you set up the list building page, give people a review of the product, for instance. Once people read what you have to say about it, they'll be more inclined to sign up because someone else has used it and is readily sharing its benefits. Just be sure that you have tried the product and can stand by a good review, which can be done in 250 words or less.

The review should show the reader how buying or using the product will benefit them. Point out it's shortcomings, too. Because no product or program is perfect, people expect to see a balance. Too much praise will seen artificial.

If you need to start building your first Internet marketing list, Tellman Knudson's My First List is an excellent product. Not only does it give you step-by-step methods for choosing a domain, setting up a web hosting account, and building a squeeze page, Tellman, in his own words, teaches you how to monetize the list you're building. It makes things so easy for you that you barely have to think, and when you've finished working the system, it will be something you'll never forget.

I will state that the product isn't free, so if you're looking for free information, this isn't it. But it's always been my experience that paid is better than free, and why waste time? You could spend months putting together what Tellman teaches you in 9 short hours.

I became an affiliate of this program only because I have used it and proved that it works. I'm already making money, and if you'd like to learn how, please fill in your name and email address for more information.

When people go to the My First List site, they'll see another opt-in box, that's true. They may be reluctant to fill in their names and email addresses again, but if you excite them enough, they'll just do it. However, this probably will work better when your affiliate page is opt-in box free. People don't mind giving their information again when they 're buying something. It's expected. This is just an example.

After people opt-in to your list, they will get a "thank you" message that you'll create as the first message in your autoresponder series, which will include a bit more information about the product or Internet marketing program and a link to your affiliate page. This system is easy to set up and will boost your list building efforts very quickly. Try it!

Tellman Knudson, CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman teaches you his system for explosive list building at


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