Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

When you have a website that you are using for a business it is important for that site to be found within the search engines. It can be difficult to compete with so many other websites on the internet so optimizing your website in order for it to get brought to the top of the search results is a necessity. You may be wondering how, exactly, does that task get accomplished. It does not have to be complicated, but knowing a little bit of html is required.

When viewing the html code of your website it looks like a bunch of mumbo jumbo at first, but when you learn what the different symbols stand for it makes it a lot easier. All the tags start with

<tag> and end with </tag> So, for the title of your website it would look like this <title>Title Goes Here</title> When choosing your title you want it to have the keywords you want to optimize your website for. Choose keywords that are longer and not too competitive.

You can use tools like Overture or Word Tracker to choose your keywords. These tools will tell you how competitive your chosen keywords are and how many times they are searched for each month. Take the keywords you chose and place them in the title, h1, h2, alt, and meta keyword tags. Sprinkle those keywords throughout the body of your website making sure they are at the beginning and end.

Try to keep the menu on the right side of the page. Search engines read a website from the right down, center down then left down. You want the majority of your keywords in the body of the website not the menu, Keep the density of your keywords between 2%-6% for maximum benefit. You can check this with a keyword density tool on the web. Just do a search and it will come up.

The alt attributes are within the image tag. When you put a keyword within these attributes it will show on the webpage when the cursor is hovering over that image. Using your keywords in some of the text links on your website will also help the optimization of your website.

Some basic html knowledge is needed when optimizing a website but there are plenty of places on the internet where you can learn the basics. Doing the things described in this article will give you the best chance of getting to the top of the search engines. This helps bring targeted visitors to your website and eventually sales for your business.

When you get the hang of all this you can add other keywords to your site and start ranking high in the search engines for those terms as well. It takes time to learn and it takes time to rank highly for your chosen keywords but it is possible to do without having to be too difficult.

Tara Martindale specializes in helping people find the best work at home business opportunities available. Visit Tara's Work at Home Business Opportunities site for details.


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