Thursday, June 5, 2008

5 Reasons You MUST Stay in Contact with Your Customers

As an internet marketer, you know you have to make sales to stay in business and make a profit. Without sales, you don't have a business. But staying in contact with your customers after the sale is just as important (if not more so) as making the sale in the first place.

Too many internet marketers focus solely on building a list of paying clients, without using existing clients to generate more sales. This means that they continue to spend advertising dollars without even seeing an increased return on their investments.

Rather than just focusing on getting new clients, you should focus on staying in contact with existing customers. Here are 5 reasons why:

  1. Customers that buy from you once are much more likely to buy from you again. You've already sold them a product that solves one of their problems. Most people have a whole host of related problems that need solutions. You've already established yourself as an expert by solving one problem - why not use the trust you have built to sell additional products?
  2. Repeat customers are much more likely to refer other clients. If you've stayed in contact with your customers, you've built a relationship that will make them look to you as an authority in your field. And when their friends and business associates need help, they'll know who to recommend. This is a great way to build your client list without additional advertising.
  3. Your existing clients can help you build testimonials for your sales pages. Stay in contact with your customers after the sale. Ask them what they liked about your product. Offer them a free report or other product if they will let you put their comments on your website. They'll be happy to see their names in print, and you'll get to build stronger sales copy to attract more clients.
  4. Staying in contact with existing customers lets you know how to improve your products. Ask your buyers what they would like to see changed. Use these comments to revise and improve your product, and offer them the new version for free as a "thank you" for their input.
  5. Finally, staying in contact with your customers reduces the number of refunds you will give. People are more interested in keeping a product if they know a seller is interested in finding out how well it worked. Most clients ask for refunds because they don't understand how to use a product. You may be able to avoid this by simply providing a tutorial. Or, you may be able to answer a few questions via email. The few minutes you spend helping your clients learn how to use the product can save you thousands of dollars in refunds.
So don't just be content with making a sale. Stay in contact with your clients, and invite them to contact you at any time. You'll generate repeat business, gain more referrals, and pay out fewer refunds. Plus, you'll build a client base that can provide you with substantial income for years to come.

Original article :

Anthony Vicenza is a professional affiliate marketer. He now provides mentoring/hosting and free advice to wanna-be internet entrepreneurs at


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