Its Takes My Endless Nights To Achieve SEO Copywriter Title
Holding a title of SEO copywriter has often made me come across with people who are curious to know how my website gets ranked in Google & other search engines? Being in this profession for long and accepting challenges to explore the search engine process in detail, I often find it hard to describe such a vast procedure in brief. I believe in perfection and offering brief information that may not cover the substantial points on a topic is against my ethics. This may be one of the reasons that I never gave unsatisfactory answer despite being asked the same question multiple times.
However, this could not quench my thirst to offer accurate & influential information to those who are seeking it. Hence, I decided to write this article and provide detailed and valuable knowledge to those who aspire to make maximum out of their website. This article is a result of all my experience and expertise out into words. In my notion, this is a valuable scripture that would work as bible for those who want to promote their site without spending their hard earned money.
I am sure that certain things, considered important for promoting a website are known to most of you. These may include link building & website content. My expert advice for now is to focus on website content. I am not denying the fact that link building is important, but to achieve that, you may either opt for paid links or can go for link exchange program. However, being a professional, I never relied on these procedures and do not recommend the readers to follow them either. Purchasing link may make your wallet lighter by many dollars, and approaching for affiliate or link exchange program may harm you in future (but not always). The procedure may harm you when a site possessing your link and your site contain link of that site, get spammed or Panelized, you will get punished for the task youve accomplished. So, you have to be extra-vigilant.
The question that still remains unanswered for many who aspire to promote their website is how to achiever links? Well, I am not surprised here. You must have many times encountered with website such as, etc. These sites may be well defined as digital encyclopedia offering tons of information on any topic under the sun.
Have you ever checked their link popularity? If not I would recommend you to check it once. What I want to elucidate here is that adding lot of content on your website, that would prove to be helpful for the visitors, try to educate visitor about your products/ services will certainly prove beneficial in the site promotion.
For instance, if you are selling security devices such as stun gun, nanny camera, hidden camera etc. Online, displaying products at a good resolution & listing features are not enough to promote your site. The key is to try it differently. You must have heard the famous phrase- winners dont do different things they do things differently. This is exactly what you have to take in to consideration.
The crux is to write informative articles related to your products. Read the examples given below on the topics you need to cover if writing for a website related to selling security products.
a) Home surveillance products- Why to choose them to protect the ones you love most.
b) Why home security has become so much important these days- can Nanny Cameras put you on ease?
c) Is your home really safe- A quick watch at spy cameras.
This was just an example. I would highly recommend my readers to focus on upgrading their website content on a regular basis and include as many articles possible. If you are successful in adding useful information on your site regularly, youve won the battle. Valuable information is very important to allure regular visitors to your website. People would visit your site to enlighten them with the knowledge you are spreading and chances are that many of these visitors would add your site in their favorite list. And hey! This is just the beginning of people starting to add your link to their site.
The result is, accumulation of valuable links, without losing your money. Sounds interesting, isnt it? Remember, the target will be achieved if the articles or site-content are clear, crispy & most importantly, informative. Indulge in article that would make a visitor glued to your site for long and make him curious to visit again & again. By now, you may be wondering about the strategies to adopt for writing an article that fits well into your website & make sense for the reader to read it!
How to write an article?
I have observed that most writers concentrate on penning down what they actually want to write in their articles. This may well satisfy the creativity and purpose of the writer, but this is not the most effective and recommended way to write an article.
The key to effective article writing is to concentrate on a topic that your targeted market is already interested in. a brief research will solve your query of the kind of article your targeted market is interested in. research is what I would recommend my readers to conduct prior to selecting a topic to write about. When conducting a research, you must try to visit forums that cover your targeted market. Observe to see what they are talking about & even looking for. The foolproof formula that works is to locate a problem and write an article that would fix it up easily, effectively and permanently (if possible!).
This kind of approach would manifest your devotion as a problem-fixer. It is simple! Help people resolve their problems and strengthen your credibility, resulting in profits that will soon follow.
How many times have you been lured to read the content of a site by the title of the article? I would say, most of the times for myself. Article title is equivalent to the attractive wrapper of a gift that lures a recipient to open it eventually. Cover the gift with a shabby-looking wrapper if you want to repel the recipient. Article Title
Choosing the title of your article will be one of the most prominent decisions that you will make, towards writing an article. This would also determine whether or not it would be read by your visitors.
The best thing to do is, to take your time and challenge your brain to produce a revolutionary title. My advice would be to choose a title for your article that is
Attention grabbing
Pleasant to read
Arouses curiosity and,
Offers an idea of what you want to say, in brief
Personally, when I choose a title for an article, I write down several, compare, scribble and eliminate some of them before I settle for one. My basic idea of choosing a title is to make it as accurate and exciting as possible. This doesnt come easily, as I spend some time to get the feel of word variations, & tweak the weak areas.
Once youve selected the perfect title for your article, its time to accomplish the main task; writing down the content.
I am quite surprised to find that most articles that visitors come across on websites today are nothing but sweetened versions of sales-pitch or material that is void of the required valuable information. Hence, readers are disappointed.
The basic Mantra is to understand, the reason a visitor would spend his valuable time & energy to read a 500-word article. The reason is the thirst for education. Enlighten your reader with knowledge and you will be amazed to achieve your targeted goal/goals!
A poorly written article would repel your reader. This may put adverse effect on your credibility & on any other article/articles that you plan to publish in future. Hence, write it the right way for the first time. Try to focus on optimal keyword phrase placement, while still engaging the target audience with clear, succinct copy. I would personally advocate my readers to conduct a research on keyword search popularity.
Dont ever settle for dry, corporate-sounding jargon that doesnt engage the reader & wont strengthen your relationship with them. Try to employ phrasing that speaks powerfully to your target audience.
As a professional, I target to achieve a fresh set of META tags & a search engine submission for each article I post. I also consider it necessary to see that every article is enriched with keyword & squeeze in a few extra keywords where appropriate. This boosts up my search engine ranking & generates some very targeted traffic.
Here, I would like to make you aware that there is a fine line between what search engines consider the natural occurrence of keyword stuffing. If your document is a good read that happens to be keyword rich, you stand a much better chance at having it appear on a search engine than if is an obvious attempt at search engine trickery.
I believe in posting my articles as stand alone web pages at my own site. This becomes easy for more webmasters easy access to my articles as well as attracting more traffic through the search engines.
Write structured content for your web content/article that tells the readers what they want to know. The effort must not be to overwhelm them with loads unnecessary information, but enriching your site with informative, compelling and accurate content to drive-in potential traffic to your site & converting visitors into clients.
Provide resource information to your reader and for this, you must attempt to offer URLs of various websites where the readers can have an easy access to rich information on the subject youve explained to them. It would be productive to offer good outgoing links from your website. This will result in improving the page rank of your website.
I am freelance writer, I have written on many fields that are under the sun. I have passion to play with words. Accuracy, clarity and impact are the hallmarks of my work.
I am not a Shakespeare, and dont have ability to convert imagination and thoughts into words, If I have to define myself in a few words, I would say I am a copywriter, I have good command over research, expertise to explore extensively and ability to prove that. I can write on any subject, from beauty to intellect, food to travel, paradise to Hades, flowers to nuclear bombs, rainbow to Tsunami, pen to sword, Britney sphere to Halen Keller, Tumors to Health and fitness, celibacy to Seduction. You can also find some of my articles at and
Google Sand Box
What is the Google SandBox?
The Google sandbox is a waiting period that Google gives your website before you can start ranking in the SERPs. This usually happens if your website is trying to rank for an unusually competitive keyword such as sports or video games.
Does it affect my entire site?
No! It only affects a single page, in fact, the rest of your website will be perfectly fine. The page you are trying to rank high in the SERPs may take a while to show up in the search engines due to the ridiculous amount of competition.
How Can I avoid the Google Sandbox?
It is best to try to rank for highly searched, uncompetitive long-tail keywords. By doing this, you will avoid the Google sandbox all together. However, if you decide to try and rank for a short keyword, then you can expect to wait close to 9 months. This can be a real bummer if you are trying to get off the ground, so make sure you try to avoid the Google sandbox.
How Can I tell if Im in the Sandbox?
You will quickly be able to tell if youre in the Sandbox if you are trying to rank for a highly competitive keyword. Just type in your keyword, and see if you can find your URL. If you are spending a great amount of time trying to find your sites URL, then theres a great chance that you are in the Google sandBox.
Are there any tools I can use?
There are tools out there that can give you great long-tail keywords you can use in order to avoid the Google sandbox. I can not really think of a single person who wants to wait 9 months for their business to be up and running, especially if they can start much sooner. Make sure you find great keyword software that helps you to identify long-tail keywords that have little or no competition.
Is your website struggling?
Do you need help getting traffic to your website?
Read Here Free: SEO Elite Review.
Kyle Everette is an expert of keyword research & Search Engine Optimization, and believes anybody can build a highly successful website with the correct tools & knowledge.
Drive More Traffic to Your Website With Your Web Page Title!
One of the most overlooked, but important components, on your web page is the Meta title. The Meta title is the text or page title found at the top left of your browser window and it is also the title saved when a web site visitor bookmarks your website. Some people will argue that search engines put little or no value on the title tag, but regardless of how the Meta title figures into the ranking algorithm, the title tag is still critical to driving new and repeat traffic to your website.
Countless sites under-utilize this title space by entirely forgetting to name their pages (untitled document) or name their page something completely useless or generic (welcome to our site, or home). An untitled document or home bookmark will do little to help encourage repeat visitors to your website. Either the visitor will have to take time to rename your bookmark or they will completely forget what the bookmark is for.
Not only does the title tag provide the bookmark name, but it also determines the clickable link that is displayed on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).
For example:
If your title tag looks like this: Customized Email Stationary/Branded Email
Your page will show up like this on a Google search (or another SERP)
Customized Email Stationary / Branded Email
Obviously untitled document or welcome to our site is not very effective in drawing visitors to your site.
Follow these tips on writing an effective and useful title tag.
- The Meta Title tag should summarize the contents of each individual page. This means you should always wait until your content has been written before choosing your title tags. Your Title tag should be useful and informative. Remember that your title tag is what shows up as the clickable link that brings visitors to your site through the search engines and what shows up when the visitor bookmarks your site.
- Base your title tag on keyword phrases. There are many resources and applications online that will help you determine the popular search terms that relate to your website content. (These are the same keyword phrases that should be scattered in your page content and Meta keyword tag and Meta Description Tag) Make sure you use these terms in your title where appropriate. Obviously, it is important that you do not over do the keywords to the point that the title becomes useless.
- Limit your title to 50-60 characters including spaces. Some browsers actually show many more characters but for those that dont, if you use more characters your title will be cut off. More importantly the number of characters displayed on the SERP is definitely fixed. So any wording longer then 50-60 characters will not help drive any customers to your site simply because your potential visitors will not see it!
Search engines ignore (or dont index) stop words, so avoid using them in your title. Stop words are common words that really dont help determine the true content of your site. Examples of stop words are: the, with, to, also, an, and, as, at, be, because. Space is already limited in your title tag, so there is no sense wasting space on words that will be ignored by the Search Engines and really wont help bring any new traffic to your site.
- Always use a different Meta title on each of the pages in your website. Your content is different on each page of your site, so your title should be different on each page too.
Basically, you can bring more visitors to your website site by keeping your Title Tags simple and meaningful.
2005 Tanya Beaudoin o/a Office on Demand, All rights reserved. You are free to use this article in its entirety, as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link. Please also notify Mrs. Beaudoin as to where the material will appear. The attribution should read: Tanya Beaudoin, B.A. owns and operates a Web Design Company OOD Web & Graphic Design Studio - that specializes in e-solutions and graphic design (including web design, search engine optimization and internet marketing products like e-stationary and newsletters). Please visit Tanya's web site at for additional business related articles"
8 Steps to A Successful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy
1) Identification of Target Group & Demographics Locations
The initial step is the identification of your target group - who is the recipient of your message? The end user, or perhaps resellers? How is your target group expected to use the search engines? An experienced Internet user will search the Internet differently than a less experienced user.
Once the target group is identified, we can decide in which market/country this group is most effectively targeted using SEO. The language on your website must be the language of the market in question.
2) Keyword Research
Extensive research into choosing your target keyword list is essential to every search engine marketing campaign.
Choosing the right keywords is the most important aspect of successful search engine optimization. Not only do you want to see your site get to the top, you need that high ranking to be on keywords that people are going to actually search for and who are interested in what your web site has to offer.
3) Search Engine Compatibility
A web site architecture that is search engine friendly will improve both the search engine rankings and site traffic. Rank Visibility's search engine compatibility review results in a list of recommendations that are powerful and yet simple to implement.
Depending on the complexity of a web site, a search engine compatibility Review may be required before we can accurately provide a quotation for the full search engine optimisation of your site.
4) Internal Link Structure Building
Internal link structure is another important factor for good search engine rankings, Search engines like the internal structure to be theme based to determine the relevancy of a site. By having a good navigation structure you will not only make it easier for the search engines to browse your website but, you will also make it easier for human visitors, too. A good internal link structure also helps share the Google Page Rank value equally among all the sub pages, meaning more of your pages appear in the search query results.
5) Manual Search Engine Submission
Optimized pages are hand-submitted to the search engines and directories with detailed attention to unique submission guidelines. Some search engines levy a submission or inclusion fee, which is in-addition to our optimization fees.
6) Pay Per Click Campaign Management
Pay per click advertising (PPC) is a search engine marketing technique that requires you to pay a fee every time someone clicks to your website from an ad you've placed in a search engine's results. The more you agree to pay per click (or bid) for a specific keyword and the more effective your ad, the higher your site will rank in the paid search results.
Google and Overture Pay Per Click programs are the most sought after for Internet marketers for their sheer reach and excellent ROI.
7) Link Popularity Building
Link Popularity is one of the most important features of any search engine optimization process and it is the "Off-Page" Optimization of your website. We search the internet for relevant high ranking category websites and get you linked within them. Our Link popularity building services helps increase Google Page Rank and Improve Search Engine Ranking.
8) Continuous Website Ranking Management
Unfortunately, even if you have a top placement now on search engines there is no guarantee it will be there tommorow. Promotion on Search Engines and their ranking criteria constantly change. One year they are on top of the world and next year they are bought out or shutdown. The field itself is an ever changing world. Our strategies involve planning for search events so that your business sales improve and stay up ongoing over extended periods of time.
Anand Nadar- Design and SEO Consultant-
Article Marketing Why Is It So Effective for Backlink Proliferation?
Article marketing has so many great ways of creating traffic, but they all hearken back to the idea of the backlink. When you write your article, in the resource box at the end, or even within the article itself, when the article directory permits it, you can include a backlink to your web site.
Since the article directories have to keep your resource box intact, this results in a link back to your website from every site that uses your article. Since your article must be relevant to the theme of these websites, the back links are all from relevant web pages, and these are valuable in improving Googles perception of the importance of your website to the keywords concerned. These back links can result in a vastly improved placement in search engine listings.
This is where all these links that were referred to in the second paragraph come from. So article marketing gives you a twofold benefit: direct visitors from the links to your site in your authors resource box, and indirect traffic from your improved listing in the search engines.
Another thing that is extremely important is the continuity of thought between the article and the web page to which you are linking. The web page should continue the theme of the article, and wherever possible capture an email address by means of an opt-in form. If you allow your visitor to leave your site without leaving an email address they will be lost forever.
Little wonder, then, that article marketing is one of the most popular techniques currently being used in internet marketing for website promotion. Start working on your own article marketing strategy now because nothing ever stands still in the world of search engines.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Challenging Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing
Article marketing is perhaps the easiest yet most powerful traffic-generating and marketing tool in this day and age. Millions of marketers and bloggers are using this technique not only to drive quality traffic to their websites but also to establish their knowledge and expertise on their chosen niche.
Here are the 4 challenging secrets to grow your article marketing:
1. Get the attention of online users - at all cost. By this, I mean be desperate for attention. You need to get more people to read your articles to increase their chances of being read and republished to effectively augment your quality inbound links. You can easily do this by using powerful and attention-grabbing titles that are direct to the point, keyword-rich, short, and communicate the benefits that your articles can offer.
2. Deliver new information. Steer clear from re-writing existing articles online and research for new topics that will interest your potential audience. Strive to give them something fresh or information that are seldom discussed on the web. This will add more value to your content that will boost your expert status online.
3. Write simply. If you want to easily create a name online, you need to make sure that you write to inform your readers and not to impress them. Forget your love for big words and strive to make it simple and easier for your readers to get the points you are trying to get across. Stick with simple terms and easy to understand writing format.
4. Take advantage of major article submission sites. Your goal in publishing your articles online is to give them enough exposure to effectively reach your target market. That is why, it is important that you carefully choose the publishing sites where you will post your articles. Stick with those which have great page ranking and steady traffic and don't waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Unlock The Secrets To Creating A Resource Box That Will Explode Your Opt-In List
A powerful resource box is one of the most important parts that you need to master when marketing your business using articles. The reason for this is that this is where your link to your website exists.
Let us look in forensic detail how this process works. The major article directories make most of their money from advertising. So the more content that their website has the more traffic that they will attract from search engines.
When you submit an article and it gets approved by an editor at a directory they will include it in their database. You have to first give before you receive. If you share a slice of your expertise you will find that some readers will like what you say and click through to your website.
Now this is where many novice marketers lose their visitor. They write very long articles so that the reader does not even make it to the end and see your resource box. I suggest that you focus on 250 to 350 word articles.
Your bio needs to be your unique selling proposition. You need to have your 30 second elevator pitch here. Make your reader curious enough to want to click through to your website. Also ensure that you send them to a squeeze page so that you can build a list.
Finally, many people bury their link. They will first mention their credentials. This is one of the worst mistakes that you can make. Have your unique selling proposition with an ebook that your visitor can download.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
Article Marketing Secrets To Getting Top 10 Rankings In Google!
Article marketing and search engine optimization are an incredible way to get exposure on the Internet for your products or services. In fact, writing and submitting articles to various website directories can boost your search engine rankings withing a few short weeks.
Anyone can start applying the steps you are going to discover in this article. It doesn't matter if you are a large company with a huge advertising budget or if you operate your web business from your bedroom.
Follow these steps and you will get top 10 rankings in Google. It works for me every single time. In fact, this is the starting point of my Internet marketing profit method.
Is it easy?
It depends on your level of expertise. If you are a brand new beginner, you may need to do your homework before you can start to improve your search engine rankings with article marketing, but if you are an intermediate marketer, you can start applying this method to your business right away.
It doesn't matter which keyword you are targeting, this is proven to work because your competition is not aware about this step by step article marketing and seo plan.
Step 1. Write 10 original articles and post them on your website.
Step 2. Write 10 new and original articles and submit them to these websites:
Step 3. Write 10 new articles and submit them to these web 20 sites:
Step 4. Add a blog on a subdomain of your website and start adding articles at least twice a week (once a day is better, and if you really want to get a lot of traffic, hire posters to post three times a day)
Step 5. Write more original articles and post them to your site.
Step 6. Participate various forums in your niche.
Now, pay careful attention because this is important. Whenever you submit articles to your blog, article sites or web 20 sites, be sure to add a link pointing back to your site in the bio box.
To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".
Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:
How To Improve Your Site's Pagerank In Google
Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic of a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results for targeted keywords. Usually, the earlier a site is presented in the search results or the higher it "ranks", the more searchers will visit that site. Search engine optimization can also target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.
All content including links, headers, alternative image text, alternative frame text and content text on a well designed website is viewable to the user and, more importantly, in terms of Search engine optimization, the web crawler.
User Friendliness
Everything the viewer wants to know on your site should be no more than three clicks away (important information like contact info should always be one click away). In terms of Search engine optimization , a web crawler can only see the pages on your site that are directly linked, so a well optimized site will have text links as well as any graphical links such as flash or java script.
As well as the body content of your site, a web crawler will also look at the page title, page description, keywords, and file name. It will make its judgments on how to list your site based on these factors. A well-optimized site will have a page title that briefly describes the content, a description tag that will describe the content in more detail, keyword tags that will pull select keywords and key terms from the content, a file name that reflects the page title and content that is clear and relevant to the user and the web crawler.
More about Content
The biggest mistake most people/companies make when optimizing a site is overdoing it, i.e., repeating keywords, duplicating image tags, flooding the backend with descriptive code and trying to fit as many keywords/terms into the meta tabs as possible. Not only is this a messy practice but it can also get your site penalized and may be dropped from searches altogether. When building/optimizing a site, the first person you should be thinking of is the user and not the web crawler. Not only will this be better for your Search engine optimization efforts, it will also be a better experience for your potential customer.
Ashish Kr. Srivastava SEO Manager
For more details on How to improve your site's PageRank in Google visit e-fuzion
4 Questions You Should Ask Your Potential SEO Firm Before Hiring Them
You have decided that hiring an SEO firm is a good idea for your website and your company, but around every corner is a firm, or individual, pretending to know all there is know on the subject. There are scams, black hat practices and frauds everywhere. It seems as if there are more of those than of genuine SEO experts.
How can you tell the difference? The answer is simple. Ask the hard questions and gauge their answers.
What type of Search Campaign does your firm prefer?
Ask the company if they do Paid Search or Natural Search optimization. The major differences are, a paid search should include a huge variety of key phrases, even numbering into the hundreds. A Natural Search is much narrower and focuses on a small number of effective key phrases. Your SEO firm should be able to do to both.
The SEO firm will set up a Paid Search campaign to gauge which keywords or phrases are targeted the most as regards your site and then they will focus their efforts on those select keywords or phrases for the Natural Search campaign.
Unfortunately, many times, firms skip the Paid Search Campaign because it is more profitable for them. In a Paid Search Campaign, much of the client's money will go to Google or Yahoo to pay for the campaign, leaving little for the firm, itself.
The only time a firm should skip the Paid Search phase is if the client's site is a narrow niche that has only a few, well targeted keywords or phrases that are appropriate to that site.
Not only should the potential firm be willing to perform both tasks, they need to make certain that the keyword or key phrase campaign is in keeping with the goals of the website. If the client's goal it to generate leads, then the keywords and phrases should reflect that goal. If the client's goal is to generate sales, the campaign should keep that in mind.
Does your firm perform SEO copy writing?
SEO copy writing is the creation of website content that is written to attract the attention of search engines. If you have seen a site with a phrase that is repeated over and over, you have likely seen a page that has been created by an SEO specialist.
The downside is these pages do not go over well with humans.
The key is finding a happy medium, which is keeping your keyword and/or phrase density to about 17 to 20 percent and to make the sentences and paragraphs sound natural. Because the algorithm changes frequently for search engines, this will keep any SEO firm busy by making frequent site changes to keep up.
Your chosen firm should not be shy about making site content changes without loosing focus of your over all business goal.
What about link building?
This process is extremely important to raise rankings with Google, who gets about 65% of all search business, and somewhat important to Yahoo and MSN, the next two most popular search engines.
Make certain your potential SEO firm engages in sufficient link building efforts. This is done by creating links to your site in a number of ways: blogging and social site are just the beginning. A good SEO will write articles and post those articles to sites such as or This creates a link back to your site. These articles can then be posted other locations, such as blogs. If the system works well for you, someone else will find the article and post it to their site or blog, giving you an unsolicited link back to your site.
The problem is this method takes a long time (sometimes 2 to 3 months) for real results to be seen. The solution is to purchase links. Care should be taken to link to only reputable sites and not to link farms which sell links simply to make money for themselves. The more inbound links your site has, the better your rankings will be.
What keyword or phrase will be used to show my rankings?
It is a fact that if you do a search for an article by that article's title, it will show up as #1 in page rankings. If you search for the page's URL, it will be #1 because there is only one site with that URL. The real test of your SEO firm is if they can raise your rankings via a keyword or phrase that is a popular key word or phrase and not something so narrow that you are the only one who will have that particular search phrase. What are the odds that someone will do a search for "Four Questions You Should Ask Your Potential SEO Firm Before Hiring Them?"
The firm should focus on the keyword or phrase that will accomplish what your company is hoping to accomplish.
Karen Vertigan Pope writes for Ciniva Systems, an award winning Virginia web design company. Ciniva specializes in web design and SEO. Ms. Vertigan Pope is the Project Support Manger for Ciniva Systems and heads the SEO Department at Ciniva Systems.
Advantages Of Using SEO Articles To Promote Your Affiliate Program
Many experts believe that the best way to promote an affiliate program web site is by using SEO promotional articles. There are numerous advantages that a home business owner using SEO articles enjoys.
The biggest is probably the fact that articles last forever meaning that they will drive highly targeted traffic to your site for a very long time. The beats every other form of promotion or advertising which will usually stop the moment you quit paying for it. What this means is that you can work very hard to generate a few hundred articles and post them at leading article directories complete with the right keyword phrases and you can then sit back and enjoy respectable and in some cases growing traffic for many years to come without having to lift a finger again.
Then there is the fact that articles are a very effective way of optimizing a site. You just need to do a couple of dozen articles with the right keyword phrases and you will notice some amazing amount of traffic crowding in the direction of your web site from search engines. Search engine traffic is usually very targeted and considered very high quality traffic, especially for an affiliate web site.
All these are extremely important factors because as you promote your affiliate program web site, you must bear in mind the fact that there is difference between attracting lots of traffic and attracting the kind of traffic that has a high conversion rate into clients. Basically what you want to do here is to attract the kind of traffic that has a high conversion rate. There are too many stories told about affiliate programs where affiliates were successful in attracting very high traffic, but ended up with nothing to show for it because the conversion rate was extremely low. One thing you can be fairly sure of is the fact that traffic generated by promotional articles and SEO articles tends to have a very high conversion rate. The reason for this is simple. Articles are very effective at pre-selling so by the time somebody reads an article and clicks on the link leading them to the site, they are already pretty much sold to already.
While it is true that you will have to learn the basics of SEO (search engine optimization) before you can qualify to write high quality SEO promotional articles, the truth is that this is something that is fairly easy to learn and will guarantee that you are able to effectively promote your affiliate program web site.
Interested in more tips on how to maximize your affiliate program profits? Check out
Advanced SEO Secrets - Learn How To Use The Magic Of Quality Links To Explode Your Traffic
In the ever changing area of internet marketing traffic is the lifeblood of your business. Without traffic you are very unlikely to succeed. With the increase of the amount of websites on the internet this is becoming a very challenging area.
Also with the constant changes in search engine algorithms it is becoming increasingly more difficult to obtain good search engine rankings. There are mainly two parts to a good search engine ranking. The first is to do keyword research and optimize your website for the keywords that you are targeting by including it in the title and one to three times in the body with related content.
Search engines these days are using latent semantic indexing. So it is very important to have content based on a theme using related words to your targeted keywords. You can also use a silo structure on your website as people have reported that they have achieved good results using this.
Now the most challenging part is actually getting quality one way links to your website. This is what makes up about 90 percent of your ranking. Finding quality one way links can be a full time job especially in a very competitive niche market where you may need tens of thousands of links to get a good ranking.
There are certain things that you can do to acquire one way links. Submit your website to quality directories, submit articles to article directories, post on high traffic forums with a link to your website in your signature and do frequent press releases about your website.
Link building is very important to acquire good search engine rankings and you may want to consider outsourcing this function if it takes up too much of your time.
Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?
Here's the answer:
Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.
Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
An Easy Way To Create and Get Unique Articles For Your Site And Blog
There are a lot of marketers out there that will give you PLR articles as a bonus with something else you have bought. Changing several of the paragraphs is not enough. If you leave just one paragraph intact then you have committed plagiarism and Google and several other search engines may see this as duplicate content. However, there is a way to make sure the articles are 100 percent unique. Imagine a traffic accident which is witnessed by many different people at the same time. Each person will tell a different story about what happened.
The easiest way is to just read each article you have and write each one in your own words as an article. Everything always has a different meaning to each person who hears it. To do this you are maybe looking at just 15 minutes of your time for each article. Do the math, How many would you then be able to write with just an hour of your time? How many with an entire day?
There are still some people who are not able to do this if it means missing a sporting event or a favorite show on TV. For these people there is still a way. Is there a local college or school near you? Then make a contest or game out of it and ask some students to read an article and re write it in their own words. Make sure that each student forfeits all rights to whatever they write though.
I have seen hundreds of marketers who use one of the above 2 techniques. They are doing this because each site that they submit these articles to will no be a one way link back to them. These one way links are vitally important if you want to achieve a high page rank for your site or blog. Now you can try the other route which would be to pay money for these types of links but most of us do not have this kind of money to just throw a way.
Jeffrey A. Solochek grew up in WhiteFish Bay, Wisconsin but now resides in Brunswick, Georgia. He is an established authority on his niches of life, business, and marketing. Mr Solochek has a lot of great experiences and he writes about everything leaving out any sugarcoating. All his writings contains No BS, No Fluff Plus everything he writes always contains his unique wit and humor.
Internet Marketing Strategies for Google AdWords
AdWords is a tricky tool to use; on one hand it can make you a lot of money. Of course on the other hand, you can blow your entire life savings if you have no clue what you're doing. Marketing with AdWords is all about staying relevant; If you're too broad or off topic, you'll can't slammed or should I say slapped.
The first set of strategies you need to consider is to make your ads as closely related as possible. Make sure your keywords are in your ad title and in the body of your ad as well. Make separate campaigns for keywords that will need a separate ad; you may need to make many campaigns for the same product.
Next, you need to make sure that all of the keywords you're picking are closely related to your landing page. If you are an Internet Marketer trying to use a squeeze page to capture visitors email addresses, make sure that your squeeze page is optimized to your keywords. If one of your keywords is stock market strategies, make sure that the word is somewhere on your squeeze page or has a phrase closely related to the keyword. You may need to make multiple landing pages for each ad group or campaign.
Another marketing tip would be to optimize your display URL to also read one of your keywords if possible. Every little bit helps when it comes to AdWords; they're so anal, but it actually helps smart marketers out because the higher your quality score is, the higher you're ranked regardless of bids.
AdWords is just one of many internet marketing strategies you need to implement everyday, stick with it and you will be successful.
Try the new Adwords techniques here for free...
Targeted List Building - 5 Revealed Secrets to a Better List Building
List building is probably the best source of potential clients that any ebusiness could ever rely on. The list of e- mail addresses basically show how great is your potential or capacity to generate leads in order to increase your sales potential and of course your profits. Also, the quality of this list of e-mail addresses tells a business the capacity to sustain its dominance in the business sector. This is the reason why building a list is essential and important. To make your mechanism work to your advantage, the following secrets are revealed to help you achieve good results in building your list:
1. Make sure that your invitation to sign up and register is spread visibly on every page of your site. This makes the subscription process more likely to be successful and positively driven.
2. Always make the sign up process simple and organized. You do not want to scare your potential registering members by presenting them lengthy, complex registration form. To augment the number of your registrants, just ask them for their e-mail address, as this is the only contact information you will ever need in sending them your email messages.
3. When you have the invitation to sign up, make sure that you also give them the chance to sign out from the list. The opt-out option is a good indication that you are not forcing anyone to subscribe and that the subscription is never locked out.
4. You can make an invitation by leveraging on the traditional means. You can make use of the print and ads media to make an invitation to sign up. This is another good form of widening your capacity to expand your list.
5. You can also make a promotion about your invitation on every e-mail message that you send out. This is a good way to maximize and fully use all possible means and methods in order to make sure that you are able to capture every form of potential subscription.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.
Article Marketing - My Philosophy That Drives Me To Massive Article Marketing Success
Here's my philosophy on article marketing: The purpose of an article is to generate traffic. And it's very probable that more than half the visitors to an article don't even read it (though I hope you're not one of them!). Quality of your articles is important, and so is the quantity with which you write them and submit them!
When people click through on your articles, most will just click through to your site link in your resource box, decide to buy or optin or whatever it is, or just click away from your article. A very small percentage will even read your article. Maybe 1 in 10. That's 10 readers for every 100 visitors. And the title of an article is just as important than the content. You should be spending plenty of time crafting out a quality title.
I'd rather produce a good informative article that gets the point across than try to produce an article that will take hours to write. Some people have minds that race, and others can get in 30-50 words a minute. Some people have both. That's a lethal concoction for article marketing. If you can type very quickly and are already well versed in the topic, then you can crank out a 250-300 words article in 10 to 15 minutes without doing any research.
Most people write articles and when you read them, it reads like a textbook. You'd want to be conversational in your articles. Think about the most entertaining books you have read; more likely than not, the tone of the book was conversational. It was as if the author was sitting in a caf with you and having a lively discussion. That's how you want to write your articles!
Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:
"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"
Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!
Article Marketing - 4 Highly Impacting Ways on How to Achieve Effective Article Marketing
The primary purpose of article marketing is to relay a message that you know will be of importance to your recipients. This is the only way that you can measure the efficiency and the success rate of your article - when you know that your article material has reached the people who need your information. It is for this reason that it is being suggested for article marketers to follow the below written guidelines to achieve an effective article marketing scheme.
1. Make sure you understand how the information that you have included on your article can be of use to your readers. When you know the answer to this, you will not then have a difficulty in understanding what sort of information that needs to be included on it. Always consider that the information that you put on it shall be used as a basis to come up with decisions.
2. Make sure that your readers have, to the least, an ample amount of understanding of what you are conveying to them. This means that whatever information that you include on your article, make sure that it is not a total stranger in the perception of the reader. Make sure that a generalized idea or concept is provided somewhere on the contents to promote an air of understand ability.
3. Consider the various types of readers that your article material may be encountering. Significantly, you have to make sure that your article material should be able to adapt with the immense cultural and intellectual differences of the readers. It is only with this that clear understanding of the article material can be achieved.
4. Proactively solicit for any feedback or suggestion that concerns the information that you have included on your article. This will make the writer more competent the next time he writes and all at the same time, it allows for diverse ideas to amalgamate that can produce far better form of information.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.
Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 3 Marvelous Ways to Jump Start Your Article Marketing
Though there are numerous traffic-generating tools that have been introduced over the last couple of years, article marketing remains to be the best method in driving quality, organic traffic to a particular website. This is the reason why webmasters are making this technique their primary marketing tool to augment the number of their visitors and improve their page ranking on major search engines.
One of the elements that can greatly help article marketer to succeed in this method is identifying the ways and avenues where they can have their articles published and possibly re-distributed. Because contrary to popular beliefs, articles can be submitted to other websites aside from articles submission sites like
Here are the 3 other ways on how you can market your articles in the world wide web:
1. Create ebook using your articles. There is a huge demand for ebooks these days and you can meet this need by compiling all your articles to create an informative, compelling ebook. You can use this as a giveaway to convince people to join your email marketing list or as viral marketing tool. Let your recipients know that they can share the ebook to their friends and family members for free!
2. Convert your articles to email marketing content. Though autoresponders, you can send useful, informative articles to your client base to either inform them or persuade them to support your products and services.
3. Post your articles on your website. This will not only make your website a great source of information, but it will also make your site search-engine friendly. Just imagine the amount of traffic you can drive to your site when online users search for keywords that you have on your website content.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Article Marketing Checklist
Article marketing is an easy, powerful and effective way to market your business.
Here's a checklist you can use for every article you write.
1. Know your goal for each article
What's your goal for your article? Your goal may be to provide links and traffic to your Web site, or to promote a product or your services.
Write your goal down. When you're writing, it's very easy to forget what your goal was.
2. What's your reader's takeaway?
Each article needs to have a takeaway - a benefit - for your reader. This enhances your credibility, and makes it more likely that the reader will visit your site via the links in your resource box to see what else you have to offer.
Write down your takeaway.
3. Develop your keywords so your readers will find you
Research the most appropriate keywords for your article. Collect five to 10. You'll emphasize two to three in the article, the others will be added to article's Web page meta tags.
4. Develop an intriguing title that's relevant and includes a promise
Think of your article's title as a headline. It's the most important part of your article, because it attracts attention, and it should include the promise of a benefit to the reader.
Make sure the title is relevant to your article, and includes your most important keyword.
5. Write the article, delivering on your promise
When you're writing your article, ensure that you deliver on the promise you made in the title. Unless you deliver, your reader will have no incentive to click through to your site - he no longer trusts you, because you don't keep your promises.
6. Write the resource box for the article
Your "resource box" has a single goal - to get the reader to click through to your landing page for the article. Make another promise of a benefit if the reader clicks.
7. Post the article on your site
Add the article to your Web site as site content, adding links to products and services relevant to the article.
8. Post the article to an article directory
Should you post your article to several article directories for promotion and traffic, or just one?
Some article marketers believe that you should post your articles to many directories. However, I prefer to post to a single directory. It saves time and I haven't noticed any benefits from posting to many directories. Your mileage may be different.
So there you have it - your article marketing checklist. It will increase the speed at which you can write effective articles by giving you a method to follow.
Want to build a well-paid writing career? You can, with Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.
For more writing tips, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report". It's 21 pages packed with information to help you to develop a six-figure writing career, and it's completely free. Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Blog at brings you fresh writing tips several times a week.
Articles Are The Quickest Way To Your Customers Wallet
Write articles about your website and submit them to "free content" submission sites. These sites contain a link to your own website and can increase traffic and potential income. People reading your articles may choose to click on the link to your site.
Your articles are also available to other webmasters who could publish them on their site (your article in their site includes a link back to your website and can still attract visitors).
As your list of published articles grows larger and they appear in greater numbers on different sites, the total number of links to your site increases. Major search engines place a lot of importance on incoming links to websites to help establish the importance of a certain site.
The more incoming links the site has the more importance search engines attach to it and increases your website's placement in the search results.
The links that your articles achieve will mean more potential customers for promotion of products or services and people only browsing will see your promotion and may become future customers. People requiring specific things who are undecided because of the numerous choices online, may see an article of yours, become interested and visit your site. They may want what you have on offer.
Search engines index websites, published articles and any other articles pertaining to your own site's topics, so someone searching for that topic will find your site and possibly your articles in the results list.
Many webmasters write articles about their site instead of other means of promoting it. Getting their site known is far easier if they have articles increasing their links and making it accessible for visitors searching the Internet. People do a lot of online buying and having your website on the search engines through your articles is one way of creating awareness about your business and you.
Write about things of interest and what people may want to know about. You can achieve this in a light hearted but professional manner, with no obvious sales pitch. It takes very little time to write one article and submit it to a free content site. The articles will be distributed to other sites and attract visitors than you never had before.
Writing articles is not a waste of time. Imagine the exposure the Internet will give your website, products or services. It's worth trying - you will be assured of increased site traffic, popularity, interest and of course more earnings.
Why not benefit from something you get for free?
Bob Cotto has over 35 years experience in Senior Sales and Marketing Management positions with a variety of companies, such as We The People (largest legal document preparation franchise in US), IRM (retirement planning company for educators), Live Marketing (leading international trade show marketing company), Cigna Securities (broker dealer arm for insurance giant) and many others. For each of these companies, he's led the sales and marketing teams to triple digit record breaking growth year after year. If there's one thing he understands, its business. And that's why he KNOWS that the Ultimate Business In A Box has everything you'll need to succeed.
Article Marketing Management - The Winning Article Marketing Management Strategy
If you are reading this, then you must either be an article marketer or you want to be one. Whether you are a beginning article marketer or an expert you need a great article marketing management system. Without managing your articles you will not know where your visitors are coming from and what is making you money. Read on to discover the top article marketing management system.
The first thing you need to do is start testing different resource boxes. This can be done with one single article or with multiple articles. Basically you want to create 4 different versions of the resource box for the same article. Then, you need to submit the article to four different article directories, each with different resource boxes. Wait about a week and check to see how many clicks you had on each resource box.
Make sure you break it down into a percentage of clicks compared to views since you will get more clicks from better article directories than others. After you have done this you can go ahead and change all of your articles to the best resource box you have. This will give you the best chance to get the most clicks from your articles. This tip alone can triple your clicks.
The second thing you need is a tracking system. Your tracking system needs to keep track of views, clicks, sales, and list sign ups. This will give you a good idea of how your articles are performing and you can figure out which articles are your best and continue to use the strategy that you used for them.
Article marketing is always a learning process and you need to continually be learning from your own articles. With this type of article marketing management you will be able to keep on top of your performance and know what is going on with your articles.
Discover how to create Articles Faster than you could ever imagine. Go here for more information:
Article Marketing Revealed
Article marketing is one of the most effective methods of traffic generation and name recognition building that is available online today, and yet many people in internet marketing, like yourself, perhaps, are unaware of how it really works.
Here is article marketing revealed:
1) Write articles related to the topic of your web pages
2) Include links to your web pages in the articles
3) Submit the articles to the online article directories
Generally at this point, the next step is for the article directory to perform. They will either accept your article, and publish it, and you should begin to get traffic from the article, or they will not accept it (reject it). When they reject your article, many of the article directories will send you an email indicating why they have rejected your article, and by studying the rejections, you can determine what changes you need to make to get your articles to the point that they are generally accepted and published. In this way your time will become more productive as you are writing articles.
Once your article is approved and published, it will be available online the world over for search engines to see and index, for humans to access and read, and for other webmasters to use as content for their own websites. This is the most exciting part of the process, as other webmasters upload your article, links included, into their web sites.
Many of the article directories also use RSS feeds that allow other webmasters to automatically update their own websites with the content from the article directories (including your own articles). This of course automates the article propagation process.
Article marketing really can be an awesome source of almost viral traffic, especially when the articles are submitted to the best article directories and the articles are written in a tone that encourages responsiveness.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 800 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.
When You Find A Niche, What Do You Sell?
Finding a niche market to target is the hard part. Once you've done that part, then it's time to decide what it is you want to sell.
The best product to start off with is an electronic product, however there is an endless list of what you can do.
The following tips should get you started:
1. Ebooks - There is plenty of content online that you can use (along with your own knowledge) that you could put into an ebook.
2. Software - If you're technically minded, or you are ok to pay someone to do it for you, you can sell software that will help the target market you have chosen.
3. Audio files - Why not narrate your ebook onto an audio file and sell it as an extra? Even better, you can interview an expert in the field you have chosen and sell the recording!
4. Videos - Videos have really taken off lately, and if it suits your niche, why not sell a series of videos?
5. Dropshipping - this is where you're selling someone else's product and you don't have to worry about posting it because the dropshipping company looks after it all!
6. Affiliate marketing - sell other people's stuff for commission. You can sell ebooks, courses, books, DVDs - anything!
7. Paid subscription newsletters - people will pay to subscribe to your newsletter so make sure the content is valuable and useful!
8. Paid membership sites - create a password-protected membership site and charge people to access it.
The list above is only the tip of the iceberg. You can pretty much sell whatever you want, but of course as I said earlier, electronic products are the way to go (at least at first).
The reason I say this is because electronic products (ebooks, audios, videos, software etc) allow your business to "run itself". If you have a decent autoresponder working for you, then it is possible you will literally make money while you sleep! Now that's what I call a great business to have!
Michelle Green is a Life Coach, author and internet marketer who has spent a lot of time and effort learning from the best teachers in internet marketing from around the world.
She has travelled across the country and overseas in pursuit of knowledge and is soon to start working with her mentor, David Cavanagh, as part of his technical support team.
Michelle recently launched which offers website building services, along with education and resources for people who want to know how to build a website and start an online business.
Competition Freebies and Sponsorship For Free Advertising and Link Popularity
How many competitions are there running on the net at this time? 1000 maybe? Nah, 100,000 is more than likely and when they pass their closing date there will be just as many to take their place.
So, why are companies so desperate to give away free stuff just for answering a question or two? I'll tell you why...
...because it is an INCREDIBLY effective and very INEXPENSIVE way to get your company name mentioned on hundreds, if not thousands of websites, message boards, forums, blogs and conversations both in the online and offline world, not to mention the good PR it generates - that's why!
Who doesn't want their company name-dropped all over the place for what amounts to mere peanuts when compared to the costs of traditional advertising?
There are thousands of specialist competition and freebie sites whose sole purpose is to inform the rest of the internet when a new competition or freebie offer hits the internet. There are as many mailing lists, newsgroups, message boards and blogs on the same subject and YOUR company name could be plastered over all these when you add a competition giveaway to your site.
But it doesn't stop there.
If you are reading this as a webmaster then you obviously know all the major search engines look upon inbound links as being one of the main deciding factors in deciding which pages rank where in the organic search engine results. All these free, one-way inbound links pointing directly at your website are pure gold dust in terms of increasing your link popularity and thrusting you up towards the top of the search engines.
Whilst everyone else is rushing around participating in link exchange programs, renting links on websites, buying their way into search directories and more costly measures to help get the jump on their competitors, you could be flying up the rankings by giving away something as cheap as a $20 DVD once a month.
Of course, you can also make your generosity work extra hard for your business as well and really milk that competition freebie... Rather than just give one lucky visitor a chance to win something when they leave their details at your site how about some of these ideas to get a double hit from your freebie:
1) Newsletter Competition
A competition give-away to everyone who signs up with your newsletter. Draw an email address from the hat every month and announce it in the newsletter and you'll treble your subscription rate and keep them reading. Want to ensure they really read it? Ask a question about a specific aspect of the newsletter and get people to email it in and draw a winner from one of the entrants. You get more subscribers AND you ensure they're reading!
2) Newsletters again...
Add a checkbox to your competition entry page, order page etc. offering people the chance to sign up for your newsletter (making sure to offer the hook of exclusive newsletter give-aways, freebies, coupons etc. of course) and you've got a bunch of new subscribers. This is a less effective means of building your mailing list but it still works.
3) The Scavenger Hunt Competition.
Get people to browse around your website to give you the answers to a question or two you propose. Think "By how much is the Super Megatron 2000 reduced by this month"? and use these questions to direct people to your latest promotions and offers. Not only do you get all those extra visitors from blogs and comeptition sites like you wanted, but you also show these extra visitors the highlights of your site which will either encourage them to buy there and then or bookmark you for future reference rather than hitting and running.
4) The Repeat Competition Hook
Giving away different freebies in your competitions each month ensures two things. Firstly, competition addicts (of which there are many) will hit your site every month giving you a chance to market your offers to them at least once a month. Secondly, you ensure those search result boosting links continue to multiply every month...
...and so on. If there is any aspect of your website or business you feel is a real hook and worth promoting to customers then a decent competition used correctly is the perfect way to highlight it to a wide audience without spending a fortune on advertising.
But hang on, this isn't the ONLY way to use competitions to your own advantage. Another great way is to not run your own competition at all but to simply SPONSOR a competition on another site. Getting into a small competition sponsorship deal with a high traffic site in a related (but non-competiting) subject area can bring some awesome targetted traffic your way. If they archive their competition results and past sponsorships, then that's another one-way link you got into the bargain as well.
The possibilities here are endless and it's not going to cost you anything more than a few bucks each month in order to start the ball rolling.
So what are you waiting for?
Mark Falco is the webmaster and owner of DVD Rental Services and Just UK Freebies.