Thursday, June 12, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

You cannot expect to be a true blue Master List Builder if you do not know the core principles that will make you the MVP of not just the Master List Builder system but also in all other aspects of your life.

You might be having all those energy and potential inside of you, but if you are not able to channel it properly, you will find other people who are less talented (but better managers of their resources and MVPs of their time!) inching their way upward while you stay on the sidelines watching them succeed.

Life does not have to be that way for you. You can actually emerge and be your own MVP, if you work at it. One of the main things you have to remember in any endeavor is that you ought to have a sense of mastery over whatever you decide to do.

And on top of that you have the MVP strategy so that you can be the most valuable player you could ever be!

M stands for Mission

A mission is not always imputed. Sometimes fate may hand it over to you through a circumstance, turning point in your life or another persons admonition. But you do not really need to hear drum rolls in order to know your mission in life. You can sometimes see it in the quiet whispers of your routine.

A mission will help you act accordingly. Having a mission is synonymous to making your lifes compass point you to your north where you will find utmost stability. A man without a mission is a man without a direction.

V stands for Vision

Of course, the thing . You must be able to see yourself succeeding in that mission before it actually happens. Many a successful person has claimed that he or she has already seen himself or herself in that state of success long before it actually materialized in their lives.

Mere vision will not make you a successful person instantly, but having the right vision will definitely help take you there with flair.

P stands for Passion

Passion is a very broad word. It could be further divided into two. It may be about your skills or favorite things. Or it may be something that you have direct personal experience. You cannot share what you do not inherently have.

You may have the mission and the vision, but without the passion to sustain you in it or the ability to make it happen, you will find that the mission and vision is a mere dream.

Joel Christopher is a best-selling author, speaker and mentor, known worldwide as The Masterlistbuilder. To find out more on how you can triple your leads, sales and profits. Go to


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