Article Marketing - How to Write Articles With Various Parts Without Irritating Your Readers
Have you ever found an article posted somewhere that refers to Part I, Part II, and Part IV, but you cant find the various parts of the article ARGH! What a dynamic waste of my time and frustration! Theres a simple way to create articles in parts, solve your time issues and creative writing problems, all while bringing your reader back to your website for some DYNAMITE Content.
Heres a challenge for you. Next time youre tempted to break that incredibly long content rich article into parts I, II, III, and IV, STOP! Dont do that! Give you reader a valuable list of informative topics with viable sub headings, publish that hummer as an ebook, and create a power-charged pitch article, such as this one, to promote your four or five part ebook. You can, if you choose, give that ebook away with a link from your website and a sign up opportunity for you to capture their name and email address.
While youre giving away great content, youre gaining something from the gift, and youre not frustrating the heck out of your readers. Theres a plus for you. Have you ever gone to a website after the writer of an article frustrated you? Did you sign up for anything? Probably not, to both questions.
My point exactly!
Content providing dynamic information can be created with multiple resources and you can send the reader to high-quality links easily without the frustration by keeping your Parts in ONE UNIT, and simply giving the reader valuable content with a link to your Big Parcel. So heres your list of ideas to drive traffic back to your site with multi-part article ideas that dont leave your reader pulling off extremities!
Create an Ebook from Multi-Part Articles and Give it away on your Website.
Create a Report from your Multi-Part Articles and Give it away on your Website.
Write Multiple STAND ALONE articles to draw your reader back to your website for those IMPORTANT Documents.
Provide Links to individual parts of an article that you have posted on your website.
Use a lead in Article and Market your Multi-Part Ebook for money from Article Marketing.
Are you ready to create dynamic content that generates massive amounts of traffic to your website?
Jan Verhoeff shares the SECRET of PROSPERITY on the Internet with High Value Information Marketing. Claim your value laden copy of this Dynamic Traffic Building Document at and bring POWER-CHARGED targeted traffic to your website for high-impact, profit producing value.
Exchange Your Web Site Popularity
Link exchanging has become a legitimate and respected practice amid many webmasters in the online community. Once concerns over being confused with a "link farm," made many site owners hesitate, however the idea never failed to transcend such worries and has become a popular option for building traffic.
If link exchanging is performed in a professional and reasonable way, it can boost the results of your hard work. It an improve search engine rank, offer great link popularity, and ultimate, increase your worthwhile web traffic.
To maximize your benefit and improve your traffic, there are several factors you need to be aware of. Link exchanging only works when you know precisely what you want to say. You must both know your "niche," or area of specialty, you must have a fully finished web site. It isn't very interesting to consider a link exchange with a site that is, "under construction," and is most likely new. New web sites simply don't have the traffic of established sites and it often takes time before any such volume of traffic will regularly visit.
Once your site is complete and ready for traffic, you can start looking through the similar web sites out there. It's best to avoid seeing these sites as simple "competitors," if you want the system of link exchanging to work. These sites can bring you a great deal of traffic that is already interested in what your site offers.
When you are exchanging, do not behave in ways that will get on other webmaster's bad sides. Don't demand that they link with you or expect an immediate response to your offer. Webmasters are often hit with tens or hundreds of visitors requesting link exchanges. Watch your tone in your communications and appreciate the effort of all parties involved. Never set deadlines or try to pressure the other webmaster into linking with you. If they are interested they will respond.
Naturally, if you want to exchange, always get permission from the other party's web site beforehand. Do not expect someone to link with you just because you placed a link to them on your page. Another common behavior to avoid is the virtual, "bait-and-switch."
This is where you agree to a link exchange, wait until they have posted your link, and remove the return link to their site. This will often get your link permanently removed with no hope of future exchanges with that domain.
Also, actually visit the sites you want to exchange links with. Many webmasters are good at noting which offers are genuine and which are impersonal or automated.
Now that the basics of what you should not do are established, it's time to discuss how you can benefit and prosper from link exchanging.
For link exchanging, create at least one page that's specifically for your links. This should be visible on your home page. You may have as many pages as you like so long as you don't overdo your linking on each page. The limit for linking penalties in search engines is around twenty or twenty-five links per page. When you pass this amount, you run the risk that a search engine will mistake your page for a link farm.
For example, if you have a site devoted to electronics and exchange links with similar sites, you will showcase different areas for software, computer systems, and hardware on your partners' sites. This gives your visitor a greater knowledge of where the links point and what they can expect to find at the end of them.
It will also improve your visitor's experience if you organize the exterior links. Some webmasters leave a small notification to let visitors know clicking on the link will take them away from their site.
Your "guest links," will have a title and a brief description. Your titles should be in simple title format with no all capitals or "toggle" formatting. A good title length will be around twenty-five characters.
To optimize your link exchanging, keep your link descriptions brief, as well. Never use more than twenty words to describe where each link points to. Be concise, precise, and straightforward about your inner navigation and the navigation you have to sites outside.
Link exchanging can provide a beneficial tool for promotion and profiting from the internet. By adhering to a few simple rules, you can have all the traffic of exterior links without any search engine penalties for doing so.
Now you find on my web site at resources and news that you can use from the best internet marketing tools and the best advertising techniques for your website promotion.
Affiliate Elite Review - The Most Powerful Affiliate Tool Ever!
One of the most popular digital products in Internet Marketing of all time. Affiliate Elite is created by a man called Brad Callen. Affiliate Elite has unbelievable characteristics, which impressed all Internet marketers around the world.
Brad Callen is a well-known person in Internet Marketing and he is also the author of SEO Elite and Keyword Elite. Affiliate Elite is his latest development, which claims to be the best affiliate tool ever. This amazing tool provides 4, so called, projects. Each project does something, which gives a big benefit to someone who uses it.
Project 1 - Finding Top-Selling Affiliate Products To Promote
This is one of the most important features of Affiliate Elite. Using Affiliate Elite you can search for products on PayDotCom and Clickbank marketplace. It will show you brief statistics of the products, so you will be able to find, which ones are profitable. It's just fantastic, it's the same if marketing gurus, tell you which products are they selling. You will be able to sort the niches, and find products in your specific niche. Also this will be an advantage for PPClickers, because they will be able to find profitable products easily.
Project 2 - Google Search Keyword
I just love Project 2. This feature can be very expensive, if you look for something similar on the Internet and it can cost your hundreds of dollars per month. However, it's included in Affiliate Elite. This project can find keywords that the website is using in the Adwords campaign and average positions of this website in natural search results. This project can help you find keywords, which convert, so you won't waste tons of money on non-performing keywords.
Project 3 - AdWords Competition Report
Affiliate Elite can find super-affiliates all over the world, their keyword lists, landing pages and ad variations. This is one of my favorite features. Basically, you can find out almost everything affiliates, who are stopping you from doing your business. Kill your competitors, because you will know everything about them.
Project 4 - Find Super Affiliates
I don't know any other digital product on Internet, which provides so many crazy features. This project will be useful for publisher, who has their own product. Here you will be able to find landing pages of existing affiliates, who are already promoting something in specific niche. So publishers can find millions of affiliates how are experienced in their niche and can help to promote publisher's product. You need to insert merchant id of an currently active ClickBank user and then Affiliate Elite will spontaneously browse all over the internet and find all the landing pages in the internet who is publishing that product of the merchant. Now it will give a clear picture of the affiliate marketers marketing a product of a particular niche the ClickBank merchant is promoting and open the possibility of product exposure to a virtually infinite level. Affiliate Elite is so powerful, that it has the capability to even handle redirects and seek the respective sales pages.
All the projects are perfectly organised in the software, don't worry, this software is easy to use. Mr.Brad is a real expert in his area, and he makes only quality products. The price for the software is $199, also you will have to pay a monthly fee of $39. This is nothing compared to money you will start making after you purchase the software. The monthly fee and the product cost will be covered so quick, that you won't even realize how fast you earned that money.
I strongly recommend Affiliate Elite for any Internet Marketer. This tool is very powerful and it's a MUST, if you want to make REAL money online.
Please Visit To Find Out More High Quality Reviews Of Top Digital Products & The Latest World Business News!
Explode Your Work At Home Internet Business Traffic By Using The Right Keyword Research Techniques
We tend to be fixated to our earlier ideas, so we rather go the familiar routes and are not eager to find new creative keywords for our work at home internet business. That is a pity, because the old thinking brings the old results and the keyword market changes all the time.
The right angle to think your work at home internet business keywords is the consumer angle, to try to think like the prospective does but in the way which supports your business plan. It is not so simple to judge what search terms the searchers type, when they try to find information about your business topic.
One quick example from the world of the work at home internet business: most often we try to sell the benefits of our program to the prospects, like the amount of income etc. But should we in stead present conditions, that exist in the prospects life, that cause them to search the Net.
The natural way to find keywords is guessing, i.e. we try to guess again and again which keywords the searchers are using, and the result is most obviously the same as earlier. But we should use methods, which bring us results about the searchers real behaviour.
Now the key is to find work at home internet business keywords, which describe well your topic and the website nature and are so called low competition keywords. Optimizing your website along these keywords, it is possible to rank high in the search result pages and to grab most of the traffic. You see, being number one or two on these pages gives you more traffic than being number 15 on the high demand page.
Often these kind of work at home internet business keywords are so called long tail keywords or keyphrases, which target the offer better than the high demand search terms. When the page rank depends mostly on the amount of backlinks, they are not needed so many with the long tail search phrases.
The two key issues are the amount of competition and the sharp targeting, i.e. how well the search term focuses to the topic and nature of the landing page. The typing errors can be very useful as keywords, because many internet business marketers do not use them, because of the error.
It is useful to expand the scope of thinking and try to figure out the many reasons, why a prospect wants the work at home internet business, which you offer: income, freedom, self-esteem, social respect, success, image etc. A well working website has the answer to these several needs and handles the topic from many angles. The truth is that the searchers search information using lots of keywords.
The more information you have on your website about the various aspects of your theme, the more you will give to the people and the more keywords you need in order to fulfil the needs of the different searchers. This is important: do the keyword research regularly and use lots of work at home internet business keywords, so you will grab more searchers from the huge flow of the Net searches.
Too many work at home internet business websites do not widen their scope, but use the most obvious keywords again and again and will get the same results. And, this is the worst, they try to climb the search engine results pages, which have too heavy competition. It is a mission impossible.
Effective marketing steps out from the traditional box and does not talk only about the product, but about the prospects life. It is important to understand the benefits of the wideness of the prospects needs: it is not only earnings or some other one term, but a wide sortiment of needs, both rational and emotional, which determine the search term the searcher will use.
After the searcher has landed to your work at home internet business page, he is able to do the choices, i.e. which information he will pick. When you will research this wider need sortiment of the prospects, you will find keywords, which bring lots of good traffic and are longer lasting, i.e. the page rank will stand longer and do not need so many new backlinks all the time.
Now you see that the question is about the behaviour of the prospect, which is much wider topic than just the product you offer. This new angle has a great influence on your results, because the target group will feel that you know their needs in depth and they will respond better to your work at home internet business offers.
Switch to your prospects point of view instead of your own and you will find a totally new world and also understand better the benefits and the reasons, why the searchers search the information about your topic. You have to stop finding keywords, try to find needs in stead, because they will describe better the real reasons for the searches. This you can reach by typing, not keywords, but sentences into the keyword research toolbar. Be creative and a little bit foolish and that will open new paths to your work at home internet business. And remember that the rich, fresh content is the king.
Juhani Tontti. B.Sc., Marketing. Expand The Keywords Research! I Have Studied This Topic A Lot And Invite You To Find Out Useful Information And Examples For Your Own Work At Home Internet Business. Just Click HERE:
Too Many "Internet Marketing" Experts!
Do you follow any type of sport?
Even if you dont, you may or may not know that all great athletes and teams have a coach.
If it is an individual they usually have a single coach, if a team they have a coach and an assistant coach.
So what has this got to do with building a business?
How many marketing experts are their online? How many books do you have by a whole stack of different authors? On top of that how many articles by different writers can you ad to this list?
If a football or soccer team had five to ten coaches do you think they would be very successful? The poor players would be so confused by all the different opinions, varying tactics on playing the game and exactly how to win that they would probably never win one single game!
Are you starting to see my point?
Every expert online uses there own individual techniques, systems and types of websites to make profit. One expert might use one web traffic method one way while another uses it completely different.
This then is where the problem lies. If you keep jumping from one piece of advice to the next, to the next and then once again to the next, how successful do you think your online business will be?
So decide on one or two experts and follow their advice to the letter. This will save you a lot of time and money, I can assure you.
The marketers I personally like and follow are (apart from myself ;-))
Michael Campbell SEO and affiliate marketing.
Michael Green Ebook production and marketing.
Jay Abraham Online & off business marketing, business development & creation.
As you can see, Ive separated authors into different categories or fields depending the project Im working on at the time, I will follow the advice from just one.
Now if these people or even my own advice is not you cup of tea so to speak, the advice still stands. Find a marketer that has material that you like or writes in such a way that you can relate to and follow their advice to the letter. Dont stray form their advice, dont finish implementing techniques half way through the course and be consistent in your approach.
Chris Taylor CEO Catdynamics, author, marketing & SEO Specialist
Search Engine Optimization Training - Sky Rocket Your Search Engine Rankings In "Less Than 30 Days". Visit today.
Anatomy Of An Internet Marketing System
Please let me tell you about the Internet marketing systems I use and find helpful. This information may be of some benefit to you, especially if your goal is to monetize your site or earn an income from your online marketing.
My name is Titus Hoskins and I own and operate a very modest marketing website called I have been designing web pages and sites since 1998. I have an Art/Education background but in the last couple of years I have been studying online marketing systems and using them.
Yes, studying them, since I have an art background I like to examine beneath the surface of things or structures in order to get a clearer picture. I like to see the whole picture. The big picture. But the underlying elements behind these complex systems interests me the most. What's beneath the surface excites me, the structure holding everything in place. How they are designed, the methods and tools used to make these marketing systems work.
Keep in mind, I still feel a bit funny calling myself an Internet marketer. Last week my marketing efforts make me around a thousand dollars; don't know if that qualifies me as an Internet marketer or not. Probably not. Most of the people I associate and have contact with, usually make that in a day -- the real smart ones make that in an hour.
A thousand dollars in one hour?
How is that possible? Well, the marketing experts who earn the big d's -- usually have complex automated marketing systems set up and operating on the Internet. These systems start with their own products but quickly expands and builds with large opt-in lists or ezines, 1000's of affiliates, large JV networks, multi-sites, viral marketing, membership forums, brandable ebooks, online marketing tools/resources and the list goes on...
No doubt you may have stumbled across some of these marketing systems on the Internet... one of the first I really encountered was Internet Marketing Center run by the late Corey Rudl who died tragically in a car crash at the young age of 34. I made my first affiliate check through Corey's system and it changed the way I looked at the Internet forever. And the check was only $5!
What made me earn that $5 was not only my own efforts but more importantly the whole marketing system behind IMC. It took an ordinary webmaster and showed him how to market on the web. It showed me the way. More importantly, it also taught me Internet marketing is a skill anyone can learn.
These marketing systems can be good places for the beginning marketer to learn those skills. There are many marketing systems quietly working the Internet. Some of best (in my opinion) are Ken Evoy's whole Site Sell system, Marlon Sanders Higher Response Marketing, John Reese's Traffic Secrets, Bryan Winter's PushButton Publishing, Jeff Mulligan's CBmalls, Nitro Marketing...
These Internet marketing systems are all different, yet they all have common elements or features that make them very effective and very powerful marketing systems. A close examination of the different components or parts might give you a better understanding of what makes these Internet marketing systems work.
Here's a list of different parts of an effective Internet Marketing system:
* Founder or Helm: All these marketing systems have a strong leader or founder at the helm. A very vocal and forceful communicator or spokesperson is needed as a focal point. And like any company, its only as good as the person leading it. Because the Internet is still a very 'scary' place for the average user; a friendly outgoing spokesperson is needed to break those barriers (real or imaginary) down.
* Unique Product or Products: Most of the effective marketing systems have their own products to market. These can be digital info products, web building/hosting packages, or even self-contained marketing systems. Or all of the above. Some popular products that come to mind would include Ken Evoy's whole Site Sell and SiteBuildIt line, or Jeff Mulligan's CBmalls promoting the well known digital download affiliate site ClickBank.
* Databases or Lists: All these systems collect and keep large databases or opt-in permission contact lists of customers and potential customers. The real net value of any marketing system is in the quantity and more importantly the quality of its lists. All deliver a weekly or daily ezine or ezines to these lists. Consider these Databases as the engines that empowers any Internet marketing system.
* JV Networks: Most have large Joint Venture Networks or contacts that will kick-start any new product. Momentum and sales are created with these JV partners. An ideal JV partner is a well respected online marketer with very responsive and very large opt-in lists. If Databases are like engines, JV networks will fill those engines with the fuel they need.
* Affiliates: The best marketing systems use 1000's of affiliates to promote and market their products. This is usually done in-house with their own affiliate program or onsite software set up. Some use third party affiliate programs like ClickBank, 1ShoppingCart, Commission Junction, LinkShare, or Shareasale. Your ignition.
* AutoResponders: One of the most effective marketing tool these systems use, autoresponders are essential for delivering the sales. A series of follow-up e-mails will increase those sales dramatically, studies have shown that it takes 6 or 7 follow-ups before someone purchases your product. Consider the autoresponder like a fuel injection system.
* Tracking and Marketing Resources: All have extensive tracking and marketing resources, usually located online within a membership site. An easy to use and accessible tracking system for affiliates is needed. So too are marketing resources such as banners, links, coupons, graphics, seo tactics, landing pages, lead capture pages, brandable reports, articles and ebooks. Obviously, your toolkit.
* Viral Marketing: All great Internet marketing systems use viral marketing techniques. This can be as simple a brandable reports, articles, software or eBooks. Affiliates can embed their own IDs and pass these viral products along to their friends and visitors, these useful viral products then get passed around all over the web. Creating links, contacts, buzz and funneling prospects back to your marketing system. Consider it your Turbo Charger.
* Online Forums: Many of the better Internet Marketing systems will have an online forum where members can network and interact. Offering workshops and tutorials. This is a vital community building tool that must not be overlooked or underestimated. It will greatly enhance the effectiveness of any marketing system, building a foundation and launch pad for any new products. Your gas station.
* Cross Promotion: These marketing systems can become very complex: promoting programs within programs, cross networking whole systems within systems, joint ventures within joint ventures... Marketing seminars, conventions and workshops are other lucrative features these systems use to market their products and to network with other marketers. Hybrid fuel.
* Corporate Blogs: Most have company blogs or a network of members' blogs. Realizing the importance of these relatively new mediums for getting the word out. RSS feeds are also used to syndicate your sales message and content. That would be your satellite radio.
* Affiliate Incentives: The better marketing systems have affiliate incentives and contests to motivate the sales force. From cruises to Ferraries...
* They Pay Their Affiliates On Time: Might seem trivial, except for the affiliate. The best Internet marketing systems pay their affiliate regularly and on time. They are trusted and respected by affiliates and online marketers. This trust have been built up over many years of good solid business relationships. The best marketing systems are the ones that can harvest and develop those relationships with thousands or even millions of affiliates. Your accelerator.
* Automation: The one key element that makes all of the above possible. These Internet marketing systems are automated to the highest degree possible. Without automation these large marketing networks could not function. Therefore, almost all the day to day running of a marketing system is automated and can run smoothly without much work or maintenance. The grease that makes everything run.
* Internet: These marketing systems have taken full advantage of the world wide web and used it to their benefit. It permits global marketing with affiliates in every country around the world. A large multinational marketing force that is made possible only with the creation of the Internet. Consider it the clue that connects the whole system.
The computer and the Internet make these whole automated marketing systems possible. Closely studied and dissected, these systems are complex, intricate creatures solidly embedded into the Internet and the lives of millions around the globe. Enabling lifestyles that offer mobility, freedom and enrichment never before seen this side of a PowerBall win!
When you picture these complex marketing systems, don't think of computers, databases, autoresponders, wires...
Rather, picture a sun drenched tropical beach with a light breeze and a clear blue sky. Picture a person sitting to one side, checking daily sales stats on a cool sleek shinny laptop... don't forget to zoom in real close and you will notice a slight smug smile. But don't stop there, if you stare really hard and think about what you have just read, you will have a clear view of an Internet marketing system.
The author runs a modest Internet Marketing web site where you will find helpful online guides on RSS/Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Programs, List Building, Laptops, Internet Fax and quite a few Internet Marketing Tools. Including the very popular Free Desktop Calendar & Planner Copyright 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Nifty Secrets to Make Money Through Article Marketing
Article marketing provides an easier way for webmasters to build quality inbound links for their site that can result to impressive page ranking. When websites have good placement on search engines, it follows that they will be highly visited by online users. As a result, webmasters get more traffic, increased sales potential, and amazing increased in profits.
Here are the 6 nifty secrets to make more money through article marketing:
1. Multiply the number of your articles. The more articles you write, the more inbound links you create for your website and the more articles you make available for publishers to use. These spell out great success in this marketing technique.
2. Focus on the quality of your articles. In your effort to increase the number of your articles, make sure that you don't sacrifice the quality of your content along the way. They must still be all well-written, useful to your target market, and content-rich.
3. Do not advertise on your articles. Focus on giving your readers quality information when you write the content for your articles. You can place your sales pitch on your resource box.
4. Prioritize the needs of your readers when writing your articles. Make sure that your content is geared towards meeting the needs and demands of your potential readers.
5. Learn how to optimize your articles. It is not enough that you know the keywords that are relevant to your niche, but most importantly you must know how to strategically place them on your content so they will sound natural.
6. Your articles must be short. As the attention span of online users is significantly short, it would help if you can write articles that are not lengthy and direct to the point. This is the best way to get your message across without boring your readers.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
The Bum Marketing Method 101
What is the bum marketing method?
This is a question which many newbies or super affiliate wannabes often ask in forums or blogs. The answer can be simple as you will understand shortly. In this article, I will tell you what is the bum marketing method and how can anyone make money out of it.
The bum marketing method is a simple way to make money using a high traffic page to direct traffic to a sales page to close the deal. It is another form of article marketing in short. Because it is so simple, any bum can do it which is why it is called bum marketing!
What are the ingredients for the Bum Marketing Method?
1. A search engine loved web site such as EzineArticles, Squidoo, Zimbio & HubPages.
2. A product sales page such as a ClickBank product page, other affiliate sales page or even your very own product sales page.
3. A unique and original article optimized for long tail keywords
Basically, using the bum marketing method, you will write an article about 300 words long centered on long tail keywords with a keyword density of around 1 %. Long tail keywords are targeted 4 or 5 phrase keywords that are specific.
For example, "buy a black iPAQ Pocket PC H3670" is a long tail. Such keywords are easier to rank in Google and chances are, the searchers are laser-targeted.
Next in the bum marketing method, submit it to EzineArticles, Squidoo, Zimbio or HubPages. Remember to put links on your article to your sales page or whatever destination site you want your visitors to go. In the case of EzineArticles, place your link in the author resource box. They do not allow affiliate links but you can always use a redirect or masked link.
With long tail keywords, your article can be ranked in Google within a few days. I have seen them in Top 10 within several hours!
When your prospects search for the targeted keyword, for instance, "buy a black iPAQ Pocket PC H3670" in Google, he/she will see your bum marketing article and read it. If your link is obvious and appealing enough, he/she will visit your site and Ah-Ha! Your visitor is more likely to buy, isn't it? See the power of the bum marketing method?
For a limited time, you can download Davion's FREE report "Secrets of Affiliate Marketing" which reveals killer secrets of affiliate marketing you can use immediately to supercharge your affiliate income! Full giveaway and resale rights worth $97 included.
Also read this interesting article to pick up 10 affiliate marketing secrets.
How To Get Cheap Website Traffic - The Bum Marketing Method Explained
Let's face it, you need to get traffic to your website or you will never make a dime from it. The only problem is that most new marketers have no idea how to get cheap website traffic and they also don't have a very large budget. This can make it a bit difficult to get the traffic you need, but not impossible. The bum marketing method is a great way to get not just cheap, but free website traffic. Read on to discover the bum marketing method.
Bum Marketing was created by Travis Sago and is a way that people are making lots of money without spending a single dime. The bum method includes writing article for traffic and turning that traffic into sales. The basic ideas behind bum marketing is to write your articles around a specific keyword phrase so that you can get listed on the search engines. Then, you will get traffic from the search engines and be able to create small traffic machines.
The keyword phrase you target needs to be one that people are using to search and needs to have little competition. This gives you the best chance to get listed on Google and other search engines. The advantage of this is that if you had a large amount of articles out there you could be getting a large amount of cheap website traffic. Cheap meaning that all the traffic costs you is some of your time to write the articles with the bum method.
Imagine if you wrote just one article each day for a year. You would have 365 little traffic machines creating a flood of traffic to your websites. Even if you only got 1 visitor a week from each article you would be getting 365 visits a week. If you convert one out of every 50 into a sale, then you would get about one sale each day. If each sale made you a $30 commission, then you would have created a lasting $210 income each week. Now imagine if you wrote 5 articles a day.
Discover how to create a flood of cheap website traffic with the bum marketing method. Find out the secrets of writing articles faster and better right here:
Article Marketing - The Revelation of the 6 Highly Confidential Tips to a Better Article Marketing
The best weapon in article marketing is primarily focused at the article itself. You need to make sure that you are able to come up with a powerful article to facilitate a successful article marketing plan. Below are the revealed 6 highly confidential tips to a better article making and article marketing all rolled into one:
1. Extra strong article title or subject line. If there is one reason why a lot of newspaper sells high is because of the powerful and provocative headlines that they are able to develop. Make use of this idea on your own articles. Come up with a powerful subject lien to entice your potential clients to read it.
2. Make use of the introductory part to announce important things like new features or essential updates that you have. This will better provoke the interest and attention of your potential market.
3. Essentially, you need to make sure that you are able to write down the most important details of your article on the body of the whole article. If there is a need to break into pieces the important information, have these properly distributed on your article.
4. Refrain from using jargonized terms. These terms which may be highly technical for other people can bring distraction and can lead into disinterest on the part of the potential market. It is advised that you might as well write your articles in a very simple and easily understood manner.
5. Never release any article material that is not error free. Check for possible grammatical flaws and errors. Make sure that all information included on your material has been properly verified and checked.
6. Make a final run down on your material. The final reading of the article will allow you to see some of the overlooked items that are on your material. It is always best that you make a final run down on it.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.
Article Marketing Secrets - How to Build a Massive Web Presence with Your Articles
Creating a massive web presence with article marketing is really not that difficult. It's quite do-able if you are willing to invest the time and energy.
Once one of your articles goes viral you have begun to build a web presence with that one article.
How to create a massive web presence
Here are some simple steps to take to create a massive web presence with your articles.
Step 1 - Write a great quality article on a topic in your niche.
Step 2 - Submit it first to EzineArticles, the largest article directory with the most traffic.
Step 3 - Submit your article to other top ranked article directories.
Step 4 - Submit your article to niche article directories. You can find these by typing in your keywords into Google or Yahoo followed by the phrase "article directory."
Step 5 - Submit your article to your own article directory in your niche.
Step 6 - Do this over and over again.
Benefits of a massive web presence
Let's say we've got Speaker 1 and Speaker 2, and the meeting planner is trying to decide which one of these speakers to hire. They're equal in skill, they're equal in topic, and they're reasonably equal in fee.
The meeting planner does a little internet search and they find a couple of hits for Speaker 1. But Speaker 2, they do a Google search for their name and find dozens and dozens and dozens and perhaps hundreds of hits because of all the articles they've written.
Which speaker is the meeting planner going to hire?
And you can build the same kind of massive web presence with your articles.
And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at
From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network
Using Article Marketing To Boost Your Business
You probably know by now, especially if you have been advertising on the internet for a while, that articles advertising is one of the best ways to advertise your website or business. The only reason that more people aren't using this method of advertising is that they think they can't write an article. The truth of the matter is, writing more articles will make you better and there are people you can hire to write articles for you.
So, what exactly can submitting an article do for your business?
Well, think about why most people are searching for articles in the first place. They are usually not looking for articles at first, but they have a specific niche or keyword they are looking for information about. When they stumble upon a well written article with useful content, they will want to read it and take what they can.
An article doesn't have to be long, but it does need to be informative and helpful to the reader. For instance, if you are writing an article about network marketing, submit it to sites that are about network marketing, and let them publish it for you. They must then link to your site. This is called backlinking.
The more you do this, the quicker you will generate more traffic to your site.
There are some people who actually use article directories to find information they are looking for, rather than using the search engines. This is why it is important to submit your articles to directories as well.
Writing articles doesn't have to be difficult. Find good informative, relevant content to write about and make it interesting to read. Be entertaining in your writing. If you still feel like you just can't write a good article, or you don't have the time, it is good to outsource this task. Article writers are inexpensive and time saving. You can use the extra time to work on other aspects of your marketing this way.
Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...
Click Here To Discover More About Jason Pearson
Identify Your Own Internet Business Opportunity
Faster computers and broadband internet have today changed the way many things are done in the world. The same applies to business opportunities. With internet, not only is it possible to search for new and exciting business roles but also to discover new ways to market your home business online. It is now possible for groups of people across the globe to put a business plan into action through efficient online systems of communication and interaction.
Using the internet to promote your business has many unique benefits. For example, the overhead is negligible if you are operating from a home based computer. Besides, you will have access to many business tools that big companies use, and most of such tools are free or inexpensive. In addition, you can enjoy various incentives that are available to those who officially start a home based business. Finally, a major incentive for people interested in internet business opportunities is to implement their own ideas and enjoy control over their own business, while enjoying a free life.
However, even though an internet business opportunity may sound as an easy and exciting way to earn or supplement your income, it is critical to stay focussed and dedicated to the business plan. For, if it drifts to being just a casual hobby, it may not reap the desired benefits.
To get started, it is essential to choose a business opportunity for which there already exists a demand online. Because it is easier to sell to people what they want than to sell a new product of which there is limited awareness. A good online business involves research into keyword popularity. There are certain key elements that should be in place before starting any new business - a simple website for your new business, a basic understanding of bookkeeping and accounting and a thorough business plan.
It may be a good idea to constitute a team to help accomplish your internet business plans. This can be a group of people who will brainstorm with you and give you feedback when required. You can organise a team either by interacting with people on online forums or through your own friends and professional associates who may also be interested in internet business opportunities.
As your business grows, you can even have professionals in specialised roles. For instance, you could hire writers, designers, lawyers, accountants and so on. These professionals can help you expand your home internet business with their expert services. Team work is crucial in later stages because there is often a danger of losing perspective in online businesses in the absence of regular monitoring and feedback.
While starting an online business, it is recommended to begin your new venture as an extra source of income, without quitting your regular job. This implies working on this new business in evenings or over weekends. The reason this is recommended is so that you can continue to enjoy your regular pay, and also give yourself time to catch up on the learning period of your new internet business, without stretching your budget. Also, you can reinvest your business income in the initial stages to help it expand further.
Finally, there are other types of internet opportunities that can help you make money without actually starting your own business. The internet is full of offers from thousands of websites that lure you to join them. Unfortunately, many of them may be identity thieves or scammers. However, if you do your homework properly, you may land yourself the ideal source of making money online.
For such opportunities, it is essential to protect your personal information. For this purpose, you can either find a professional you can trust or learn yourself about the various protections like firewalls and anti-virus software. It is also advisable to get an external hard drive to back up all your data.
Another possibility of earning income through internet is by making use of affiliate marketing and network programs. These new innovative online marketing techniques allow you to make money even when you are not online. Once you get started initially, you can get paid on the efforts of others further down the line, thus keeping your business awake twenty four hours a day.
So far we have seen the various ways of making money through different internet business opportunities. All it takes is a certain amount of will and perseverance to get started and stay focussed. The business principles of hard work, good marketing and networking remain the same as before. What has changed is the availability of fast speed internet which has expanded the potential reach of businesses and the availability of global markets - all of this without leaving the comfort zone of your home. All you need is to do is to identify your business and get going!
Tom Gee is a professional internet marketer and website optimization expert who lives in Cardiff, South Wales, UK. For more information about starting your own business visit his Internet Business Opportunity web site.
7 Steps to Launching a New Product, Program, or Service for TONS of Sales
When I teach one of my Online Success Blueprint Workshops, the section that gets my attendees most excited is when I walk them through an actual product launch.
What's a launch?
It's when you release a new product, program, or service for the first time to your mailing list. A launch is a super opportunity to rack up a TON of sales in a short amount of time.
I basically have seven steps to a launch. In my workshops, I walk through them in great detail and include actual examples and results. But to get you started, here's a brief description of each step and how it works. You can do a launch for any service, product, or program, but for the sake of this article, let's assume we're talking about a product.
1. Drop hints in your ezine beforehand.
Before your product is even ready, start getting your readers curious and excited! Drop hints that something big is on the way and what the benefits are. For example, "I'm working on a brand new product that could help you easily double your sales this year. I can't say anything about it just yet, but you'll know the full story on October 1."
2. Create your sales letter and thank-you pages.
Again, you can do these steps even before your product is ready. In fact, many experts recommend you write your sales letter BEFORE you even create the product. (For my own step-by-step formula to writing a web page that SELLS, see my quick-start guide.) After your sales page, you will need a page to send people to once they purchase -- the "thank you" page -- where they can also download your product if it is digital.
3. Set up the product in your shopping cart.
Log-in to your shopping cart program and set up your new product name, price, and the thank-you page URL. Don't forget to add on shipping or sales tax if applicable. I hope you use a shopping cart with all these capabilities! (I use, love, and recommend Then stick the product link on your sales page.
4. Send out a solo mailing to your customer list.
When everything is ready, it's time to start your promotions! The first people I alert about any new product are those who have already bought from me. It's my most responsive list, and this will be your most responsive list, too. Keep this email short and sweet. Your only objective is to drive them to your sales page, where they can get the full story. (For my own step-by-step formula to writing an email that SELLS, see my quick-start guide.) To make your customers feel special, give them a special discount or bonus that's just for them. And give them a deadline to respond by.
5. Send out a solo mailing to your ezine list.
I do this a few days after I promote to my customer list. Same idea, different list. Got it? Good.
6. Let your affiliates know how to promote this new product.
After I launch my product to my own lists, I let my affiliates know that I have a new product they can promote! Send them an email with the details, their individual affiliate link that gives them credit on any referred sales, and even ad copy they can paste into their ezines or websites. Don't forget to mention how much commission they get per sale. (I do this all through
7. Promote in your ezine on an ongoing basis.
Once your launch is over, don't let your product wither away and die! Keep the momentum going. Make sure you highlight it on a regular basis in your ezine via ads or articles, and that it's also easy for visitors to find on your website.
BONUS TIP: Give them a reason to buy today!
People are so busy these days that they will put off ANY decision possible. So, you will ALWAYS get more sales when you give people a reason to buy NOW and not later. For example: Put a time limit on your offer or have a limited quantity available.
2005 Alexandria K. Brown
Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," publishes the award-winning 'Straight Shooter Marketing' weekly ezine with 20,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your FREE tips now at
Article Marketing For Better Exposure Online
Article marketing has been around for what seems like eternity, but one thing remains constant, if you write in detail about the subject matter of your website and add an active link back to your website it really works to bring in new traffic and even repeat visitors for years to come.
The use of marketing highly engaging content that people will read is nothing new in itself, but it does make up a large percentage of content that people will search for on the internet at some given time, especially if it is niche specific and targeted informational content.
Whatever your websites content, you need to be thinking in terms of how you are going to present a solution to your target audience, maybe you need to write about some problem that only affects certain types of internet surfers in specific niche markets and you need to cater for that niche and it's sub niches to provide accurate information that will be of use to them.
Tips to find problems posed by many types of internet dwellers online is in forums, people ask questions and others supply the answers and it's this high quality information you need to build your customers or firstly interested subscribers who may sign up to your free newsletter where you provide further information on the topic they first found themselves being interested in to know the experts answers ( and the expert is you!)
Do a search for Yahoo answers, this is a service were you can find questions to answer, aswell as see questions being answered by experts and people just in the know about certain subjects that people want answering as soon as possible.
Keywords play a large part in your article marketing antics as these are how your words of wisdom are found through the search engines or through the article directories you submitted to, overuse of keywords could make your results rather futile, instead make your keywords stand out but spread out within your article body and it is advised not to repeat your keyword terms in every sentence, but for instance once in every paragraph, but varying the keywords and adding variations on your chosen keywords seems almost experimental, but it is worth doing for all of your articles.
Wayne Tully an artist, writer and affiliate marketer who does many online business ventures and earns a reasonable income online as a result.
Crank Out Multiple Articles To Become An Expert And Explode Your Business
Let me ask you a very important question. Are you still struggling to see results from your article marketing efforts? You may be writing articles, but simply not getting the results that you want.
In this article I would like to go over the key ingredient for article marketing success. You simply are not writing enough to achieve success. The biggest problem is that if you plan on only doing one article a day then this method of promotion will not work.
You are branding your name on the internet. When people subscribe to your newsletter or purchase your product it is because you have built your brand up and people trust you enough to do business with you. As the famous sales trainer Jeoffrey Gitomer once said people only do business with other people that they like, know and trust.
Ask yourself honestly who would you rather purchase from somebody who has 5 articles out there or somebody who has 500 hundred articles. If you read 500 articles by one author you are more likely to trust them and purchase their product than if you only read 5 articles. So to dramatically increase your business you need to increase the number of articles that you have out there.
This is a common mistake by many newbies. They think that all they need to do is write 20 articles and they are going to achieve massive success. You need to be producing and submitting articles to directories on a consistent basis to make this method work. Eventually you will build your brand as an expert in your market and when people are ready to purchase they will automatically think of you first.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
Article Marketing Is Like Hiring A Salesman? How Can That Be? Part III Of III
The more I think about the parallels between writing and publishing articles with directories and hiring a sales rep, the more fun I am having with it.
One of the questions that people ask a lot about article writing is can they write about multiple topics or subjects. The answer like so many other things is a conditional, *yes, but.*
Let me explain a little first. The problem is one of perception. People have a hard time accepting that a life coach may also be an expert at crocheting. Somehow, one area seems to diminish the level of acceptance and credibility of the other.
Imagine if you were going in to buy a Lexus, and you decided you wanted to wait a little while before making a decision. Then the sale rep asked if he could come over later in the week and give you a free workup for a financial consultation? Most people, wrong or right, don't think the guy selling them their car is the guy they want helping them with their investments.
So, why is the answer, *yes, but?* Well, there is a way that you can do this and not have the negative impact or at least reduce the potential for it and that is use a different form of your name. For example, the name you see for in their main resource box and the name that they are branding is C.J. Miles.
Let's say a person has an interest that probably is not very compatible to their primary business, an interest in movies. Maybe they have always thought it would be fun to write reviews on movies. The best way for anyone to do this and minimize the impact would be for them to use the Cortney Miles form of their name. They could use any other version really, for example Cortney J. Miles. would be acceptable.
This has two benefits that are closely related, not only are people not very likely to make the connection between the two, the two different versions will not compete in the search engines: in other words, if you went to Google and performed a search on the name, *C.J. Miles,* you would not be able to pull up anything that was written or blogged under *Cortney Miles.* That's all you have to do if you have a couple areas that you have some expertise in and want to share with the world some of your unique ideas -- just use a different form of your name.
I want to reemphasize one point that I made earlier, that is don't worry about being perfect before you start writing articles. Write, get better, learn more, and when you run across something that you know will make a difference in previous articles, go back and modify your previous work. We should all be better in 6 months than we are now, I don't care who you are.
What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.
Article Marketing - A Low Cost Tool For Small Business Owners
In the present scenario, millions of pre-existing websites are being further populated by newer additions on daily basis, as the majority of business concerns are going online in order to exploit wider markets across national frontiers. As a domino effect, the advertising and marketing of websites have gone extremely competitive and expensive. Under the circumstances, it seems only a financially resourceful websites can survive. But it is not entirely true.
With advent of Article Marketing, small business concerns have renewed hope of survival and success. Article marketing is a cost-effective and logical web-marketing stunt being extensively employed by seasoned SEOs (Search Engine Optimizers) or web marketers, to enhance Internet visibility of a website.
Article Marketing basically involves a website submitting informative and coherent articles to other websites. The topics of the articles are carefully chosen to stick to the basic business of the website. The articles contain a resource box with a short bio of the website and a link to the website. As articles are submitted to hundreds or even thousands of forums, blogs and e-magazines, which have their own faithful following of hundreds and thousands of readers per se, these articles result into high quantity of quality inbound links for the website from outside, without having to buy, beg or reciprocate links.
As a rule, these inbound links from other web addresses act as "votes" of confidence for the search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. The number of these votes of confidence determines the ranking of the website address in SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages). And of course, higher the ranking of the website, the better Internet visibility for the website, which in turn translates into better business prospects and optimized turnover.
With an easy opportunity to showcase expertise and wisdom, the articles present themselves as means of confidence building measures to a prospective customer, who is thus reinforced about the quality of the products and services of the website in no uncertain terms. The articles pre-sell the products and services of the website and offers seven to ten times better advertising than regular advertising. The articles allow effective filtration of the net traffic to render highly qualified traffic mostly. After reading a coherent and informative article on a product or service, a first time visitor to the website visits it with a positive outlook and is easily convinced about the authenticity of the offerings of the website.
Whats more, Article Marketing is incredibly economical in nature and has the least toll on the marketing budget of any website. To undertake article marketing, all the site needs to do is to write informative, easy to understand and articulate articles on subjects relevant to the business of the website and submit these articles to maximum of web based forums, blogs and ezines. These websites are always seeking informative articles free of cost. They do not charge anything while accepting an article. However, some of them may charge a nominal amount to further the articles to other forums / blogs / e-magazines.
With Article marketing, a website may relieve itself from other marketing stunts involving cold calls or face-to-face sales appointments to sell their products and services. A small-scale business website may feel rescued from the need to buy links or beg for links, which also involves spending valuable effort, time and money. Unlike direct marketing and paid advertisements, a well written article may continue to be republished on various newsletters, websites, forums, blogs and trigger a viral marketing effect, to last for a longer span of time.
Jonathan White has been involved in article and other online marketing for over 4 years. He owns Articles Marketing Directory & Affiliate Marketing
Students of New Subjects Make Great Online Article Writers
We know that many students write research papers and turn them in for their upper division classes. Just because they have written a research paper on a very limited niche in a scientific domain does not mean they know what they're talking about. Of course there must be peer reviews and then they need to get them published. In online article writing often writers or authors will discuss a certain subject as if they are an expert or authority on the topic.
Many people will look at a student of a certain subject and read what they are writing and assume that the student is expert. Of course a student of a certain subject cannot be an expert because they have limited time in the domain and they are a student not an authority. But how can the reader know the difference if the article is put onto the Internet online?
Another huge problem is many experts wish to persuade the reader into believing a certain point of view and rather than stating this or admitting that their article is an opinion, they will state the information as fact. If they pretend to be an expert in their field they can pull a fast one on the reader, because the reader believes that they know what they're talking about.
Perhaps you can see the problematic situations which arise when readers are duped into thinking that they are reading information from an expert or that the information they are reading is legitimate, when actuality it is nothing more than opinion. A student on a subject matter who is busy reviewing information makes an excellent online article writer because all the information is fresh in their head to draw upon as they are writing.
Nevertheless, what they're doing is regurgitating information rather than giving you an expert viewpoint and this is something the reader should consider and think about before accepting this information into their brain as fact.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
Article Marketing Traffic How Important Is Article Marketing Traffic?
Creating traffic online is the fundamental key to the success of any commercial or related type of Internet website. In this regard, a wise operator employs a variety of different tactics to generate and increase traffic. Article marketing is one tool that can be utilized as part of a comprehensive traffic enhancement plan. Indeed, many people have found article marketing to be an extremely effective tool when contrasted with other mechanisms that can be used to drive online traffic.
Through article marketing, you can expand the presence of your business or other type of web-based venture across the Net. For example, through article marketing, you can have placed different articles at various locations over the Net, articles that relate to the products or services offered through your web-based business or other type of enterprise. Individuals looking for information relating to the topics contained in your articles will be able not only to garner basic data in this regard through your articles but they will know where to go to obtain other relevant information as well as related products or service: Your website.
Moreover, through article marketing, you will be able to broaden the number of people that will be able to ascertain your particular expertise in a given area. Many people have established thriving enterprises through article marketing that set them apart as particular experts in specific fields. Because you become recognized as an expert in one are or another through article marketing, you are able to create or increase traffic to your own online venue because of that well established expertise.
Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, 7 Steps to Internet Marketing Success.
The Benefits Of Article Submission For Website Traffic and Lead Generation
Article submission is a great way to genuinely increase your organic website ranking and boost your one way links pointing to your website. Not only does article submission have a positive SEO effect it will also help your business to position itself as an expert and build credibility in your chosen niche.
In order to achieve a better organic website ranking it is important to get as many websites linking to yours without you having to do the same to them. This is called one way link building and is one of the most prominent ways to achieving a better ranking in Google, Yahoo! and MSN.
Doing this much harder than it seems but the best way to build your one way links is to submit your articles to as many Article Directories and Ezines as you can. Each of these is a one way link to your website and will generate an enormous amount of traffic being pushed to your website. This also means that the amount of potential leads you are now generating is also growing.
Submission can be a very time consuming and tedious task however there are a number of options which can solve this problem such as article submission softwares.
The results are well worth it when you start to see your ranking increase and your website traffic levels doing the same.
Not only will article submission benefit your website traffic and lead generation but you will also build the credibility of your business by writing informative articles about your industry or niche.
You will position yourself as experts in your field and this will also generate further leads and website traffic which you can transform into buying customers.
Barbara Mesar is Marketing Manager at Apex Pacific, the leading developer of Internet Marketing and Web Promotion solutions. Apex Pacific helps organizations of all sizes increase their online marketing presence leading to stronger business results. If you would like to learn how to improve your website performance, visit Apex Pacific at
Article Directory Sites - How They Work as a Promotion Tool
Writing articles related to your book's topic is a great way to drive traffic to your blog or your website. More visibility on the web keeps those little SEO spiders fed and improve your rankings. More exposure means more visitors to your site. The more articles you get out there with your signature line (that includes your web and blog addresses) the more back-links you get.
Each article should be between 300 and 700 words (some allow for up to 3000 but who reads that large of an item on the web unless it is for academic purposes?) and should be key word rich without being key word stuffed. Once you article written, edited for tightness and cohesion, and proofed it is ready to post...after you put it on your blog first! (This is to avoid getting a duplicate content slap on the wrist by some directories.) After the final version of your article is prepared and your resource signature block is perfected (all links to you and your blogs and websites are to be found here and NOT in the articles themselves):
Prepare a list of directories to submit the article
For each submission site the article requires a different title and rework some of the content (change the intro and closing and perhaps add an extra point of discussion)
Submit to no more than 2-3 directories a day. This allows the little spiders to do their work properly.
Now sit back, and watch your traffic increase. As you share your knowledge and expertise you develop an audience who will recognize you as a content authority resulting in more visits to your site. It is a very satisfying experience to watch your articles take on a life of their own.
Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of lives with her best friend Rick on Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound just a "ferry ride from Seattle." She maintains two blogs:
She works with her two Labrador assistant editors, Mocha and Luke, and her feline copy edit assistants, Caesar and Yoda. Shannon is widely recognized as one of the top writing coaches for non-fiction authors. With over 17 years editing for native and non-native English speaking authors she knows how to help writers make every word count.