Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Good Internet Marketing Strategy Anyone Can Use

A good internet marketing strategy is one that will consist of all of the latest fads. I say this, because the internet is dynamic, which means it is constantly changing. So, as it changed, so must your marketing. You need to stay on top of this just to keep up with the rest of the internet marketers out there. The following are some tips for the basis of a good internet marketing strategy.

First, you need to find a niche. This will be the group of people you will be marketing to. Your niche will need to be a very narrow subject. For example, if you are marketing to people looking to buy a fish for a pet. You would not just write about fish tanks in general. You would write about a specific fish being used as a pet. This would be a very narrow group of people, and your chances of conversion are much better.

Second, you will have to find a product. If we stick with the above example, it could be an eBook about taking care of Koi fish at home. And as a suggestion, a digital product, such as an eBook, are excellent for marketing like this. It gives people a product they can get right then. See, most people want something right away. So, you are playing on the impulse buyers who want a product right now. This is where the eBook comes into play.

Third, do you have a website? If so, you can use this as a landing page where all of your traffic will go. If not, you can use a free blog, or use a squidoo site. This is where you will market your product or your affiliate products.

Fourth, you can start writing articles. This is by far the most cost effective method in driving traffic to your websites. And, not to mention, it is free. In the resource box, list your website and write a good reason people should visit your site. This is what will attract people to your site and have the potential of people buying your products or opting into your list.

Then, rinse and repeat. This is a proven strategy and can be used effectively over and over for virtually any product. You just need to make sure you have a very targeted niche, and a related product for this niche.

Now, for the fad part, just mix in the latest trend of social bookmarking, pinging, blog and forum commenting, or any of the other trends going on at the moment. But, the foundation should be the 4 steps outlined above. Using these would be a good internet marketing strategy for anyone.

The Social SEO Guide provides a good internet marketing strategy in full detail, with video tutorials to help you along the way.

You can also get enrolled right now in a free internet marketing course.


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