Thursday, June 12, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

There will always be good times and bad times associated with life in general. This is also true when you are talking about article marketing. Some days you will be on top of your game and everything will be going right. Just one simple change in the search engines, however, and you will find yourself struggling with being on the bottom. What can be done with your bum marketing efforts to ensure that you are covered in case something changes for the worse?

What is necessary is for you to position yourself properly so that you are prepared to lose at least part of your efforts. Even though all of us would like for everything to always run smoothly, this is always a possibility. The internet is constantly changing for those of us that use it commercially. Sometimes it changes for the better and sometimes it changes for the worse. Even though you can not anticipate any of these changes, you can prepare your efforts so that you are going at it from several angles. In this way, when the changes come it will not totally devastate you. But how can this be done?

Those of us that are using article marketing to drive traffic to our internet websites usually do it so that we can flip our visitors over to an affiliate program without delay. A better idea would be to start to collect some information from our visitors before sending them off to another page. If you lost your means of traffic you always will have that list of contacts to marketing to. This is especially beneficial if those visitors are arranged by subject so that you know what they are interested in and can target them with related material. This is a much better and more profitable way to market other than simply shuffling them off to an affiliate program right away.

Another way to make your efforts safe is to spread out over several different markets. In this way you will make sure that your entire system does not come crashing down all at one time. If an affiliate program decides to stop then you should already have another marketing plan in effect. Don't hold onto something that is no longer working, take advantage of the changes in the market and go after them.

Google tends to love certain websites and they certainly are a great way to drive traffic, but what if that love goes away? Don't ever plan on Google staying the same forever. Take advantage of what you know is working but don't be slow to stop when it dries up. By ensuring that your bum marketing efforts are coming from many different angles you will be sure that you can roll with any of the punches that Google and the internet in general will throw at you.

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Will Dizon -

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