Monday, May 19, 2008

Instant Article Submission Strategies To Explode Your Website Traffic!

When we design and build our websites we work hard to make sure our site looks great, the font matches throughout the page, the colors work together rather than competing with one another. We want our readers to enjoy our website and come back. Most importantly we want our sites to make money. It's amazing how little thought we often put into actually getting visitors to our site in the first place.

There are many options for driving traffic to your site. Some of them are quite costly and some of them are surprisingly cheap. You have probably heard that writing good quality content is necessary in order to achieve good page rankings and obviously to receive repeat visitors, but did you know that by writing unique articles and submitting them to content sites with your byline and website address you are accomplishing two very important advertising strategies?

First by doing this, you are presenting yourself as an expert in the field. Whether you built your website as a one stop shop for any kind of widget on the planet or if your site is about a very specific widget, writing unique articles about widgets and distributing them to the various content sites that can be found all over the internet will gradually establish you as an authority in the field of widgets. You are also creating links to your website. It's always a good idea to have several incoming links to your website as this information gets picked up by the little bots that decide what your site is worth.

The important key to remember is that you need to write unique articles. This is critical to your article marketing success. Submitting the same article to many article sites, ezines, newsletters and article directories will destroy your page rank as you fall prey to the "Duplicate Content Filter" Google has implemented, and how other search engines view duplicate content. The more unique articles you can submit, the more they will be accepted by search engines and counted positively towards your inbound links which drive your page rank up. So how can you write hundreds of different unique articles you ask? Through article submission software that can randomly produce unique articles from your original draft. An excellent article submission software resource can be found at: It will randomly submit hundreds of unique articles to it's built in list of real publishers, and you can add your own favorite list later too.

Second, free advertising. These free content sites are actually quite widely read and the more people that see your article with your byline, the more potential visitors you have to your site. These are much better than going to one of those surfing sites in order to generate traffic and it is much less expensive than beginning a pay per click campaign.

Ultimately, the more your name is seen in association with widgets, the more credibility you gain in the great big world of widgets. Using a content site to drive traffic to your widget sales site is actually a very intelligent business decision. It's also a good idea to branch out beyond the world of widgets in your content writing. It could be that by writing an article on something that appeals to a broader market will lead to the selling of even more widgets.

It's really amazing the way things work out. There have been business cards that have made it around the world and finally resulted in a sale. Your sales page is essentially your business card on the web. The more you get people to see your page, the more opportunities you have to make a sale. Putting out unique articles where ever you can think of to do so will result in your article being seen and conversely your website address being seen by a much broader audience. Also by establishing yourself as the quintessential widget expert in many circles, you've 'branded' yourself, and people will think of your name when they think of widgets. Way to go!

-Craig S. Andrews

Drive more traffic to your site through article submission. Article Pro Software will increase your effectiveness to your URL promotion by 1875%. After proven tests, Article Pro Software will retain the inbound links generated through it's unique article submissions. To find out more about it's powerful features, visit:


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