Saturday, May 24, 2008

Search Engine Optimization

When people hear this term they think that this process is going to be complicated. The one challenge with search engine optimization is the time factor. You can go out - optimize your site and not see results for months.

This can be a big turn off for a lot of folks especially when it comes to making money online. People want results now and don't have the patience to implement solid seo techniques.

Search engine optimization basically means developing your site so that the search engines can index it correctly. So the keyword you choose for your website needs to be prominent throughout your web copy.

Your keyword needs to be in the title tag and in the description tag. I also have keyword tags and also place my keywords there. Then you need to have your keyword at the top of the page, then sprinkled throughout the body and finally at the end of your page.

The objective is to make sure that the search engine robots understand what your web page is about. Remember they are not humans so they cannot actually read your page.

There are lots of folks out there who will quote different percentages when it comes to what is important and what is not relevant to search engine optimization. Let me break that down. Seo requires on page optimization and off page optimization.

The math behind what decides the relevance of your web page and where it should be listed on the search results is called an algorithm. The algorithm takes many factors into consideration when deciding where to list your web page. Some experts say that you're on page optimization accounts for about 20% of the algorithm and 80% accounts for off page optimization.

Initially we talked about putting your keyword in the title - description and keyword tags then spread out throughout the body of your web page with a higher concentration at the beginning and at the end. This is effectively our on page optimization which they say accounts for 20% of the algorithm.

So we are left with 80% which is the big number. If we did everything right on our web page and nothing else then we would not get anywhere in any kind of a competitive field. So as result of this you need to get links back to your site with your desired keyword as the anchor text. This will enable the spiders to recognize further what you site is about and how important it is, depending on who is linking back to it.

If you want to build a web site without having to worry about seo yet get on the first page of Google select one of the links below.

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