Secret Internet Marketing Tactic Lets You Dominate the Search Engines
If you want to get a LOT more Internet traffic than you are now, without having to do a lot of complicated key word and SEO tricks, then this article will show you how.
Listen to this:
The key to getting a lot of traffic to your audio.
Because search engines are now starting to pick up what is called ID3 tags.
What are ID3 tags?
Well, you know how when you put a CD in your CD Rom, or if you have a car CD player, and you put it in there and you see the little title of what youre putting in there flash across?
Thats an ID3 tag. Theres code embedded in the actual mp3 file, and also when people download digital files onto an iPod.
This allows people to sort their music by title, artist and other criteria.
The ID3 Name tag allows you to enter a more descriptive name for your audio file. For example, an audio file that has a name like myaudio.mp3 can be renamed How I Made My First Million in Advertising. Thats certainly more descriptive than the file name!
You are also able to enter the Artists Name and Composer. Both of these will probably contain your name as well as the name of your web site, email address, and/or telephone number. Mix up the content between these two fields. In my audios, the Artists Name field has my name and web site address and the Composer field has my name and my telephone number.
Although its length is limited to a few sentences, get creative and come up with a succinct summary of the audio that includes key words that will get your audio listed higher in Search Engines when someone is looking for content that may be just what your audio contains.
And, when you have an mp3 file up on your website, the search engines start picking it up that information like they do HTML text.
So, imagine if you have twenty or thirty audio recordings on your site, and youve got millions of people searching for whatever it is you sell.
By using audio, in addition to your regular web page content you have now, you have an extra "layer" of content being picked up by the search engines at the same time.
And by having those ID3 tags, and the keywords within, its going to be easier to dominate your market because the websites cant search the actual audio portion.
All they can go by is whats on the ID3 tags on your files. This is the strategy I do with my own websites with phenomenal results. And it will work for you, too.
The whole key to this is to simply get that audio content up there on your site with the ID3 tags and then let the search engines do the rest.
Copyright 2006 Michael Senoff
For more information go to
Should You Consider Article Marketing To Promote Your Online Business?
Article marketing is a really powerful and simple way to get more traffic to your websites, blog and other squidoo lenses. While it is true that content is king, this traffic generation method is very slow when you compare it to pay per click advertising for example.
The question that marketers ask is "Is this worth your time?".
My take on this is that whether or not you don't think it's worth your time, you should submit articles at least once a week. Sure, one article a week is not going to increase your traffic and profits anytime soon, but at least, you get your name out there.
This is one of the numerous advantages of writing and submitting articles. And if you have the budget, you can outsource this to a ghostwriter or virtual assistant. Plus you will get top rankings in the search engines if you add the right anchor text in your bio box. Keep in mind that article marketing is not a one time "set and forget" technique.
In fact, the more articles you write, the more effective the method. If you consider article marketing as an integral part of your overall marketing plan, you need to write at least one article a day.
Anyone really serious about his online business is involved in article marketing because of the instant credibility, instant traffic and instant sales.
Plus it is a good way to add new leads to your marketing funnel. Those leads are generally more targeted than those you can get in free giveaway events or other safelists and traffic exchanges.
To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".
Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:
Article Marketing - How Stay-at-Home Moms Are getting Better Results By Improving Their Aim
For the moms that are trying to make money at home on the Internet, I think there is one point that cannot be stressed enough in article marketing. I know this will not be one of those articles that gets 50 views in the first couple of weeks, but I think that this is an important enough point that for those of you that take the time to read it, you will be better off for it.
The tendency is to consider everyone as a potential prospect for your product, service or business opportunity. I want to give you mothers that are either staying home trying to earn some money part time, or for those mothers that are trying to get something started so you don't have to keep working outside the home, some information that will have a surprisingly large impact on your marketing.
Simply stated, the more focused you can make your copy, articles and content; the more likely you will be to get the desired results. Let's look at it from your own perspective. If you were to look up all the articles in this directory on article marketing, you would have to decide between thousands of them. So, ask yourself, how would you decide which ones to read first?
The process that you would use is probably similar to the one most people would use. You would start to scroll down through the articles until one of the titles or descriptions struck a personal note with you or caught your eye. Can you think of anything that would catch your eye more than if your name was in the title?
Yes, that is a little extreme, but what if the title said,
*5 Things that Make Article Marketing Easier for Stay-at-Home Moms.
* If you were trying to determine whether or not article marketing was appropriate for you as a stay-at-home mom, you would probably pick this one over one that just said,
*5 Reasons Article Marketing is effective.
* Look at these in a list, and see which one stands out to you.
Top 5 Article Marketing Mistakes
5 Easy Article Marketing Tips
5 Red Hot Strategies to Boost Your Articles Success!
5 Things that Make Article Marketing Easier for Stay at Home Mom's
5 Reasons Article Marketing is effective
I think you can see which one would probably stand out more to the stay-at-home mom. The truth is that you may check it out even if one of the other titles better addresses what you are looking for just because it address you so specifically. The other side of that is even if you are not a stay-at-home mom, you would still read that article if you were interested in finding ways to make article marketing easier to do.
Even when you write to a very specific target audience, you not only get that audience, but you get the spillover. But if you are not specific, then you only get the spillover, because nothing makes you stand out enough to get any specific attention.
What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.
Productive Article Marketing - The Game of Article Marketing
The importance of article marketing has been discovered in the past few years in the Internet marketing. It became very beneficial to the authors, publishers, article directories and of course the online businesses. There is no loser in this game. Everyone is a winner once they vent on article marketing.
The author of the article become expert in an instant once he or she provided juicy contents. Also since a URL of the site of the author is being provided on the article directories, they are sure to get more traffic to their site. You see, it is even a double purpose for most authors.
Also, article directories are winners since they get more traffic from companies that are hungry with good articles that they can publish on their site. These directories are very beneficial since they usually top very high among search engines.
If you want to be successful with article marketing, you need to be patient. Learn what topic people want. Do not give up writing different articles so that you will be known as an expert in your field. Though the result may not be noticed overnight, still it will guarantee you continuous traffic to your web site.
And as long as there are authors that write, article directories that publish these articles and as long as there are people who search for information, article marketing is here to stay. It will still be considered and will be forever regarded as the most effective way of promoting online.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.
Fast Article Marketing - Latest 5 Intriguing Steps to Multiply Your Article Marketing
Distributing your articles online is one of the best steps you can take to drive warm and targeted traffic to your website. When you are able to produce numerous content that matches online searches, search engines will drive interested traffic to your site that can lead to increased page views and higher page engine ranking.
1. Write and submit quality articles. When you are able to produce articles that are content-rich, useful, informative, and well-written, they are most likely to be read, picked up, and widely distributed by other publishers. This can result to more quality inbound links for your website that can help you secure better page ranking and increased sales potential.
2. Keep SEO in mind. While providing your readers with valuable content, it is also important to consider search engines when writing your articles. Learn how to use and position your keywords and key phrases on your content and follow appropriate keyword density so your articles will be properly indexed.
3. Consider the rules of publishing sites. Read and understand the terms of service of each article submission sites even before you start writing. By doing so, you can write your articles in such a way that they will meet the standards set by various publishers.
4. Drive online users to appropriate website. Depending on your call to action, you can insert your opt-in form link, website's URL, or product page's URL on your resource box.
5. Write in a conversational tone. Make your articles interesting to read by making them sound like you are just talking to a friend. Avoid sounding to stiff or too formal especially if your target market is hip and upbeat.
Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"
Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Fast Article Marketing - Discover 5 Creative Secrets to Excel At Article Marketing
One of the easiest ways to get targeted traffic for your website is through article marketing. It may not be the fastest way to see an influx of online visitors to your site, but it is definitely uncomplicated and relatively cost-effective. In addition, it is also proven to work not only in terms of improving your page ranking but also increasing your page views in the long run.
Here are the 5 creative secrets to excel with article marketing:
1. Strive to produce quality articles. When your articles are remotely interesting and content-rich, these will be easily picked up by other webmasters and publishers to use the information in their blogs or website. If you consistently write quality articles, your content will be widely distributed and you will earn numerous back links for your website and increased traffic.
2. Optimize your content. To make sure that your articles will be highly visible to search engines, use long tail keywords and incorporate Latent Semantic Indexing. This is relatively a new process in finding relevant keywords for you content which has gained the nods of major search engines.
3. Make use of interesting, attention-grabbing titles. If you want to improve your clickthrough rates, you must understand the importance of giving your articles great headlines. These act as your frontliners in getting the attention of your prospective readers.
4. Your articles must be content-rich. Articles that offer much valuable information are the ones that get the most attention online. So, if you would like to fare well in article marketing, you must learn how to pack your articles with valuable contents that are useful to your potential readers.
5. Master the art of creating a killer resource box. It is through this that you will be able to convert readers to your online visitor.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Must-Have Internet Marketing Tools
A carpenter, no matter how skilled, won't be able to work without his hammer. A painter can't paint without paint. Skills and experience are always helpful in any kind of business, but they aren't enough in the long run. You need tools, materials, or resources to help you attain your goals. The same holds true in Internet marketing.
Must-Have Internet Marketing Tools
The following Internet marketing tools may not be considered a necessity, but the benefits you can derive from them are not something you should disregard.
Get People to Subscribe to Your RSS Feeds
RSS feeds are one of the easiest ways to update past, present, and future customers of the latest going-ons in your business or website. RSS saves time and effort for everyone and since they're simple and relatively free to create, giving them a chance wont hurt your business. To maximize the benefits from RSS feeds, consider posting a link to RSS FAQ in your page so that people who haven't yet tried subscribing to RSS feeds will finally have an idea of what they're missing on.
Make Good Use of Emails
Although the system of sending and receiving emails isn't flawless, it's certainly more reliable and effective than having your mail handled by the post office. Emails are one of the most underestimated Internet marketing tools online and it's high time you put them into good use.
Firstly, use emails for an efficient way to provide customer service and support. Being able to respond to your customers' inquiries and concerns in a reasonable period of time will build consumer loyalty and strengthen your customer base.
Use email to send newsletters to your customers. Instead of spending a lot of money having actual newsletters printed and mailed, create a digital version and send them for free to your customers. And since there's no need to worry about the costs of creating and distributing newsletters, youre free to send them out more frequently than usual. Of course, be sure not to flood the inboxes of your customers or your plan would just backfire.
Lastly, create an email-based auto-response system so that you can right away acknowledge specified actions taken by your customers.
Create Events that Allow Interaction and Participation
It can be a contest or an event where your customers can interact with a famous figure. It doesn't matter what kind of event you end up organizing just as long as it can generate positive hype for the business.
In creating events, you must keep the following considerations in mind.
Firstly, there must be something you're offering in exchange. For contests, the rewards are obviously the ones serving as an incentive for people to visit your website and participate. Be sure that you spell out the rewards or benefits clearly.
Secondly, what you get from these events must be naturally greater than what you're spending on it. Don't offer what you can't afford to give. Thirdly, don't forget to have press releases created. They'll make sure that your target market is aware of your event.
Get a Blog
People tend to prefer businesses that they can boast of being personally familiar with. With a blog, you can get your customers to know more about you as a person and hopefully win their trust and loyalty in the process. It's also a good way of learning more about your target market and using this knowledge to improve your products, services, and operation. is an Expert Online Marketer
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Powerful Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Ultimate Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing
Article marketing is commonly the primary marketing arm of most webmasters today. Why? It's because it delivers great results, it's easy to use, and it's free. Today, it is considered the easiest way to create inbound links for your website that can lead to improved traffic and higher page ranking.
Here are the 3 ultimate steps to make money through article marketing:
1. Write more. If you want online users to consider you as an expert on your chosen niche, you have to make them feel that you have so much valuable information to share. You can do that by writing numerous articles. Explore all the topics that play crucial roles in your target niche and those which interest your potential clients and write about them. Running out of great topic ideas? Visit forums that are frequented by your target market or access leading article submission sites. These are gold mines in niche-related topics that you can use when writing your articles.
2. Stick with short articles. As you know, the audience you are serving have limited attention span and have little time to spare when surfing the net for valuable information. Based on research, people online appreciate getting the information they need upfront and prefer short, direct to the point articles. Increase the chances of your articles being read by keeping their word count to 300-500. It would also help if you can make them scannable so your readers can easily skim through your content.
3. Do your research. Your main objective in writing your articles is to inform your audience or equip them with valuable knowledge that can help them in improving the quality of their lives or resolving their pressing issues. Thus, it is of outmost importance that everything you put on your content are fact-based and credible to avoid misleading your readers.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Aggressive Article Marketing Strategies That Will Rake In The Big Bucks
Article marketing is one of the very best ways that you can market your business. The main advantage over many other advertising methods is that the leads convert up to 10 times better than other sources and it is also free.
In this article I would like to go over the basics that you need to do to succeed. Article marketing is very time intensive and if you do not spend time writing for a few hours a day then I suggest that you use another method of promoting your website.
Here is the formula that I use to achieve success promoting my business using this method. This works for me and there is a good chance that it will work for you to.
The most important part is to have a killer title that grabs attention. I have extensively tested this. Articles with boring titles seldom create much of an impact for good results. The other important factor that you need to consider is choosing your keywords correctly and including it in the title. If you do not do this you will get traffic from the directory that you submit to, but not from search engines where people are searching for information.
The next important part is to help your reader. You need to share information first that will help them. If you give first you are more likely to receive. If you share a slice of your expertise there is a much greater chance that your reader will join your newsletter and become a paid customer.
Finally, make sure that you have your unique selling proposition in your resource box. This will be your 30 second elevator pitch that will make your reader want to click through to your website.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
Article Marketing - Getting Started In Article Writing
Article marketing has long been touted as an effective strategy for marketing an online business. However, writing many articles and submitting them is easier said than done. One needs to follow a formula so that he will consistently churn out quality articles.
Firstly, you need to have a goal in your article marketing efforts. What are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to get direct sales? Are you trying to get leads for your business? Or perhaps you just want to create brand awareness? It is important to state your goals before getting started. This 'streamlines' your article marketing efforts and you won't get distracted by other less important tasks. Having a goal helps you keep focused.
Next, you need to have a schedule for writing your articles. Sure, you can write 10 articles and take the rest of the week off. But it is better to write 2 or 3 articles a day, so you are practicing your craft on a daily basis. This has a knock-on effect on the quality of your articles. Submitting articles consistently also produces great results for your business in the long haul. If you write just 3 articles a day, that comes to about 90 articles a month and 180 after 3 months.
Article directories are free to use, so this is one of the best cost-effective ways to market online. Its a good idea to spend some time reading other articles written by authors in your niche, to get a feel for it and tune your mind to write quality articles.
Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:
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Article Marketing - Is Your Article Optimized For User Searches
The primary reason you should be writing articles is to help your business or brand attract new customers or create awareness about a product or service you are offering. At the same time you should be giving useful information to your readers.
Before you start your article marketing campaign you should do your homework properly, your article titles should be optimized for people conducting searches in your market. This way, you make it easy for your prospects to find you when searching online. Let me give you an example; you are a real estate agent and you want to attract people to a book you wrote for first time homebuyers.
You decide to write an article as a way to market your book online. When choosing your title it should be one that a user will type into the search engines. For example "How much do I need to buy my first home". This is a title that a searcher will type into a major search engine like Google.
Assume this is the title of your article and you submit it to a major search engine, when the user does a search he/she will be able to find your article depending on the competition for the particular heading you choose.
Your article headings should make it easy for users to find your articles online. Keep in mind you have to be delivering useful and relevant content. This is one reason the search engines will have you listed in their search database.
I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website. You can also visit
Article Marketing - Announcing 4 High Impact Secrets to Breakthrough with Article Marketing
Why do a lot of marketers resort to article marketing today? The reason is simple: They would like to establish their credibility and expertise while building links for their websites using the most trusted and cost-effective marketing tool online.
Here are the 4 high impact secrets to breakthrough with article marketing:
1. Identify your potential audience. Are you writing for men, women, or both? What do they do for a living? What information will they find useful in their lives? What writing style and terms they can easily relate to? The more you know about the people to whom you are writing for, the more effective you will become in creating content that is highly targeted to their needs and demands.
2. Focus on keywords. Each of your articles must be written around a single main keyword that is highly relevant to your chosen niche. You have to use this keyword at least 6 times on your content to make your articles optimized and highly searchable online.
3. Choose topics that are related to your products. The reason for this is very simple: if you want to drive interested people to your website, you have to talk about their needs that can only be addressed by your products. That means, if you are selling diet pills, writing about watches will not give you potential clients.
4. Your articles must be publisher-friendly. To increase the chances of your articles being posted online, make sure that they conform to the publishers' universal guidelines which are: your articles must not contain hyperlinks, blatant advertisements, and inappropriate content. They must also be well-written, content-rich, useful, targeted to the needs of your target market, and direct to the point. When you are able to incorporate all these elements on your articles, you will not only please the publishers but the online users as well.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Article Marketing Secrets Starting an Article Marketing Business
Article marketing, of course, involves writing articles for the purpose of submitting them to the various online article directories and including a link to your web site in the articles, so that you will receive traffic from the articles you market.
There are two ways that you can make money with article marketing.
One way that you can make money with article marketing is by writing articles to send traffic to your web site, and then you make money from the traffic that comes to your web site, in much the same way that you make money from other forms of traffic, whether that is by building list and monetizing it, or by selling products online. I call this direct traffic when you submit the articles for the purpose of getting the direct hits from article readers. To do this effectively, simply write many quality articles and post them to the top 2 or 3 article directories online.
The second way that you can make money with article marketing is by writing a few articles and submitting them to multiple article directories I think that there are around 500 at current count. This will allow you to gain a maximum number of what the search engines call backlinks, and the search engines will generally rank you higher in the search engine results if you have more backlinks. Once the search engines rank your website, then people can visit your web site via the search engines, so I call this article marketing traffic indirect traffic.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 400 articles in print and 8 published ebooks.
Article Marketing - How to Use Article Marketing to Generate Credibility
Article marketing has emerged as a very important means of marketing in the online world. Actually the competition amongst the websites has increased a whole lot. Never before was there such a huge number of websites on the internet as you can find today. The world of trade and commerce is being greatly affected by the online world. In this situation the online marketers are any and every possible way of promoting their websites in a competitive way. Article marketing is one of the ways which is considered to be an effective one by the people who are working in the field of internet marketing and who know and understand the pressures of such a high level of competition.
Article marketing is a somewhat sophisticated way of promoting your website. If you happen to article market your business and your website at the right places, you will get a very positive response. The articles will be greatly helpful in increasing the credibility of your website and your online business. Article marketing may take a little longer in producing results as compared to email marketing where the results may be generated in real time, but the effects of article marketing are lasting. If you search the web for results you can find lots and lots of people who have made it big due to their article marketing efforts. Article marketing can generate credibility if the articles are submitted to the right kind of article directories. Some of the article directories are more trusted than the others by the readers. Keep these points in mind and your articles will be more fruitful for you.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? Secrets of Article Marketing
Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.
How To Make Money From Home Online
One question that gets asked thousands of times every day around the world is, how can I make money from home online? Although there is no right answer, because the Internet is allowing people to make money, in many different ways, there are a couple of ways that they can work for almost anyone. In this article we will talk about two of those.
The two ways, and I'm talking about our affiliate marketing, and blogging. When you combine these two things. You have a tremendous business model that is being used around the world by all kinds of different people to make money from home online.
1. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is where you get paid to sell other people's products. The reason this is so popular is because almost everything is taken care of for you. You have one main job and that is to sell a product anyway you can.
Most affiliate programs are free to join, so therefore, anyone can. The downside to that is because you do not have an investment of your money up front you will not take this opportunity as serious as you should. If you will buck the trend and treat affiliate marketing as a business you can make as much money as you want from home online doing it.
2. Blogging
Blogging is the perfect complement to affiliate marketing, because anyone that can talk and can type blog. A blog is basically an online diary of your thoughts. By adding affiliate products you can make money with your blog. When someone buys one of your affiliate products you make a commission.
Blogging is a great thing for people who do not like to build webpages. By using a blogging platform that builds the pages for you, all you have to do is type in your thoughts and in essence, you have a new web page every time you post in your blog.
This is a dynamic combination because you can create a blog and an affiliate marketing products for virtually anything you can think of. If you like flyfishing in Montana you could create a blog and sell products to people who would be interested in that. If you like to cook French pastries you could start a blog about that and sell products that relate to that theme.
Once you understand what we are talking about, you will be able to answer the question, how can I make money from home online. You start a blog, add affiliate products to it, and then work on getting readers by posting comments in it.
Doing this will allow anyone to make money from home online and have fun as well.
Paul Jesse invites you to visit his make money from home online website today. His Work At Home Directory was created for people who want to make money online, make money at home, or simply start a home based business. To learn more internet marketing tips please click here now: ===>
Quick Link Popularity - 5 Key Ways to Link Popularity
Link building cannot get easier these days. With the discovery of forum posting and article marketing, you can easily build one-way links for your website is as little as 24 hours. You can also launch reciprocal and one way link campaigns with other webmasters to improve your search engines. Just make sure that your website is worth linking to so it can be useful to the readers of your potential link partners.
1. Make your website a good source of information. When other webmasters decide to link with you, they are not only recommending your site, they are also sharing their visitors with you. It is one of the best ways to tell their readers that you offer great information and that your website is worth checking out. Don't let them down and offer your visitors with nothing less.
2. Submit articles to publishing sites. This is the easiest way to build links for your website. All you need to do is write quality, relevant articles that will be useful to your target niche and pitch in your website on your resource box.
3. Leave comments on related blogs. You can also leave your URL every time you post comments, suggestions, or ideas on blogs that are related to your website topic.
4. Make other webmasters want to link with you. Take advantage of all traffic-generating tools and optimize your page so you can farewell on search engine ranking. When other webmasters see that you have huge traffic and you can help them generate some for their website, they will take the initiative and request for reciprocal linking.
5. Submit your site to search engines and online directories. This will greatly improve your online presence that can lead to improve traffic and great sales potential.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.
How To Start An Online Business When Your Budget Is A Big Zero
Everybody needs to have something extra to do in order to earn a little more than his or her 9 to 5 job entails. Most people choose the Internet as a tool since this provides a way out without the hassle of finding a office or shop space and it cost relatively less than setting up a real life business.
How Much Does It Cost To Set UP An E-Business?
Well, let us look first at what it entails. The first thing you would need with e-commerce is a website which you may design yourself or have a professional do it for you. This would be your virtual shop - hence, it needs to be presentable, inviting, and easy to navigate. Simplicity would work fine, just as long as the website is attractive enough to get the surfer interested in looking around and functional enough to get him or her what they want when they want.
Then, you would need a domain name and web hosting services. A domain name is or edu, org, or whatever which would be your address on the Web. In order to have a good 24x7 presence on the web, you would need a good web host which would give you sufficient bandwidth (meaning space to spread your website) so many people could watch and use the website at the same time. You need to have a server uptime of at 99.8% and that would cost some funds as well.
Once you have a great website and an excellent web host, you would need to concentrate on getting people see and visit your 'shop'. For this you would need to advertise online and offline with whatever means you have. There are many, many ways to draw customers to your website, but in order to make the effort count you need to concentrate on attracting only those people who are in some measure interested in what you have to offer. This is called targeted advertising, i.e. you target your dragnet to only those surfers who would be most likely to buy something.
There Are Excellent Alternatives
The above procedure would at the minimum cost you about US $500. If you insist in getting outstanding quality in everything you endeavor, the cost might go to US $1000. This means that unless you have this capital, you might not get the returns you would have planned to get. So, what happens if you do not have this cash ready to invest?
Do not worry - there are some great alternatives to set up a very profitable business. It is called affiliate network. What you need to do here is find a great affiliate network - some of them charge a huge fee to allow you to become a member, while yet others offer you all kind of help for free + offers you an excellent commission for every item you sell for them. The Click2Sell.EU ( ) is one of such super affiliate networks which offers you an excellent platform to launch your business, even if you do not have your own website. They help you with everything for free + they offer some mind blowing returns for the promotion of their products. You can easily add your products to the marketplace and start selling online within minutes by accepting payments. Moreover, an army of affiliates will be there waiting for your product to promote. You can easily make money this way. So if you want an excellent business with zero capital - check it out today.
Egidijus Andreika is a creator of Click2Sell.EU Affiliate Programs Network. Click2Sell allows you to sell your products online and start your online business easily. Track all aspects of your website visitors, sales, websites referring sales. Sell products online with Click2Sell.EU now. Visit Click2Sell affiliate network.
Article Marketing - Sometimes the Simplest Strategies Produce the Greatest Results - Here's One
For most of us, we have had to do relatively little writing in our lives. I think that most undergrad programs require one, maybe two writing courses to get your degree. In my writing classes, we had to write 5 papers in the first one, and three in the second. I don't know about you, but for me to write a paper use to mean I had to invest a major effort to do so.
Now I admit that I am not normal, because I was unwilling to settle for any grade less than an *A.* The amount of effort from C to B is about double, but from B to A, I believe is at least double the effort again. So what does all this have to do with article marketing? We are just about there.
The bottom line is for most people to write something they expect to get a grade on, or published is a major effort. As a side note, the funny thing is, once you develop this skill, you can get greater results with much less effort. Turns out, for most people, there is only one way to get better, that is to start to write a lot.
So what is the point of all this seemingly obvious commentary? Well, when people feel like they have had to really invest a part of themselves into something, they have a tendency to make it very personal: this makes it hard to gear-up to do it again, it makes it hard to take constructive feedback, and it has a tendency to make ones confidence in their ability to do something low.
In article marketing, you have to do just the opposite. You need to get to a point, where you can write one article after another and take whatever feedback comes so you can consistently publish day in and day out. You need to have been successfully published enough times that you know within 30 minutes you could write an article that is ready to publish.
Sometimes your emotional attachment to something can be changed just by changing its name, what you call it. I think this is where the term, *article agents* comes from. Rather than thinking about what it takes for you to write an article, you focus on trying to get as many *article agents* out in the field selling for you as possible.
Then you don't feel like every article has to be able to win some type of writing prize, you can hammer out a few hundred words on a topic, proof it, have it proofed, and try to get it published, and then on to the next until you have 10 then 30 then 50 then 100 and so on. You do this until you start to realize the desired result, a large amount of targeted traffic to your site, blog, ezines or sales letter. Simple as that.
What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.
Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 4 Efficient Steps to Improve Your Article Marketing
Article marketing is one of the best website promotion tactics to drive free, targeted traffic to your website. This works by writing and distributing articles to your target niche through various publishing sites. Every time your articles are picked up by webmasters for distribution, you make your website more popular and more relevant to the eyes of search engines.
Here are the 4 efficient steps to improve your article marketing:
1. The most important element in article marketing is the quality of the articles you write. Your articles must be well-written, focused on your target niche, and content-rich. In addition, they must also be useful and they must offer solutions to the problems that are being faced by your potential clients. When your articles contain the above mentioned elements, they have great chances of being widely distributed online.
2. To increase your clickthrough rate, you must know how to grab the attention of your readers. One of the best ways to do that is by using titles that your potential audience can relate to. Your headlines must be appealing and target the emotion or the curiosity of readers so they will be entice to open and read your content.
3. You should write your articles while keeping the publishing sites requirements in mind. Learn and understand the terms set forth by major publishing sites and abide by them at all cost to make sure that your articles will not be rejected.
4. Optimize your content. You should also consider the search engines and your target market's online behavior when writing. Strategically place major keywords throughout your content so search engines will effectively index your articles. By doing so, you will make your articles highly searchable and easier to find online.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Article Marketing - Should You Use Article Submission Software?
I see Article Software advertised that will send your article to hundreds of article directories. How effective is this? What about duplicate content?
I have tried two or three different pieces of Article Software. It works--I can send out fifty articles in an hour. The funny thing is that when I send those articles out using Article Software, I find that I don't get as many links from them as if I personally submit them, or I pay somebody to personally submit them. I don't know why. I'm a big results person.
If somethings not working--a lot of times I won't even ask why. I'll just move on to the next thing. Now, that's not always the wisest thing to do. But, right now, given my business structure, I really apply that eighty-twenty principle. Eighty-percent of my results come from twenty percent of the work that I do. And right now, rather than focusing on the eighty percent that doesn't produce results, I just multiply the twenty percent.
Right now what's working for me is personally submitting them by hand. I'm sure it's boring. I'm sure it takes time. But that's how I do it. Am I telling you that all of the article-software out there is no good?
No. I don't understand why it happens. Perhaps, some of the better article directories can recognize whether it's coming in from some machine? I'm not technical so I don't know. Maybe they just don't put as much priority on the articles? I don't know. All that I know is that it hasn't worked for me. Nothing against the software itself. It just doesn't work for me.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.
Article Marketing Attract Website Traffic With A Sharp Resource Box
A resource box is the few lines of text found at the bottom of most topical articles one might read on the Internet. And savvy article marketing experts know that the resource box, albeit small, is a prime piece of online real estate for attracting qualified website traffic.
In fact, a great article writer will compose the entire body of an article for the sole purpose of retaining the reader's interest until she reaches and reads the tiny resource box at the end.
When a reader likes the content they just finished reading, it's a case of human nature to want more. So in its turn, the resource box should provide a live link to further related information, or at least to the source of the article. But like the article itself, the resource box must demand the reader's interest, and then motivate her to click the embedded link.
If the article body acts as the bait, then the resource box must act as the hook. Every fisherman knows that good bait is essential, but a sharp hook is what catches the fish.
Here are a few tips toward creating sharp article resource boxes that will reel in highly targeted prequalified website traffic and potential customers, without fail.
1- Pick at least one primary keyword or key phrase from the article body, and use it in the article resource box. That will serve the reader as a strong visual and mental trigger, as well as a lead in to the next set of information you want her to view.
2 - Where possible, use keywords and/or key phrases as the anchor text for resource box links. In other words, 'click here for more candle making tips' will prove much more effective than a link that says only 'click here to read more.'
3 - Clearly illustrate the benefit that the reader will receive simply by proceeding onward and clicking the link to the next page.
4 - Mention the author's name and/or the company name where appropriate, along with a few words to enhance credibility. As an example: 'Master candle maker Jane Doe has operated Doe & Doe Artistic Candles Studio since 1996.'
5 - Use the ad writing principles of attention, interest, desire, and action to craft the text of the resource box.
6 - All unnecessary and transitional words (and, the, or) should be edited out wherever possible.
7 - And finally, we suggest writing at least 3 to 5 versions of the resource box before choosing the final copy for publication.
Expert article writers regard fifty words or about five lines of text including the link - as the optimum length for a sharp resource box. More than that may actually reduce the overall effectiveness of the resource box, and the reader motivation it intends to create.
So, given that much needs to be said in a limited space with very few words, it almost goes without saying that the resource box must be as carefully crafted as any small classified type advertisement that one might insert for fee into any national publication.
While small in size, the article resource box remains as prime real estate in terms of driving prequalified website traffic. Don't underestimate the power that can be unlocked within five short lines of text.
Internet marketing expert Dan B. Cauthron has long been recognized for his No Nonsense approach to doing business on the net. Dan freely offers useful insight and online business wisdom at his main website:
Article Marketing - The Step To Being Successful
If you follow this one step to becoming a successful article marketer, all the search engine optimization will mean nothing. You can have the world's worst article title, but if you were to just follow this one step guide to article marketing, you'll get the traffic you want and he profits you desire. There's just one step that you have to take. What is it?
- Write 10 articles a day.
That's it. That's the one step guide to becoming successful as an article marketer. Writing at least 10 articles a day. No less. This might be a simple task, but many beginning article marketers don't take it seriously. In order to become successful at article marketing, you have to flood the market! It's that simple, and that is the truth! There are no lies about it. Flooding the market with your articles, is the best way to beat out the competition. You can easily do that with the one step guide. Just write 10 articles a day. If you do this, it won't matter what your title is. Just write! The more you do, the better you'll do and the more you'll learn about article marketing.
If you just keep writing at least 10 articles a day, you'll start to see what it takes to being an article marketer, and what it takes to make a successful article. That's all there is to it! Why should you write 10 articles a day? The more you write, the better you become, the better your articles become, and the more that you flood the market. With 10 articles a day, by the end of every month, you can be certain that you'll have at least 280 articles working to get traffic for you!
If you were to type in the word psp download into Google, there is an article on the first page. That one article gets more than 200 clicks per day. That one article get at least 50 URL clicks a day. That means that the creator of that article, is getting 50 people to his website, just through that one article. What if he has 100 (which he probably does)? 200? He will get 50 URL link clicks from each article, taking them to his website. Even if he were to only get 5 people to get to his website for every article, he would still get 1000 people to his website a day!
Now if you were to write 10 articles a day, you would end up with 280 articles by the end of the month. That means that if you wrote good articles, you'll get at least 100 people to your website a day! 100! Just start writing those 10 articles, and your traffic and profits will skyrocket!
Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at
Meta Tags Optimization
Meta tags play vita role in web promotion. In these days people are adopting latest and advanced meta tags to guide or attract the search engines. But it's completely wrong you can not guide or attract the search engines by using meta structure. Meta description tag and meta keyword tag is enough in meta structure.
I will explain you how meta tags in play vital role in web promotion. You need only two tags in meta structure one is meta description tag and another one is meta keywords tag.
Purpose of Meta Description tag: - In this tags you have describe about that page. Here no need to main any keyword density. But you should start the sentence with the keyword which is the first keyword in title tags. In meta description tag you can place the unique content which is not at all present in body of the page or else you can simply place the first few lines of the body content of page. Both the methods can show you results.
Purpose of Meta Keywords tags: - In this tag you can place the targeted keywords. But those keywords should present in body content of page. Never repeat the keywords. Search engines collect the keywords from these tags and look for the relevant content for the collected keywords. Most of the times search engines look for the synonyms of the collected keywords.
Never adopt the spam methods to attract the search engines. Search engine algorithms are always subjected to changes and you spam methods will work for very short time. Only genuine content sites can stand in top positions of the top search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN
Subhash Bose is working as SEO for Itglobalsolution. For any assistance in Web promotion and all web related problems contact
SEO Training - How To Get The Most Out Of It
Good news! I am going to share with you a detailed search engine optimization and internet marketing plan to get the most out of your seo training and to get you started today.
Step #1 - Setting Goals
Before you can really get started you have to know what you want to achieve with your Web site. There could be a number of goals that you have in mind but your first step is get a clear picture of what you want the outcome to be. It could be:
- To gain higher rankings.
- To redesign your Web site to be more user friendly.
- To implement SEO basics throughout your site to make it search engine friendly.
- To increase your visitor response online.
- To open additional windows to your site through social media marketing.
- To launch an article marketing plan.
- Or all of the above.
What ever your goal is it is important to write it down and post it where you can see it every day. "Goals that are not written down are just wishes."
Step #2 - Keyword Research
Any new project should always include this step. Keyword research is the basis for any successful page on your site. Let's take the goals above and see how the keyword research you learned to perform in your seo training can be used.
- Higher rankings can be achieved by finding those keywords in your industry that have a high KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) and low competing pages. You should concentrate on finding five phrases that you can work on simultaneously.
- By redesigning your Web site you can be including your new found phrases and work them into your sales copy. If you are creating a new site this is the ideal time to make sure you are concentrating on your visitors experience while on your site.
- Include a call to action above the fold
- Contact information above the fold in straight html including area code and zip code.
- Only use Flash in small elements and not as the whole page.
- Include something that will grab your user's attention. Something out of the normal that will make your visitor stop and take notice of your page.
Implementing SEO basics can be a daunting task if your site is large or it is many years old. Tactics that where used years ago are no longer useful and most times are being flagged as spam. Depending on how many elements need to be addressed you need to determine if it would be better to start with a fresh page or redo the existing page. A determining factor would be if the current page is already indexed. If this is the case then it would be best to fix the existing page. If the page has too many errors and creating a new one would be wiser be sure to name the new page the same as the old one or do a 301 redirect to the new page. Include your keyword phrase when implementing your basic search engine optimization.
Visitor response will increase if you are giving your visitors exactly what they are looking for. Only your keyword research will help you with this. We are in an instant gratification world and your visitor will only give you a few seconds to answer their search, so make sure it exactly what they are looking for.
Open additional windows into your site by using your keyword phrases in your social media avenues. A couple great places to include your keyword researched phrases would be in your blog post and creating a lens in Squidoo around your researched phrase.
Article marketing is not for everyone but it does allow you to open multiple windows into your site but writing articles around your phrase and submitting them to places like Scribd, and
Step - # 3 - Which one to choose?
I know you want to implement each and everyone of those goals into your site and you still don't know where to start.
Stop here and go find five phrases to work with and don't even think about anything else at this point.
After you find those phrases refer back to your SEO training notes and refresh your memory on how to create a search engine friendly Web page and create content for each of the new keywords you found.
It is going to be hard not to get side tracked but stick to the project at hand. Your only concern is finding 5 phrases, creating content and designing five search engine friendly pages.
Once that is done go ahead and publish the five pages to your Web site. Include each page on your site map, link it from and to relevant pages on your site and include keyword rich link text within the body of the page.
Make a note of the day you added the new pages to your site for later use.
Now that you have the first three steps under your belt you are ready to move onto step four.
Step #4 - Addressing Existing Web Site Issues
Now that you have gotten a good start with the above steps, you can start working on bringing your current Web site up to par while you are actually waiting for indexing on your 5 optimized pages. Your next plan of attack would be working on existing pages within your site. You may not be able to change every issue with your site but remember every small change could result in increased ranking for your site. You may only be able to change your title and Meta tags and not be able to change your corporate sites navigation so tackle what you can and don't worry about the rest. Each and every issue is just one of the over 200 factors so learn to pick your battles and fix what you can.
Step #5 - Social Media and Article Marketing
Your whole goal is to open as many windows into your site as possible. You have already started this by creating 5 new pages into your site now it is time to open the windows even further. Whether you decide to use article marketing or all the endless possibility of social media marketing now is the time to concentrate on one or both of these window opening wonders.
You can use the five phrases you found in your first step or you can find 5 new ones but at this stage you are creating content to be used in articles, on blogs or bookmaking pages within the many social media avenues. Your title is the most important element when tackling this step. Make your title keyword rich, compelling and deliver what your title describes in the article or blog post.
If you are not quite ready to dive into social media start at least with adding a blog to your Web site. Your best results will come from the blog residing on your server and not one that is hosted on a free blogging site. Make a commitment to blogging regularly and always about your industry so your site and your blog are industry related.
Web analytics can show you information about all of your optimization projects. Not only will it show you your results for the 5 keyword phrases you are working on but it will open your eyes to how your visitor is moving through your site. Record your results on a weekly or daily basis. This step will help you in testing each one of your projects and help you decide which one you should concentrate more on. Usually I find 2 or 3 phrases that are really performing and those are the ones I concentrate on blogging and adding it to the social media venues.
Step #7 - Keep Up With the Changes
There is no other step as important as this one. The internet changes its landscape on a daily basis so it is imperative that what you learnin your SEO Training is always the latest information. Your Web site and or clients are depending on your expertise so don't let them down by applying out of date or useless techniques. There are many places you can turn to for guidance.
The first place would be Google, Yahoo! and MSN's Webmasters guidelines. Each is posted on their site and is updates each and every time they have made changes to them.
Another place would be to subscribe to one of many search engine optimization and marketing blogs created by industry leaders. Your instructor should be able to point you in the right direction to their most trusted resources.
Continue learning by attending your favorite SEO Training provider's courses on a yearly basis. Principles and techniques change often so always keep on top them.
Often students are overwhelmed with the amount of information they are given at class but if you learn to take them in small steps starting with setting your goals you will find that your seo training is working for you and your Web site.
Author, Tracy Fredrychowski - SEO Instructor
Professional SEO Instructor with the Search Engine Academy of SC
8 Killer Website Marketing Strategies
There are so many ways to market a product or service. Why is it that a small percentage of marketers are really seeing huge amounts of sales? I would say a lot of marketers probably have good products or services but are missing key techniques in their marketing. This results in falling short of their desired goals. Here are a few simple website marketing strategies that will have you raking in the sales and laughing your way to the bank.
1. Build a massive opt in list, of loyal subscribers and use email promotions to dramatically increase your sales. It is absolutely CraZy if you are not doing this. You are losing out on massive amounts of income.
Increase your opt in email list quickly by giving away a product, newsletter or report at no cost. Just require people to subscribe to your list in exchange.
I recommend go to as a source for you to collect these names and emails addresses. They are considered one of the best auto responder services around and their customer service is excellent.
Your freebie needs to be original, timely and possess highly perceived value. Aweber can be set up so that when someone submits their information they will immediately be sent a message and a download of your freebie.
2. Follow up with your customers. When someone gives you their name and email address they are expecting you to send them information that they want to receive. Emailing them allows you to contact them over and over and build a genuine relationship. If you send them information that is useful and interesting them they will be more open when you do recommend a product or service to sell.
If you don't follow up with your customers, you are losing a huge amount of profit. 36% of people who bought from you will buy from you again. When a person likes your product they will often buy again and again. Your follow up can immediately increase your revenue by 30% to 50%. These customers are one of the greatest assets of a business. If you have nothing to sell find an affiliate product (someone else's product) that is related to your business and offer that.
3. Another strategic internet marketing tip is to make or hire someone to create an ebook or report that you would allow your customers to give away. You can have our permission to give this away. This can spread like WILD FIRE.
4. Design a powerful guarantee. A guarantee that will make you stand out from your competitors. An example would be giving them a 90 day money back guarantee when your competitors are only offering a 30 day.
5. Create multiple income streams on your website. You can sell your own products or sell affiliate products related to your business. Click bank, cj junction are a couple of sources that you can join. They are free to join and you get paid a percentage of the sales.
6. Offer advertising space for businesses complimenting yours on your website.
7. Depending on your business, adding Google adsense on your web page can bring in more revenue as well. This is where you allow Google to place ads related to your business on your web page and when someone visits your web page and clicks on the ads, you get paid.
8. Add audio and video to your website and watch your sales soar.Short and interesting, under 3 minutes clips, will grab peoples attention. Make sure that you are using the correct internet audio and video the right way or you could actually damage your credibility. The are many resources with tips and tricks you can use to create effective audio and video. Just Google create videos.
Are you currently using any of these web internet marketing strategies? If not implement them and watch you sales go through the roof.
Maria has ran a successful business for 20 years and now teaches others how to market successfully online. Maria's free website traffic techniques are used by entrepreneurs in every industry to drive targeted, quality traffic to their websites for free. To find out Maria's Traffic Secrets just visit http:GetFreeTrafficToday.Com