Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Internet Marketing Strategies for Google AdWords

AdWords is a tricky tool to use; on one hand it can make you a lot of money. Of course on the other hand, you can blow your entire life savings if you have no clue what you're doing. Marketing with AdWords is all about staying relevant; If you're too broad or off topic, you'll can't slammed or should I say slapped.

The first set of strategies you need to consider is to make your ads as closely related as possible. Make sure your keywords are in your ad title and in the body of your ad as well. Make separate campaigns for keywords that will need a separate ad; you may need to make many campaigns for the same product.

Next, you need to make sure that all of the keywords you're picking are closely related to your landing page. If you are an Internet Marketer trying to use a squeeze page to capture visitors email addresses, make sure that your squeeze page is optimized to your keywords. If one of your keywords is stock market strategies, make sure that the word is somewhere on your squeeze page or has a phrase closely related to the keyword. You may need to make multiple landing pages for each ad group or campaign.

Another marketing tip would be to optimize your display URL to also read one of your keywords if possible. Every little bit helps when it comes to AdWords; they're so anal, but it actually helps smart marketers out because the higher your quality score is, the higher you're ranked regardless of bids.

AdWords is just one of many internet marketing strategies you need to implement everyday, stick with it and you will be successful.

Try the new Adwords techniques here for free...


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