Friday, May 9, 2008

Market Your Expertise By Sharing It in Writing

Few marketing tactics are as focused or cost-effective as writing articles for the purpose of establishing your credibility and demonstrating your expertise to your market. For entrepreneurs, this strategy is particularly effective, especially over time. Utilizing this technique in combination with your blog or web site is a sure means of gaining market recognition and demonstrating credibility in your area of experience and expertise.

Article writing is a means to give away a bit of your knowledge and skill in exchange for the opportunity to offer your prospects additional services. It is a wonderful win-win for everyone. This article writing strategy has been utilized and recommended by many top bloggers and successful entrepreneurs. I must attribute a majority of my site's growth to writing and distributing articles in a targeted, focused manner. These articles have appeared in countless company and web newsletters, blog posts, web sites and so on, helping to establish my market credibility.

The methodology is simple: Write about topics of interest to your market and customers. Include an author tag-line at the bottom of the article for inclusion of your name, business, web site, etc... Then, publish these articles in a variety of highly-targeted publications for maximum market exposure. Do this on a consistent basis and remain focused upon your mission. You might be thinking; that sounds great and I can see the benefit, but I am not an author nor could I ever afford such a service. Well, I have good news for you! You can do this.

People are interested in your expertise, not your ability to create exotic prose. Remember that most of today's word processors include a dictionary and often a thesaurus that will highlight any poor grammar or improper grouping of words. You do not have to be as concerned with the quality of your work, as the software will aid you to a great degree. Additionally, you could always have a colleague review it prior to publication.

The idea is to write from your own experience, centering upon topics that have widespread interest where you have applied your knowledge and experience to solve a problem. This information will be of vital interest in your market and your articles will be sought out as a credible source of expertise. These activities will soon lead to people and potential prospects visiting your web site and eventually calling upon you to fulfill their needs!

This strategy will pay huge dividends over time. Once published to the Internet, your articles will remain in cyberspace forever, generating new prospects for you forevermore. Furthermore, your articles will stream as part of an RSS feed potentially reaching an unlimited audience! The only cost involved is basically your writing time and a small monthly fee for targeted article distribution. Now that is a marketing budget any business can afford! You cannot afford to ignore this marketing goldmine. Get started today.

Daniel Sitter, author of both Learning For Profit, and Superior Selling Skills Mastery, has garnered extensive experience in sales, training, marketing and personal development over a successful twenty-five year career.
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