Monday, June 16, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Trivani International is yet another MLM newbie that hails from the great state of Utah. The company's business model is unique in that it provides for the funding of various humanitarian causes. While Trivani's cause is seemingly noble in nature, this article will examine the long term viability of the company's strategies in the arena of network marketing.

The company's executive team of Bob Steed and Shane McClellan boast very strong MLM credentials. Bob created a major network marketing company, which specialized in personal products much like Trivani, and sold it for millions of dollars. Shane was the International marketing manager for a network marketing company. During Shane's tenure with that company, profits increased a whopping 300%. Both men have extensive product development experience, and a genuine passion for the industry. The company headquarters is in Springville, Utah.

Trivani's product line consists of high end, all natural and biodegradable, personal care products. The company has 4 main product categories; skin care, hair care, generic personal care items, and Trivani "essentials."The "Essentials product line consists of foundational nutritional products. It is the least complete line at this time. The company plans on adding additional nutritional products in the future.

Becoming a distributor with the company requires no up front fees. Trivani provides distributors with free websites, and a back office business management system. Extensive training is provided, as are frequent conference calls. To maintain distributor status, a 50.00 personal volume must be maintained.

As with so many MLM companies these days, Trivani International's compensation plan requires P.H.D. level intellect to understand it It is basically a unilevel plan that pays out to 12 levels deep. The plan features compression, so that distributors are not hurt by under performing recruits in their down lines. A unique aspect of the compensation plan is the ability for distributors to achieve "guardian" status. "Guardians" must achieve a personal volume of at least 100.00 on auto-ship. When they achieve that level, they are assigned the sponsorship of a needy child. The company also sponsors a foundation that accepts donations which are put toward a variety of worthwhile causes.

Trivani International has many components that are very favorable for long term success. An experienced and talented management team, consumable products that cater to individuals who demand quality personal care items, and the ability to enhance their product line on a continuous basis.

To be successful with any MLM company as the industry exists in 2008, one must learn to leverage the power of the Internet to attract prospects. "Old school" methods of marketing, such as calling leads, approaching friends and family, the "3 foot"rule, etc. are inefficient and outdated. Renegade University offers excellent, FREE training in attraction marketing. This members only website offers step-by-step video tutorials on all aspects of attracting prospect using the Internet. Check it out now!

Michael has 30+ years of both online and offline marketing experience. Often called the entrepreneur's entrepreneur, he is a coach and trainer of both consultative selling and attraction marketing. Visit for a FREE copy of the controversial report, "The 7 Great Lies Of Network marketing", For more juicy reviews and network marketing tricks and tips , Go To

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