Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Article Marketing And How It Works

It is an established fact that Article Marketing works by a large number of Internet Marketers in wide variety of niches. This has been repeatedly proven. However, those who have not ever attempted article marketing tend to think that it is harder or more time consuming than it actually is.

Starts by writing an article. This can be done by yourself or you can hire a ghost writer. The cost of ghost written articles is usually less than $10.00 for a 300 to 500 word article. It is important that the article be informative and related to your niche. The article should not sound like a sales letter.

At the end of the article, you include your 'resource box.' A resource box is simply information about the author, and it usually includes a link to the authors related website, a link to subscribe to a newsletter, and possibly even an email address to contact the author. If your article is ghost written, you are still the author.

Underneath the resource box, you type a statement giving others the right to reprint the article for free, as long as they don't change it and keep your resource box attached. This allows others to help make your article viral.

Once the article is written, you should distribute it to as many article directories as you can find. It helps to also send the article to ezine publishers within your niche for consideration. You can find lists of ezines in the various ezine directories that are available on the Internet.

There is article-submission software that can be used to speed up submitting your article in. One example of this type of software is Instant Article Submitter at . There are also services that will manually submit your article to directories. This is highly recommended because many article directories do not allow and will not accept articles submitted with software. One such recommended article submission service is We Submit Articles at: .

Submitting the articles yourself is a time consuming task. If you can hire someone else to do that work, you will have more time overall to concentrate your efforts on other marketing tasks, including producing more articles.

You can get more quality informations in this 5-part minicourse "How To Formulate A Successful Internet Marketing Strategy".

Vetting Your Press Release

Making a living from the world of writing means taking extra care to thoroughly examine what you have written before finally releasing it. When I have any document to write, I generally will write it and edit it in one sitting but save my most important final edits for another time. By separating this last measure, I usually come up with something that sounds clearer and reads better.

I have been on a surge these past few months having penned more than 15 press releases for six different customers. To date, each release has been satisfactorily written and submitted to separate press release sites.

One area of vetting which isnt as apparent is the usage of anchor links within the release. Across the board, all major press release companies require that a separate fee be paid for the privilege of including anchor links. This fee can range from $30 to $200, a small fortune for some small businesses.

Recently, I nearly saw one of my releases delayed by a full day because I used links without paying for the upgrade. Once I was alerted to the mistake, I quickly made the correction and resubmitted. The release was still able to go out on time.

The moral of the story? You can write a jam up press release but remembering the various submission requirements for each distribution company can be a job in and of itself. I would have hated to see the release delayed and it could have cost me an important customer. Fortunately, the reminder from the distributor and my quick action averted what could have been a disaster.

One more step to consider in the press release vetting process.

Copyright 2006 For additional information regarding Matthew C. Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.