Sunday, June 15, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Many article marketers complain that they don't have enough TIME in a day to devote to building their web based business with articles. Follow along for some instant article motivation that will change the way you think about writing articles for the web.

A few days ago, some of my network members who took the Article Marketing Survey expressed TIME, specifically not having enough of it in a day, as a hindrance to their article output.

I am well-familiar with this issue, and let me say this:

We always have time for the things we want to do. If you're the type who jumps out of bed, hits the shower and puts on a fresh outfit before starting your work day, but I on the other hand loaf around in sweats until 2 pm (this is hypothetical- of course I dress to kill every morning) - does this mean that YOU have the time for a morning dressing routine but I don't?

No. It means you've made putting your freshly showered self into some clean clothes a morning priority, while I have not.

Likewise: If I've made article writing a part of my daily ritual, but you haven't... does that mean I have more time to write articles than you?

No. It means I've made articles a priority, while you still have not.

So, the trick, first and foremost, is to set the "article marketing" as a PRIORITY rather than a distant goal that you're forever procrastinating.

How do you treat the major priorities in your life? You know they must get done, so you fit them in... right?

You don't *not send your kids off to school each morning* because that isn't on your priority list. You know that no matter what your day holds or how busy you are, "taking the kids to school" must get done. So you get it done.

Likewise, you can *squeeze in* your article production when you know "it must get done". How? Write your articles on the fly.

Question: "How do you 'schedule' your article marketing?"

Answer: You simply *look for the article* in every piece of content you create.

What's content? Emails you've sent colleagues. Your network posts. Your blog entries. That conversation you had with yourself in the shower. That talk you wanted to have with someone who wasn't there when you called them up.

I typed out a helpful tutorial the other day for a friend who's updating her website. When I was done, I asked myself, "Where's the article?"

It was right there, in the tutorial.

So I grabbed it, virtual-sprinted over to and pasted it into the submission box. Checked it over to make sure there were no personal references to my friend in there, edited out a few spots that sounded too casual, double checked to ensure "that article tone" was in place, popped in the author bio and hit SUBMIT.

How long did that take, ten extra minutes of my work day?

You can do the same - just slip the article right in.

Every time you create content, ask yourself, "Where's the article?"

It's right there!

Want to know what else could be preventing you from submitting more articles?

Your article expectations may be too high.

The Two Most Important Reasons an Internet Marketer Must Write Articles:

1. To generate word matches on the search engines
2. To connect mentally with real live humans who want to view you as a credible source.

(Oh, by the way? If you sell on the internet, you're an internet marketer. Start thinking of yourself as one. There are many more of us out here!)

The search engines are hungry, so you must keep throwing them little article snacks. These types of articles are just filler, if you will. It helps to stop thinking of them as articles but more like FREE ADS, or mini bites of content. Your mini bite articles should contain lots of buzz words that are part of your target market - because... why? THEY ARE YOUR MARKETING.

There will be times, of course, when you really feel something powerful coming on and that means a more in-depth article. One that maybe you'd like to see picked up on a prestigious website, or you'd feature as the cover story in your ezine. These articles are not the quick-article-in-a-day variety, unless of course you're the Bionic Article Marketer.

One of my better articles, that definitely took some time to write and many edits, was this one:

11 Reasons Not to Hire a Freelance Copywriter (And Why They're All Poor Excuses!

Of course I would never expect that an article like this one would fly out of you spontaneously on a daily basis. Rather, in the same way that your brain saves up all those little thoughts over time and then suddenly produces an article masterpiece, you want to save the bigger, better articles for the times when you'd really like to impress someone. Perhaps a future client, business partner, editor of a magazine that you'd like to write for, or some other such individual.

So, to wrap up this article tutorial:

If you want to get in the habit of cranking out articles, wake up tomorrow with a head full of fresh ideas, and set your mind to the task of writing whatever content you plan on creating.

When you're done, step back and look at your work again

Where's the article?

THERE IT IS! Go post it. Then move on to your next task.

See how easy that was?

Copyright 2006 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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