Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Do you know that by writing a few articles and submit them to articles directories can be one of the best things you could do for your website? This is commonly known as "article marketing" and is one the proven methods to build website traffic for free. Article marketing allows you to provide content for other websites, let search engines send traffic to you, build backlinks for your new websites and give readers the information they seek. It's a win-win situation!

If you want search engines to get your website listed high up, the "relevance" of your page to a particular search and the number of quality links coming to your page from other sites are particularly important. This is how article marketing will fit in.

By posting articles that is optimized for relevance to well-established directories can "convince" search engines to include your website in the search results for particular keywords. In your articles that you have posted, you are allowed to insert a short bio, also commonly known as author resource box, and a link back to your website. If readers find your articles informative, they would mostly likely to know what more you can offer them and click on the link to check out your website.

Besides that, good articles directories usually have high traffic and relatively high PageRank. Not only you can get direct traffic from articles through your bio's link, you can piggy-back on the high PageRank to build quality backlinks pointing towards your website. You can get indexed faster and higher by search engines due to the quality backlinks you have gathered. This will in turn lead to higher traffic in the long run. You are killing two birds with one stone and this method is totally free of charge!

Article marketing is definitely one of the time-tested methods that can work and build website traffic for free. Here are some of the top article directories that you can submit to and get free traffic and backlinks to your website:
Alex Yeo is a leading Internet Home Business owner who can help you grow your business and earn residual monthly income. Further recommended resources at, where he provides a wealth of informative content and video tutorials. Discover how you can get boatloads of targeted traffic for FREE and double the no. of visitors in the next 2 months at


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