Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The REAL Truth About Getting Your Site Ranked Well On Google!

Ever wanted to get your site to the top of the Google search engine?

Along the way, you might have received lots of contradictory information on how to rank well on Google. Ranking well on Google is not based on some scientific formula, but rather a result of following a few proven principles consistently.

Number Of Quality Backlinks

Yahoo and MSN search engines appear to rank websites based on how many backlinks your website has. However, Google ranks websites by the number of quality backlinks you have. You should get more backlinks from high PageRank (the algorithm Google uses to measure the importance of a web page) websites, rather than have a lot of links from low PageRank sites.

Your Anchor Text Matters

What your backlinks "say" also matter. For example, if you want to rank well for the keyword phrase "golf club", then all the links pointing back to your site should include these two words in them.

One-Time "Burst" Of Links Can Work!

Contrary to popular belief, unleashing a sudden surge of backlinks and then stopping your linking activities for a few months won't affect your search engine rankings. I can personally testify to this. I created a new site many months ago, got a ton of backlinks over a few days, and literally left the site to its own devices. It got to a Top 5 spot for a highly competitive keyword in a matter of weeks, and has stayed there ever since.

Duplicate Content Isn't A Major Issue

Duplicate content isn't as big an issue as thought to be. If it was, major news syndication sites would be in the doldrums in the search engines! But they aren't. Just don't spend too much effort trying to modify your content when you post it on different sites, as it might not really make too much of a difference.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!


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