Thursday, May 29, 2008

Internet Marketing Using Articles - How Do You Generate Income From Articles?

What is it about articles that attract so many to publish so much content to the net? Mainly it would be for one of three reasons, the first being that you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time. That is not entirely true but fact is that there are many people writing and publishing articles to websites and article directories simply to share information and knowledge.

The other two reasons are web site related. If you are a webmaster of an established site or your own newly self appointed webmaster of your own website aiming for the internet so you can kick your boss under the butt, the following would be your primary reasons for writing and publishing articles.

From a broader perspective the internet is filled with information contained in a variety of formats. Now those looking for the information use the search engines, quite logical. For the people who have the information published on their sites this is where the trick comes in. The search engines need to find that content and display it as a search result so that the visitor will land on the page of the publisher.

For a webmaster this means traffic and in turn traffic means money. The money can be generated from different avenues but without the traffic there will be no income.

The role of the article, first and foremost is links. Any site that has any hope of getting indexed by the search engines needs links pointing to it. The second reason is sales, at times also referred to as bum marketing, it is a proven method of creating sales and thus generating income using the internet.

Indexing Your Site Using Internet Marketing Articles

For any site to feature in the search engine rankings it needs links pointing to the site telling the search engines that there is a site. The link in the article normally placed in the resource box of the author is the anchor text, these words or key phrases are telling the search engine the content of the site that is linked to and that it should be ranked for those words. For the webmaster these are very important elements in generating traffic.

A site is judged on the links from other sites pointing to that site, the more links a site has the more highly regarded it becomes. This is a very broad description and many other factors play a role but for the purpose of articles these are the basic principals.

Using Internet Marketing Articles to Sell Products

The next very good use of articles is for what is sometimes lovingly referred to as bum marketing. You don't need to be a bum to use this method but it sometimes helps, on second thought, maybe not. In most cases you would not even need a website of your own but your own site would open up some doors to other forms of marketing like list building.

The principals remain the same as for indexing a site but the purpose of the article changes. The content and writing style is aimed at leading the visitor to a product he might be looking for and then sells the product to him. If you are an affiliate for a product the sales page would do the selling part, you just need to get the visitor to the sales page.

Many webmasters and non webmasters have used this technique successfully for a long time now. The problem you are faced with here however is the article itself, how to write it in such a way that you keep the readers interest and move him on to the next step which is clicking on the link leading to the pre sales page or the sales page itself.

Just publishing any old article will not achieve any success and it takes some real time and effort to learn the skills and the little nuances needed to write in such a way until it becomes second nature. Of course this does require practice, repetition and some experimentation.

If you want to write to sell, even if you have never written anything but a love letter before, in which case you sold yourself of course, here is a resource that will guide you through the process of successful writing to sell. If you have been struggling to get the results you are only reading about, now is the time to get what you need to succeed.


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