Wednesday, May 14, 2008

An Easy Way To Create and Get Unique Articles For Your Site And Blog

There are a lot of marketers out there that will give you PLR articles as a bonus with something else you have bought. Changing several of the paragraphs is not enough. If you leave just one paragraph intact then you have committed plagiarism and Google and several other search engines may see this as duplicate content. However, there is a way to make sure the articles are 100 percent unique. Imagine a traffic accident which is witnessed by many different people at the same time. Each person will tell a different story about what happened.

The easiest way is to just read each article you have and write each one in your own words as an article. Everything always has a different meaning to each person who hears it. To do this you are maybe looking at just 15 minutes of your time for each article. Do the math, How many would you then be able to write with just an hour of your time? How many with an entire day?

There are still some people who are not able to do this if it means missing a sporting event or a favorite show on TV. For these people there is still a way. Is there a local college or school near you? Then make a contest or game out of it and ask some students to read an article and re write it in their own words. Make sure that each student forfeits all rights to whatever they write though.

I have seen hundreds of marketers who use one of the above 2 techniques. They are doing this because each site that they submit these articles to will no be a one way link back to them. These one way links are vitally important if you want to achieve a high page rank for your site or blog. Now you can try the other route which would be to pay money for these types of links but most of us do not have this kind of money to just throw a way.

Jeffrey A. Solochek grew up in WhiteFish Bay, Wisconsin but now resides in Brunswick, Georgia. He is an established authority on his niches of life, business, and marketing. Mr Solochek has a lot of great experiences and he writes about everything leaving out any sugarcoating. All his writings contains No BS, No Fluff Plus everything he writes always contains his unique wit and humor.


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