Sunday, June 8, 2008

Online Marketing for the Newcomer

I have seen the best and the worst in offline and online marketing campaigns. As a new arrival or novice marketer there are a few guidelines that will guarantee your continuous online success.

No, its not the magic e-book nor is it the magic course. Do you realise these things are just like marketing books in a book store?

The most important thing to keep in mind is keep testing and improving on what works. Search engine optimization might work for me but it might not work for you. This does not mean that it is junk, it just means it does not work for you.

Let me start with this statement, "There is NOTHING WRONG with YOU!" You have all the makings of a true internet marketing success story. If you can breathe and learn from your mistakes, you are 90% there.

That is nice to hear, but how can you use what you have to become a success? You just knuckle down and learn how others are doing it and copy them. Lets talk about TESTING, today. Testing never lets me down and saves me more money than I can stand to loose.

Online marketing campaigns are designed to offer hourly or daily feedback. It used to take weeks or months to receive feedback from offline marketing campaigns. The funny thing is that internet marketers do not test and follow the feedback results. The websites we currently use have superior tracking ability. It just takes a little creativity and patience to see if something worked.

Run the campaign, check the raw server logs if you received traffic and who referred the traffic. If your traffic was nonexistent then you can complain and ask for a repeat campaign. Most advertisers will accept raw server logs and not third party traffic counters.

The most important thing I learnt while building my business is to research and test as much as possible. I learned to be as assertive with people and sort out problems and not just change my service to find another hopeless program out there.

Trust me when I state that the internet is never in short supply of marketing programs and strategies. Most are too saturated to work amazingly but most work well enough to build on. Remember building a business is like building a house. Step by step.

The best is to try and work with the current program until they too realise that they can not help you and they should give you compensation. I prefer to work with smart people who work to find solutions and not waste my time with office clerks who can not think for themselves. They basically run their company like their 9 to 5 office job.

You should not accept the usual lines like "Read the terms of service" That is a cop out and we all know it. People wish to be dealt with like they matter. Sending somebody to FAQs defeats them and makes them feel stupid. Anybody who makes you feel stupid does not want your business.

The customer may not be right all the time but he or she has feelings and being made to feel like an idiot does not make them trust you or buy from you.

I have saved the best for last, you just have to go to my website Online Marketing Resources to find out more about how to be successful online.


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