Sunday, June 8, 2008

Constructing High Quality Articles For Your Home Business

It does not take much looking around or research to quickly find that high quality articles and good article content is a key component of traffic and profits for any internet business. This is especially true for anyone seeking to start or grow a home based business opportunity.

For home business opportunity owners having well written articles and content on our websites can be the difference between obscurity, on-going high volumes of traffic to our home business websites, and ideally a constant flow of revenues.

This all can be accomplished by careful attention to a few basics when it comes to creating and publishing your business opportunity articles. The intent of this discussion is to outline some of the more important of these considerations.

Article content: Many of the major search engines such as Google use a complex algorithm to assess specific criteria in establishing page rank and placement of a given website. One of the more important factors is good content which is in high demand, current in context, and those that maintain a consistency of context for any given topic.

These topics follow specific themes grouped together with word phrases and keywords which trigger those phrases. The more relevant and on-point a given article is to the identified keywords, the more likely the article will appear on a search of the intended search terms.

Likewise, the more often an article appears as a result of searches the higher the ranking in the search engines. Higher rankings translate in to traffic and ideally conversions into revenues.

As a starting point, make sure your articles contain good grammar, without spelling errors and generally are an easy and informative read. It is shocking and disappointing to read so many articles that do not meet even these fundamental starting criteria. Trust me, get this part right or you articles will not have a chance!

Keyword focused: To be successful potential authors much make sure articles use the keywords chosen as often as possible. Of course you have to do this without making it obvious you are doing so. Having carefully chosen the keywords to be utilized, make sure to weave the respective keywords into the article in a natural flow. Likewise, the article content must match the keywords chosen. For example, having article content that talks about pet care products is of no value for a website page with keywords focused on home based business or internet marketing opportunities.

The frequency of use of your keywords must be at or near normal averages for the targeted search engine. Each of the search engines utilizes differing preferences for what is an ideal number. Make sure that your article matches the criteria for your intended target market. This frequency is most commonly referred to as Keyword Density.

Basically, keyword density is a count of how many times any given keyword or phrase appears in a given article or webpage. A common benchmark that many of us in the home based business market use is a density of between a low of 9-10% and upwards of 15-16% keyword density. The important thing is to keep the flow of the article content natural, adding your keywords whenever possible in this natural flow.

Use your articles as part of an overall link strategy. This is accomplished by including an "about" or "author bio" section at the end of your articles. This is a great opportunity to describe yourself, your particular expertise and of course a link back to your website.

This article is a basic primer about the issues involved with writing home based business opportunity articles. However, it will give you a solid foundation on where to focus your efforts to ensure your articles achieve maximum benefit once they reach the enzine and article directories.

Stephen Wright is President & CEO of Every home based business website needs guidance and advice on improving revenues and profits. Visit us today for information, tools, and techniques and proven to make you successful. Get Started Today!


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