Thursday, June 5, 2008

How To Write Keyword-Rich Content For Maximum Impact

Millions of companies are using keyword-rich articles in order to gain free exposure all over the Internet. Whether you're an online marketer a product or a writer looking for freelance work, chances are you can benefit greatly from keyword articles.

You may ask yourselves: But what good are keywords? What you want, when you are marketing a product is for people to be able to easily find you. The methods you are using while searching for something specific, are the same methods all the Internet users out there utilize, that is keyword search.

You shouldnt be reluctant in writing keyword-rich articles, even though youve never done this before. It is nothing different than writing regular pieces of content. All you need to do is simply follow these easy guidelines for keyword writing and get ready to have readers pour in!

- Learn the buzzwords.

Every industry has its own jargon and language. If youre a master in your field, its quite easy to identify the keywords and you don't need to read up on it. If youre writing about a relatively new subject for you, do some additional research. Read several different articles to get an idea of the language used and the most popular sub-categories of the field.

- Write the article without focusing on the keywords.

When writing an article, its best not to focus on the keywords so much; dont let yourself carried away by time-wasting word-selection, which might prevent you from writing in a natural manner. If you know what youre writing about, then keywords will smoothly fall where you want them to, without effort, and you will get your keywords without even knowing.

- Determine the popularity of your keywords.

Uses the Overture Keyword Selector Tool to find out how many times your visitors have used keywords that directed them to your site.

Type in the word and hit return.

- Select keywords that are specific rather than general.

If I was to write an article on negotiating fees with a freelance copywriter, then I would use popular keywords, related to my topic, such as "Freelance copywriting rates" as this is probably something a potential visitor would actually type.

- Scan your existing text for keywords

After completing your draft and selecting your keywords, put them together. Try to find the first keyword. You might as well have slipped it there, if you knew how to write your article.

- Find and Change

Instead of using the word writing in your article about copywriting, copywriting should be a better choice. Change all these keyword-phrases and re-order some of your sentences.

- Proofread your article

Read the text again, now that you have changed it, take time to correct it; check for spelling mistakes, etc. Try not to repeat the same word, and try to make your vocabulary as varied as possible.

- Include the keywords in your headline

You will usually come up with the best headline for your article at the end of the writing process, and not before, so wait until you finish and then you will get the best hard-hitting headline.

Are you feeling more comfortable now about keyword article writing? You can start making money by writing keyword-rich content for the world.

-Craig S. Andrews

Visit Craig's blog for "Real Internet Business Strategies" and great wealth building strategies and instruction. Earn more, work less, and find true freedom in life. See you there!


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