Wednesday, June 4, 2008

If You Want To Be A Succesful Writer - Practice

Whenever I look at the best seller book list, I am hit right away by both envy and admiration. I have always wanted to write a best selling book but, like many writers, I have not been able to get a publisher to so much as look at my manuscript. It would be easier to bare if the best selling books were all well-written, intelligent works. They are not. As a matter of fact, one look at the list of best sellers will show you that at least half of them are complete trash. There are second rate thrillers and self-help books written by con-artists who have never helped anyone. There are poorly written exposes and sequels of sequels, capitalizing off of the popularity of a series long after the writer has run out of ideas. In short, my bitterness is not without justification.

In desperation, I decided that the only thing I could do was to start reading best selling books myself. By reading the best sellers, I figured that I would be able to divine that secret ingredient that my books were missing. I would figure out why all of these hacks could get published when I could not. Nonetheless, after joining the book of the month club, downloading digital books to read at work, and perusing every kind of genre fiction known to man, I was stumped. It seemed like there was no key to publishing your own book. Some of them succeeded because they were good and others succeeded despite the fact that they were awful. I could not, for the life of me, figure out what these best selling books all had in common.

Finally, I decided that the only thing to do was to give it all up and focus on writing. I stopped worrying about writing best seller fiction and focused instead on writing my fiction. To my surprise, my writing got better and better. Once I stopped worrying about what other people would think about the stuff that I was writing, it got much easier to write it. I do not know whether I will be the proud author of one of the best selling books one day, but I do know that I am writing some of the best stuff of my life. I have a lot of faith that, if I just keep working at it, I will make it eventually.

Rowena is an online writer with many innovative and unique ideas on web publishing and internet marketing. Visit Rowena's web site to learn of some new article writing software to help you write articles fast, as well as find out about opportunites for earning a living writing for the internet. You can learn more about Rowna at here web site on Article Writing


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