Friday, May 23, 2008

Optimize Your Title Tag - Top 10 Strategies

The title tag is the most important tag of your web site regarding search engine optimization. If you optimize the tag correctly you will be well ahead of your competitors.

Top 10 strategies to optimize your title tag

1. Keyword research

Find the most targeted keywords related to your web site content. I use "Search it" because it contains all the brainstorming tools you need in one place i.e.

Wordtracker free keyword suggestion tool

Google adwords keyword tool

Seodigger keyword tool

Yahoo keyword selector tool

2. Length of title tag

Limit the length of the title tag to 70 characters (including spaces). Search engines usually truncate the title after 68-70 characters. This means you can use approximately 6-7 words. This increases your chances of getting all your words to display in all three major search engines.

3. Use keyword phrases

Don't use single keywords. These are far too competitive to attain high rankings. Instead use 2-4 words that include your targeted keyword phrase.

4. Word order

Place your most targeted keyword at the beginning followed by your second most targeted keyword. This not only helps your ranking in the search engines but is displayed at the top of your visitors browser when they visit your web site.

If your keyword phrase is "dog grooming and training"

instead of writing "the top 7 tips for dog grooming and training" write this for your title tag

dog grooming and training - the top 7 tips

5. Don't repeat keywords

Don't use the same keyword more than once. This may be considered spam by the search engines and you may see a drop in your rankings.

6. Don't place your company name at the beginning

When surfing the web you'll notice many sites place their company name or web site address at the beginning of the title tag. You'll probably rank No 1 for that term however it does not help your rankings. Place your best keywords or keyword phrases at the beginning followed by your company name. ie

dog grooming and training - Dog Care Inc.

7. Use a divider

Use spaces, dashes (-) or bars (|) to separate your keyword phrase from your company name. This will help you rank your page for both phrases.

8. Repeat the keywords in your headline and content

The header tag (h1) is often used for the first headline on your web page. Include the same keywords in the headline as your title tag. Your content should reflect the keywords you chose for your title tag. Be sure to sprinkle them throughout your web copy. This tells the search engines the theme of your site and rank it accordingly.

9. Don't use the same title tags for all web pages

Create unique title tags for each web page by using different keywords for each title tag. Then use these keywords in the content on your web page.

10. Write for your visitors

Keep your web site visitors in mind when writing. Create attractive and descriptive titles. Your description tag and web copy should expand on the contents of your title tag.


Title tags are crucial in attaining high search engine rankings. Take time to craft a short, concise and attractive description for each of your web pages. Most of your competitors have not read these top 10 strategies so your site has the potential to outrank them.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Maryland Web Site Design

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