Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Network Marketing Success Strategies - How to Build Relationships with Customers and Clients

I want you to think for a moment. Can you recall exactly, a time in your life, when you were made to feel important? Maybe it was your graduation from college, or high school, or for doing a good job at work. Whatever it was, I am sure you will agree that the experience was rather uplifting, and made you want to do even more.

What if we could experience that same feeling on a daily basis? Where would your business be then? The late Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, was once asked "What is the key to your success", and her reply was to "make your people feel important"! Think about that, her entire organization was built around a very simple philosophy.

About a year ago, I was looking for a way to keep in touch with clients on a more personal basis and to recognize them. My company had some systems in place where the client would receive mailings, but these were way too commercialized, and had no meaning. A friend showed me one company that uses Internet technology to send cards to people that I could customize. I implemented that system, and now get regular feedback from clients thanking me for the cards. It actually has led to more referrals for product sales.

Here are some surefire tips to consider. Try using one of these for 21 days, it will become a habit, then start using the next.

  • People like to be recognized for their accomplishments, even achieving small goals. Sending a card can be a great and memorable was to do this. Say something nice, like, "its great to have you on our team".
  • Regarding your product, make sure you have plenty of relevant information available. People in search of your product are seeking information 1st. In fact, they will read entire books on the subject. Make sure the information is timely and accurate.
  • Ever notice how much weight a news story carries over, say an advertisement? Find current news stories about your product or business opportunity that will validate what you are offering or selling. It's almost as good as having a referral or a 3rd party endorsement.
  • People are like sheep as in, they like to follow a leader. So if you want enthusiasm from your down line, then lead with that. Be positive about your products, and your people. Empower them to do the same. Your primary team needs to know they are appreciated. They will follow your lead, and do the same with their team.
  • People do things when they know the outcome will feel good. Think about what motivates you! You have heard the saying "If it feels good, do it! In your business, what makes people feel good? One way to find out is to ask them (Do a sampling). When your customers or clients feel good about you, they are more trusting, and willing to say "yes"
  • People believe in hope, as in, for the future. Whatever has happened, or is happening is no longer relevant. So, forget the mistakes, and the negativity of the past and present ,and focus on the positive of the future. That kind of attitude rubs off on people. They will be much more productive when they know there is no grudge being held for a mistake.

Today, there is so much "How To" Information available, it really boggles the mind. It really is hard to know what works and what does not work. If anything, I think a reflection of human behavior is important. We have always been motivated by simple desires and needs: food, clothing, shelter, love, comfort and so on. When you are working with your people, or your customers, try to understand what need it is that they have, or they are trying to satisfy. Help them achieve their goal! Be a leader to them. When you do, you will find them much more ready to help you achieve your goals.

Don Kowalski is an independent business person with 25 years of marketing experience. Don also coaches people on internet marketing concepts for the future, and how to attract more people into your business using attraction marketing and relationship building, at the University of Renegade. Visit http://www.nextgenmarketer.com for more information. Or, visit Don at To YOUR Success to learn more about the future of internet marketing


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