Friday, May 23, 2008

Article Writing - A Great Marketing Tool

Article marketing is a great method to market your business and brand yourself as an expert. One after another, your published articles form their own networks on the web. Each of them is like a hoarding on roadside poles, advertising your business for years to come.

More they are better it is.

More you write higher are the chances of being noticed by web visitors.

It is proven now that repeated impressions on the mind lead to recognition and bonding.

If Steve is looking for information on internet marketing, he would go to his favorite search engine and type "internet marketing". The search engine would sieve through its indexed pages and bring results out in less than one second. It so happens that you submitted an article on "internet marketing" to your favorite directory and that has ranked in top ten of the searches after search engine indexed it, for keyword "internet marketing".

Steve clicks on your article link and reads your article. You have written a good article and Steve is happy to see that the article has supplied him the information he needed. In thanksgiving Steve may just see your name in resource box and move on to his next work or may click your link. In both cases it is unlikely that he would purchase anything from you or subscribe to your newsletter.

Apparently, you are still a stranger for Steve because he would hardly remember you next time he sees your name. But subconsciously, his mind would make a note of it.

When Steve reads another article of yours, he would again go through the same process. But this time you would sound familiar to him. His subconscious remembers you. He may not recognize you but your name would ring something in his head.

(This may not happen with second case. Never mind! This would happen with third or fourth.)

Next time, Steve would remember you. Every time he encounters your name, his subconscious mind would tell him, "Hey! I know him, he writes well. Last time I read it was a great help".

With each new encounter, your articles would leave a deeper imprint.

This repetitive process will build your recognition in his mind. Every time Steve read your article, he connects with you.

Because he has already rendered you an expert, he is more open and less skeptical to what ever you say.

Just like fans connect to their movie stars.

By and by he becomes more receptive to whatever you say. He is more likely to visit your website because he is impressed and wants to check out, something similar to what fans do.

If you sell a product that he needs, he would buy it from you because you are his trusted one. He is also more likely to buy an affiliate product that you recommend.

Congratulation! You have a life time customer with you.

Steve is not alone. We as human beings are commanded by our emotion rather than logic.

For every logic, there exists a mist which stops clear thinking.

Trust is a strong factor in sales. It is the subtle subconscious element that would decide whether to purchase from you or not.

If you write good articles or even average for that matter, you do not supply false information and do not make false claims, if your articles are backed by a good helpful website that people would find useful, people would surely buy from you.

The only requirement is consistency. More you write, higher your business would go.

Arun Pal Singh is an internet marketing consultant and web author who runs website to help online entrepreneurs with information and ready made products.

Visit to find how his information can provide the leverage that your business needs to grow and expand.


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